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RE: Lyn Ulbricht, mother of Silk Road political prisoner Ross Ulbricht, is now on Steemit!

Is there a future, post-benevolent-Singularity where people are punished for victimless non-crimes? I think not. Perhaps we should all bet as to whether this is the case on prediction markets that then become self-fulfilling prophecies. What is the best prediction market? And: How do we get totalitarians to take the opposing bets? (Perhaps each court conviction for a victimless non-crime is automatically entered as a counter-bet, after financing by some benevolent billionaire like Peter Thiel..)

There needs to be an economic incentive placed on figuring out a way to defeat the prison industrial complex. One of the cheaper ways(technically) is to win elections, but the election-participating "pro-freedom" parties are totally rigged (most are infiltrated). This infiltration raises the expense of winning elections to astronomical heights.

Market pressure must be brought to bear on the situation.

There is no reason for Ross to be in prison.