
¿Hay oportunidad de invertir en su club para otros tipos de usuarios, (no inversores)?
¿que beneficios podrían obtenerse si me hago miembro o hago una delegación?Hola @investorsclub, considerando la propuesta, no me considero un "investor", mis publicaciones son de otros temas.


Is there an opportunity to invest in your club for other types of users (non-investors)?
What benefits could be obtained if I become a member or make a delegation?Hello @investorsclub, considering the proposal, I do not consider myself an "investor", my publications are of other topics.

Sorry the Investors Club is limited to topics of interest to investors.

If you are not interested in investing, then we are not the right club for you.

There are lots of groups on Steemit, have a look around and you will find some that match your interests.