My name is Jim, I am 63 yrs old, retired and living on social security here in New Hampshire in the U.S.A. I have lots of experience and knowledge to share. I worked mostly as a baker and cook for 30 yrs but I can do so much more, it would take forever to put it all down here. I recently took care of my elderly parents for 7 yrs so they didn't have to go in a nursing home and let me tell you that was tough. They have both passed away now but they didn't go in a home and I still have our home which the nuring home would have taken for sure, so for that I am kinda proud. I am ready to go off-grid if i have to, I got a battery bank and a wind generator, also build my own rocket stove which is totally amazing. I learned how to make my own colloidal silver which i hope to pass on and possibly sell some to anyone who is interested. I have been into herbs and alternative healing for yrs, started learning about all that around 1982 and while I am not a liscensed professional I do have a lot of personal experience I can speak from. I also love sports but it's getting harder and harder to get around but I have not give up.
As for steem.it, I got to say I was skeptical at first but now that I've been on here I love it, it is addicting isn't it? I am also excited to be able to convert steem to bitcoin and bitcoin to steem this has tremendous potential. It is also uplifting to have a forum to present all I know and also it's a challenge to put it all together but fun at the same time. This is great, glad to be here.149142_436913056376694_1453522175_n.jpg


When you start writing about all that abilities will look like an encyclopedia!
Please start flooding steemit with all that content!
I'm following you now :)

thank you very much. you know being retired this is great it gives me something meaningful to do.

Welcome aboard Jim - that's fantastic that you are prepared to go off-grid. I would love to be able to do that one day.

It sounds like you have strong love for your family - I have a lot of respect for people who are willing to go the extra mile for family and strangers alike.

I lived in West Lebanon, NH for 3 years but just moved back to Vermont. Years earlier I lived in Concord for a few years. Thank you for introducing yourself - I wish you the very best of luck in your future endeavors.

thank you and best of luck to you too. i worked at landmark college in putney for 3 or 4 yrs, vermont is a beautiful place, good people.

Welcome Jim I live in South Africa and look forward to reading your stories. I joined today so it is all very new to me! I also have an interest in alternative healing and I am an animal communicator too!

thank you and welcome to steem.it. i had pet iguanas, i kept them alive for 10 yrs, not easy up here in cold new england. i loved them very much and was heartbroken when they died. animals are just so cool and they all have their own personality.

I think it's a shame that nursing homes buy up the elderly's homes, then let them sit for years before putting them on the market. all the while the property gets run down from being empty, young families can't find decent housing and property values fall everywhere in rural and small town america. I can see 4 homes suffering this fate from my front porch right now. I'm sorry these folks needed nursing care at the end, but i'm even more sorry that the homes they built with love and effort are falling to ruin because of this shameful practice. The families should have seen the value of the property, not a medical institution run by CEO's making outrageous sums and shareholders getting paid for being lucky enough to have invested in this corrupt system years ago.

yes i agree it is terrible. i don't know that they buy anything, they just take everything people have when they go in these homes it is sickening.

hello, welcome to steemit. upvoted ! :)

Welcome to the club! Follow me at https://steemit.com/@bitgeek

Welcome aboard Jim. Nice to have you here. I use to visit Nashua when I was younger and lived in Lowell. I sure miss fall in New England. I look forward to seeing your other posts. BTW, do you have Solar?

hello. no i don't have any solar yet. it's not all that sunny around here, there are times when it seems to be cloudy for weeks. i may get some solar panels especially if the price comes down with new innovations but i haven't done it yet. i am considering building a passive solar heat set up in my big window and i have given some thought to making a solar oven. yes the fall is beautiful up here it's like living in a postcard. lol take care.

Welcome to Steemit Jim! Enjoy the ride here. See you around! :-)