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RE: If you're new to steem or steemit and you aren't making HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS yet -- let me explain why...

Some of us would like to try being deaf (seriously) just for a bit to block out city noise. With hearing there can be downfalls too. :)

Not to make light of the situation, but I do hope you do get it fixed if that is what you're ready to do.

The bandwidth issue protects the network. New users can overrun the network with new accounts uploading all kinds of junk. Bots too. So limiting bandwidth is necessary.

I don't have a bandwidth limit that I've ever managed to cross, mostly because I'm an older user, with higher reputation that I've earned over time.

So when you bump into bandwidth issues...
Or when you start to think you should quit the network...


It's easy to get frustrated here, but the long term benefits are immense. Stick with it... and remember me as you get bigger and larger. I could use more friends on this system.

Good luck to you.


I know, I appreciate it. It's just the limitation for a new user feels a lot like a banning, and that's what it seemed like, not to mention the tons of misinformation about what was going on with it as well didn't help matters. The research had to be done on my own without being able to contact anyone from within Steemit for help. For some reason SteemitChat wasn't registering my account/sending me the verification email so no help there either. Was hair ripping levels of ugh.

Trust me when I say about deafness, I know what I'm missing to a large degree, I know how noisy it can be. It's a misconception that the deaf can't hear anything at all. Fire a gun near me I'll turn to face it, so will any other deaf. But yes, getting it corrected is what I want to do, because it's so tiring when I'm with company to read lips all the time and focus my attention everywhere. I eventually get to where I zone out of conversations in 10 or so minutes.