As a new user to steemit it can be quite frustrating at first. Let me ease the pain with an explanation of what to expect.
This is the first thing people might quickly realize. You write a good post... you spent an hour or two doing it. It takes time to edit, re-write, find good photos and put them in your post.
An hour to write a post? Maybe two hours?
Oh yes! A lot of good bloggers will spend that much time writing a post. The hardest part is getting your draft written.. then you go back and read it, and edit it again. Then comes the clip art and photos.. that alone can take 45 minutes to an hour.. especially if you are editing and photoshopping the pictures to customize them yourself.
Ok fine... I spent 2 hours writing my post and uploading photos. Then you think and say "I put my entire heart and soul into it... I not only impressed myself with this hard work, but I hope people will love it too..."
You post it... and wait...
After 24 hours pass.. you've made 11 cents.
REALLY? I just spent 2 hours of my life, writing good content, and I got 11 cents? Why??
I will tell you why you should spend 2 hours for 11 cents... and before I do, I want to tell you something:
- Spending the time you did, was correct. Good posts take that long
- Good posts don't always get paid well. So don't expect to always get upvotes even if what you wrote was really good. Most of these "dolphins and whales" of steemit (people with large wallet balances) have had this happen to them too before. You're not alone.
Now here's what you didn't realize that just happened with that 11 cent post:
- You got 3 new followers, that love your work. They didn't just upvote your post. But they now have you on their feed. They're going to watch for your next post, and because they like your work, you're going to get upvotes again, and again, and again, from the same people who like your style
- You got practice and learned what a good quality post takes... it's a lot of time and effort, and if you're not happy with the work you put into it.. why should you expect anyone else to take notice? You're on the right track if you DO spend that much time working on your post.
- GREED and expectation of payment is not what fuels steemit. There is a lot of people here working hard, just like you. The fact that someone else made $120 on their post, and you made 11 cents means nothing. Tomorrow you might make $120 on your post, and that other person might make only 11 cents. Not everyone wins "all of the time"...
- Perseverance pays off...which is a complicated way of saying.. be devoted to who you are, what you want to say... eventually you will build an audience and they'll appear when you need it the most. Don't worry.. it will happen.
Now a free tip, to all new users of steemit who want to make posts and get paid:
You *MUST* build a following. That means followers. How do you get followers?
That's easy. Visit and upvote other people's posts that are inspiring. Write good comments on their posts and they are more likely to click your name, and see 'who you are' out of curiosity.
If some bot, or simpleton writes on my blog:
Yes, I like this
I won't bother to click their name and check out their blog or upvote them.
If a real person, with sincere intentions writes a comment on my blog:
I like this, because it happened to me too! I want to share with you with what happened (and they write a short paragraph)...
...then I know they not only read my blog post, and upvoted, but they also took the time in the comment section to write something specific, meaningful, and I become very thankful for it. When they do that... of course, I want to click their name and see "who is this person. what else do they write"... next thing I know, I'm following them and upvoting their blog posts too...
Here's what a lot of new users to steemit do...
They make a short post, and make 11 cents...
They make a long post, and make 11 cents...
They realize.. why the heck am I spending an hour or two making a great post with photos for 11 cents, when I can make really simple posts and still make 11 cents? I'm just going to write LOTS of simple junk posts and make 11 cents many times, it's easier.
That's where they go wrong. Just because your first 10 or 20 posts didn't yield a high payout doesn't mean you're not gaining followers, attraction, or you're not going to be popular in the future.
Do you realize it takes 1,090 junk posts @ 11 cents to equal one-good hot post worth $120 ?
Why do that to yourself?
But if you keep writing short, simple, low quality content, you will never see the day when your posts are going to be worth $20, $120, or even $240.... like some people make.
Be dedicated and devoted to who you are, and eventually you will get noticed and make a lot of money on this system. Keep up the good and hard work... It WILL pay off in the end.
Don't worry what money you make today. Keep trying, keep working at it. You will get rewarded very nicely over the long term. As long as you are not trying to cheat the system, it won't cheat you either.
There's so many people here. The most true, passionate, and hard working people always win in the end. Don't give up!
==> Please RESTEEM this post on your blog so many people see it. We have over 10,000 new users joining each month. We don't want junk posts constantly littering the feeds. This helps everyone. <==
I love your post! thanks! I had been blogging in the past and built a 12000 followers in my facebook fan page. Unfortunately, I just discovered Steemit a week ago! hahahaha But I'm positive this can also work here, and much better.
Following you! :)
Excellent. As I mentioned in another comment somewhere here... everyone who shows up with a comment, I'll make an effort to visit their blogs and if they're good I'll be following you too soon... and maybe even resteeming posts... so this could really work out. :) Glad you found steemit.
Hi - just me - showing up
Thanks for the inspiring article, all goods points. do you think focusing on one area like cryptocurrency is better? starting out I've just been writing about many unrelated topics that i'm interested in and see what works!
Primarily yes. All the time, no. Your primary audience will be interested in one particular topic. If you vary too often and too frequently, you will lose your primary audience I think..
..but occasionally feel free to deviate once in awhile to mix things up. Just not too often is my recommendation.
cool. thanks for the quick reply and the advice!
Hey I wanted to let you know that what you are doing here is a good idea. ;P
Wow... You can even make money on a comment... Way to go... You have 16 votes on your comment... That should give people a heads up... Anyway, if you have time, feel free to visit my place and read a Post or Two...
OMG! I did not realize!! lol
I just gave you another Upvote for this comment... lol... Have a great day...
Now you know that followers in facebook are useless. If you have that followers in steemit, wow, you will be greatly rewarded.
Totally agree!!! Facebook has this funny algorythms that once you have more than 10000 followers, your posts are no longer so visible to them, unless you pay to promote them.
Hopefully this is not happening here ! :)
There's no way steemit will be asking for fee. In fact, its the opposite. Steemit is giving us what facebook could not give.
That's one of the reasons why we love it, init? :)
@omwith consider inviting your Fb fans. Some people who bring in their own crowd become whales over night. Best of luck to you!
...that's a great idea!
I was on facebook for years, and I kept getting unfollowed for saying things that were true, but which people didn't like. Now I'm on Steemit, and I keep getting more followers, and getting paid for saying the very same things. Have you ever had one of those realisations that you've been hanging around with the wrong crowd, simply by virtue of having met them because they live close to you?
This is so AWESOME! I have the same thoughts about FB, and especially when those old time "school mates" came around after years of no contact asking to follow and be followed because some digital online algorithm connected us using our personal data. Thanks for your comment @anarcotech Glad to have found Steemit!
I totally agree with you! It seems to me that since in Facebook we keep family, friends and other acquaintances, we tend to be politically correct most of the times, and not always express our opinions as they are.
And yes, I also had this experience as you describe it! I think this is the challenge, in general, letting go of the things and people (or in this case, the social media!) that do not fit into our current values or interests.
Funnily enough, i often found it challenging to be politically correct. I actually think i've probably got more in common with steemians ive never met than some of my old faceschmuck friends.
I left Facebook 18 months ago when they started removing anything politically incorrect, or news stories they didn't want seen that I had posted...
Yeap! Their double moral is quite incomprehensible...!
I'm certainly with you regarding facebook. Just in the process of leaving/exchanging contact details with friends on there. I even felt compelled to write a poem about it! (random I know).
Haha this is spot on! I am now following as I like hearing home truths about the world. I will probably agree with most of them.
you lucky being :p should say "fortunately"
This is brilliant! Straight to the point and east to read. I love how you've worded everything. I even went to read your comments and you have that many, it crashed my app and I therefore had to restart the app and search again!! Sometimes it's actually nice to read a post without too much jargon and steemit talk, especially being a new steemian!! Thank you. I look forward to your future posts 😊
Absolutely. There is a cumulative effect of sticking with it. I left for a couple of months and when I came back, all my peers were miles ahead of me. Won't make that mistake again. Stick with it guys!
Condra --- just look at this blog... he's a prime example of good content. :) I can come up with a list of 20 memorable people from the early days who seemed to have a talent in writing good stuff and condra is one of them. Whoever reads this, click on his name and look at his blog. :)
He does a lot with photography and gadgets... but his posts have real meat to them. That's the type of stuff many people are looking for..
nawww stahp!
I'm not just saying it. I really did miss the @condra posts. Glad your back. You are really a piece of what I love about steemit.
I can prove it too... I never unfollowed you when you were absent, and when you came back, I was right there to greet you. Yeah! You're good .... :)
Thank You @intelliguy - just followed @condra - I have similar interests and his posts are awesome - just skimmed through a few - but will read them at length.
Hi Condra - just followed you
Thanks!! I follow then! 😜
Great post. Yes, building a following is the key. There were many times that I thought of giving up too, and I've had my fair share of '11 cent' posts.
At least you got 11 cents,sometimes my posts get $0 lol
I had 11 cent posts before myself. It's hard to see it happen. I never understood it. When I finally learned "why".. it's only fair to share it with everyone too.. After a long time at this, none of my posts make 11 cents anymore. So in the concept of pay-it-forward -- I'm paying it forward. :)
I know that you posted this a long time ago, but I wanted to thank you because I really needed to read something like that. As you wrote, it's disappointing to see that other posts have more votes than yours even if you are trying hard. I'm new here, so I'll be constant and patience. Have a nice day!
Thanks for this.. it helps me to want to continue to write things like this... You're lucky you found it early on.. many of us had to learn the hard way after banging our heads against a wall. lol.
Keep chugging a long. Worry more about the future than what you see happening with your account today or tomorrow. Nice meeting you and I'll take a peek at your blog to boot. :)
This is absolutely true! There seems to have been a lot of people expecting to get big rewards on their first post here, but just like on any other website like this, you need a solid amount of followers before you get any real payback (unless you get lucky with a whale vote!).
Whale votes are nice, but they show up once in a while and you can't depend on them. I remember when @timcliff was something like reputation level 54 and I was level 62, and I totally knew he going somewhere.. and sure enough he did. I'm level 65, and I think he's atleast level 71 now...
That's the way it goes. Some people excel at this place and other people just give up early. :)
Totally true! I spent about 6 months on the website posting and posting and posting. I always tried to create content that added value. I also spent tons of time reading other people's posts and contributing to the conversation. For months, all of my friends were actually making fun of me for spending time on "that website" since I was spending pretty much all my time here and making practically no money. I kept trying to explain how it wasn't about the money I was making today, but that I was working on building a following, and if the people in the community and I could make the platform better, that the coins I earned from the site could one day be worth a lot more. None of them believed me, but 6 months later I finally got to the point that my posts would pretty consistently pay more than $10. Now (almost a year later after I started here) making more than a hundred dollars on a post actually happens quite often. New users might join the website and look at my blog and wonder "how is that guy making hundreds of dollars per post". If they look at the posts on their own, they might not see many differences between what they do and what I do, but if they realized how many zero payout posts and engaging comments I made before I got to that point, they would see what it takes :)
Thanks! That's inspiring! I've spent more than a year building a website about yoga and creativity. I had worked hard learning on my own to build my own wordpress, learning through tutorials about the basics digital marketing and social network. I built a 12000 followers fan page in facebook, I manage to get some authors contributing to my site with their articles...a looooot of effort! But I hardly get monetize any of this, actually the opposite, I spent money on domains, plugins, fb ads, etc
I wish I had knew steemit before...!!'
So many of you are an inspiration. I mean, just look at your comment . That took effort and thoughtfulness. I just did my intro post yesterday. I created a few pieces before that to gain my balance and a few since. I made my own little proprietary spreadsheet to stick to so I can comfortably get to a solid position in steem down the road. It took me 5 years to build the website I always wanted. Things worth anything take time. Small bites will still finish a big sandwich. Love the likemindedness in here. Good stuff.
@timcliff this comment should be the official testimonial for newbs like myself, so inspiring.
Thanks for sharing your journey.
So true.
Yeah, they are very unreliable, but they can go a very long way to motivate newcomers here :)
Thank you for this exposure to what can make someone earn well on steemit. I really believe that by following your blog posts, newbies like myself would have the opportunity to earn a decent income from steemit
Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following category:Congratulations @intelliguy!
You might wonder what this guy doing on a 6 months old post? or, more importantly, how did he found this? - well, google lead me here. Up until i was halfway through this post, i was really frustrated of the outcome i'm getting for my posts. I work hard, i research a lot to come up and complete an article - and there's rarely anything. I'm not talking about only money, I want people to read - If someone reads and lets me know his/her thoughts about the content, I'd be quite happy. But it wasn't happening either - and that frustrated me and made me question whether my spending so much time and energy is the right thing to do. at first, i was pretty consistent about working here, but my enthusiasm died down eventually and i had become quite irregular here on steemit. i still haven't come to my full rhythm. then i found your post and it has given me new hope - so, thank you for that. I'm already feeling a new hope and energy inside me. :)
Sure, I'll take a look simply based on your genuine comment, and resourcefulness you took to do some google searches to find this post. I always appreciate those who do their best to help themselves first (by searching for answers) and then asking for additional help is the right way to do it.
thanks, this really means a lot. I really want to do something meaningful here on steemit :) and I'm glad that you took the time to read my comment and give an answer. thank you so much :)
Great post and very helpful. I found you post when I was waiting to get accepted to steemit (finally got in Friday)
Been trying to follow your advise, slowly building my following and trying to write good post.
followed and upvoted
Thank you. You'll do well considering now you're armed with the first bit of information that will help you not get frustrated. Each follower and each vote will slowly increment you into a successful position in the long term.
Another reason to avoid the short low-quality posts is, I am viewing this post today, some 10 months after it was first published. I found it via the search and your advice has motivated me to follow you.
I'm opting for the long-term strategy every time.
Most people give up too easily, or they start doing bad things which seems to pay well initially until their reputation catches up with them.... and then the attract whales who ruin their account and downvote it to low rank numbers.
There is no get rich quick scheme here, and those that try, always fail.
If you're proud of your work, and you are patient, people will slowly discover you over time, and you'll build a strong following.
Thanks for the comment.
Wow. Your post gave me goosebumps and a moment to realize that it was okay to get less upvote, having less followers or even making less money. Because I'm a new by. Thanks alot sir @intelliguy . I loved your post from my heart. I spend a good amount of time last 2 days on my post and just having loss upvotes and followers but now, I can spend enough time on my post not thinking of the upvotes or followers or how much I make. One again, thanks for your post. I'll be reposting it 😊
Highly informative, however I don't tend to make exceptionally short blog posts myself but being deaf typing either in IM, text or email is my usual go to method of communication with people close to me in my life since they can't sign and often, I have a lot of things I want to say so I type and type and type and type.
I do have some challenges when it comes to grammar unfortunately, things will make sense to me in my blog posts that may be a bit confusing here and there for the hearing, but that is a communications issue that I'm still overcoming myself.
Thanks for the great read all the same. :D
It's nice to see your comment... not about the problems you described, but how we can talk to one another this way quite equally where sound is not even needed.
For those that are deaf, email, blogs, internet, text messages, etc are so helpful. I feel horrible for those that went through the 1960's and 1970's with only a TTY machine.
The way you write is miles ahead from what a large segment on steemit are able to write. Some don't care and don't bother to improve. Other people some barely know english and can read it better than they can write.
You'll be completely fine. I'm also glad you found this post. It is one of those I've written that holds value even today for some people and Google seems to send people to it since it has a "sticky" effect that once people click the link, they spend time on it before doing another google search.
Together we're all maturing with this platform and becoming more experienced users which will help when the avalanche of people start coming all at once. Some of us long termers (yourself included) will be here to help guide them and answer some of their most basic questions.
Glad you did your research and found this post... and happy it helped. :)
Ran into an extremely frustrating issue this morning, the second time I've ran into it. The bandwidth limit exceeded issue. I was ready to quit the platform all together and just stick with Minds (where I came from). Did a lot of research on it and made the best possibly conclusions I could and wrote about that myself. Kinda meta talking about steemit on steemit though, don't really care to do that all too much and will be getting back to what I typically write about, which is of course, deafness. ;)
Thanks for the response in kind, I do appreciate it, and I'm also on my path to getting my hearing corrected, I'm unhappy being deaf because I'm know what I'm missing, just finally taking the initiative to fix it. So I'll be better soon enough, probably another month or two, or so, depending on what I actually need and the time it takes to get it done.
Some of us would like to try being deaf (seriously) just for a bit to block out city noise. With hearing there can be downfalls too. :)
Not to make light of the situation, but I do hope you do get it fixed if that is what you're ready to do.
The bandwidth issue protects the network. New users can overrun the network with new accounts uploading all kinds of junk. Bots too. So limiting bandwidth is necessary.
I don't have a bandwidth limit that I've ever managed to cross, mostly because I'm an older user, with higher reputation that I've earned over time.
So when you bump into bandwidth issues...
Or when you start to think you should quit the network...
It's easy to get frustrated here, but the long term benefits are immense. Stick with it... and remember me as you get bigger and larger. I could use more friends on this system.
Good luck to you.
I know, I appreciate it. It's just the limitation for a new user feels a lot like a banning, and that's what it seemed like, not to mention the tons of misinformation about what was going on with it as well didn't help matters. The research had to be done on my own without being able to contact anyone from within Steemit for help. For some reason SteemitChat wasn't registering my account/sending me the verification email so no help there either. Was hair ripping levels of ugh.
Trust me when I say about deafness, I know what I'm missing to a large degree, I know how noisy it can be. It's a misconception that the deaf can't hear anything at all. Fire a gun near me I'll turn to face it, so will any other deaf. But yes, getting it corrected is what I want to do, because it's so tiring when I'm with company to read lips all the time and focus my attention everywhere. I eventually get to where I zone out of conversations in 10 or so minutes.
Thanks! I think this is exactly what new users need to hear when they are just getting started. I've only joined just today and your words are a perfect reminder of the fact that good results take time!
Thank you intelliguy, this gave me the pick me up I needed to persevere and move forward. It can be frustrating and I do see why people give up.
Resteemed for how valuable I found this :) 90% think SHORT TERM. We live in a society where instant gratification is ever more present, it's just due to people getting initially excited only to give up at a later point due to their realization that "get rich quick!" doesn't really exist.
Agreed. What's also really hard to watch is all these "low quality" content spammers flooding the place with junk. Other people watching them, and thinking they should flood it with junk too.
NO.... I can prove that good quality content does eventually get recognized... and when it does, people will read back the previous posts in your blog and realize "wow, I never new this person was writing this stuff before. I'm following them now"....
...but if your blog contains a bunch of historical "junk" posts... you're not going to get nearly as many followers that you would if you have a solid history of good content. :)
I'm starting to realize I did enter Steemit for the wrong (wrong??) reason: it was not (and is not!) my idea to get money for my posts or otherwise... I did join Steemit to read nice posts, comment on them, follow those whose writings speak to my heart... and enrich those same posts with experiences of my own... for free...
I don't even want to check my "wallet"...
Shall I leave?
To be honest, you're not actually getting money. You're getting STEEM... and STEEM can be converted (and held) when you "power up" in the form of STEEM POWER, which means you're investing STEEM back into the system.
The only time it becomes worth anything, is once you power down, and transfer it away. So if you never power down, and if you never transfer it away, then it sits and grows here, which makes your upvotes worth more and more to people that you "like" on the system.
It's very possible (and even appreciated) if you never take money or value from the system. So don't leave. Enjoy your stay. You're vital to this community in your own unique way. No one is force-ably paying you, and you don't have to take anything if you don't want to...
The entire core purpose of steemit is not to "make money" eventhough it seems that it is.. It's #1 goal is to be a freedom of speech community. It's #2 goal is to award the people who contribute to it.
If you're here for the #1 goal, then you're here for the #1 reason the whole thing was built for in the first place. Welcome!
P.S. Unlike any other book someone may have read. This book is alive and breathing. :)
This is a topic that seems to need refreshed coverage every week if not every few days. So many new people who need a starter course in Steemit. But hey, it should be our pleasure to share our wisdom. :)
Howdy @intelliguy. when this was first posted I read it like 3 or 4 times...then I upvoted and resteemed. I had this super duper awesome comment that wanted to make...It was really great and even on topic. It was more than just saying what a great post this is....It was even better than pointing out how well written it is. Then just as I was ready to write it all down my laptop battery died...Then my wife decided she was hungry....Really...I fed her sometime last week....or was it the week before? Anyway, I then forgot all about it till today when I saw the resteemed post in my list.....but now I don't remember my super duper awesome comment.....I really hate getting old.
The genuine explanation brought a smile to my face.... and there were some points you made in that comment that were nicely received. Best of all... it's always important to feed the wife. :)
Stumbled upon your old post and this is definitely a good piece of advice. I am glad I wasn't the only one who spend crazy amount of HOURS just to create a good piece of content. Thought I was crazy to be doing that. Hope to perfect my craft day by day. Followed and keep Steem on!
Hello @intelliguy.
I found your post to be very useful. Unfortunately since it is 3 months old I was unable to re-steem it. I wish there was a way to resteem older post, if there is I have not found it yet.
So I did a short blog post so that maybe some of the few people following me,(most seem to be like me, new to steemit) can take advantage of your post.
I have been collecting what I think are very useful post like yours so that I can learn and help others learn. Thank you for the very easy and descriptive post for new users.
You did it correctly for these reasons:
That's awesome. Your netiquette and genuine action is very appreciated. Thank you for doing it the right way. :)
Thank you, it is hard as a newbie trying to keep fat feet from stepping on the wrong toes.
scammer dont listen to them stay away
Thanks for a great post that's helped me to get more clear on the quality of content I want to put out here on Steemit. I'm new and when you run through the feed there is a lot of pretty basic posts there that aren't really delivering a ton of value. When you see it that way it shows up like it is more quantity than quality that's going to generate success. Reading your post here and the awesome thread of content in the comments makes it clear that quality rules. And I had no idea that there were 1,000 per day joining, that's some pretty epic growth. Best of success to you, upvoted and following.
Thank you for your detailed response. You're right. It's hard to get the perspective of what's going on without a lot of frustration and a lot of time. But when you know what to expect going in... it makes things easier.
It's hard to make a lot of money week one here. But if you keep at it, a year from now you'll look back, and all of it would have been worth it.
Consider how much time most of us have spent on Facebook, Twitter, or Reddit before. It takes time to learn those systems and become popular there too (if its even possible)... Steemit is no different in that one-single-respect. In every other way (especially about sharing wealth amongst the users, we're hugely different).
It's so true. And I think because I see the big picture here at Steemit I really want to get it right. It's kind of like ready, fire aim and figure it out as I go. I've popped up a couple of posts after being paralyzed trying to figure out an introduce yourself post. That can come later. Meanwhile it's so great to consume the quality content here and learn as I go. Thanks again, your work helped me and I appreciate that! :)
Who as getting $0.11!? I was only getting like $0.02!
Can not agree more with persevering! I myself have done this as living proof that it is possible like many others. Although I struggle at times because of some health stuff since getting Meningitis a while back. I have found myself with many opportunities beyond just posting which sometimes earn my account around $100 which is then used partially for things like giveaways in my steemit adventure to do some things a little differently in my own ways.
Lastly thank you @intelliguy for your interactions that have resulted from out meeting in these crypto places of ours.
This is an important notion. I’m going to present Steemit on one event with an intention to get as many people as I can in here. I’m gonna spend few minutes talking about the subject of your article, because I think that the users should join with this knowledge, not finding it out later on when they already feel sad for “failing”.
Holy Moley! I really liked this post but what impressed me the most with this article was how involved I see you are in the comments. Some of your replys are as big as the article! I'm a newbie and haven't even written my introduction yet so its nice for me to take in some good advice.
I'm impressed that you noticed that. :) I do get long winded at times, but never have I been told to stop writing. lol.. so it's become a habit of mine.
You just confirmed again what's I found out these last few days. My friend and I joined Steemit this past month. While I started spending time blogging and putting articles together and he didn't want to do the whole blogging thing, so he just commented and upvoted on interesting stuff. In that time frame he got twice as much followers as I did. So spending time building a community is key.
Thanks for sharing that... it proves I was giving the truth. :)
Hey. Very good information and incentive for new Steemit-Users.
I resteemed this post and hope it helps one or the other to be patient and faithful..
And.. money is not all :)
But i want to be honest. My first thoughts turned around money, but now, after a few weeks, I am glad to meet new people, share their experiences, like pictures, stories and so on.
It´s a good thing - Steemit
Steemit can either bring out the worst of people (greed) or the best of people... Just like you siad:
I too, actually feel a sense of community here. Not always, but many times I do.. and that's what intrigues me the most. Finding real people, who really do share good things. It's unlike any other place on the internet. :)
Thank you very much for your comment.. If I could have upvoted it again I would have. :)
Wrote something similar today. Wasn't aware of your post. You brake it more in detail. I focus mostly on commenting.
This was a really good read. Some amazing tips here for new and old steemians. I certainly learnt a thing or two here.
@rickskimartin this is a good read.
Absolutely true! You make a following as you go and it will grow your "brand" or whatever you would like to call it.
Besides, your "11 centes" today is just what your reward in Steem/SBD is worth now, if you don't cash it out it will grow by time and give you quite some more in return. It will also give you some more weight on the network.
Great post @intelliguy and very well given points to new people starting out on this wonderful platform.
This is just what I needed. My motivational post. Now I know what I need to do to be successful on this awesome platform. Thanks so much for taking the time to write it. You're awesome. Resteeming for my handful of followers.
I smile... because without a lot of people like you and I, this whole thing would never work. It's not just some of us that makes it work. It's all of us together. I'm very excited to check our your blog... and who knows @cryptodog you might do better than I have on this system, and I'm ok with it. That's the way it is suppose to work. Thanks for the vote and I'll see your stuff soon.
Thanks so much @intelliguy.
I really liked your post, it gave me some hope, although I think that quality posts and real engagement reap there own rewards. That said as an absolute newbie, I'm still trying to find my voice. This post has some excellent points. Thank you for such a timely post.
It helps when we first get here and in the confusion of it all, we know what works and what won't. :)
Wow, and I almost didn't click on this link because I just read another of your articles. I am new to steem and while I am not discouraged in the least, I really was wondering why it seemed that some people got a lot of publicity and other posts just vanished into the blue.
But I see now that it has to do with followers and what not. This is a lot like building a tumblr or a new twitter account. It really does take time to get going. It's important that people here this sort of information. Although....
I am not in any way worried that the quality here will always be garbage. If you think writing good posts and not getting paid is discouraging... Try writing crap and killing it at .25 a pop : ). That will discourage anyone fast when the electricity hits and it took 400 of those posts to pay it : ).
Anyways, thank you for your time. Twice tonight you impressed me. That's awesome!
This is the kinda Motivation everybody needs in a wee while! Cheers man!
With most things, yes. Here, not so much. It doesn't work like that, sorry.
They actually get paid a lot to post "nonsense", so why would they stop? You misunderstand how this system works. If someone gets paid $8 to post something that took them 30 seconds, they'll continue doing that indefinitely. That's $960 an hour.
You sound like a doubting thomas. A negative nancy. I'm not making this stuff up. I've been here long enough to watch good posters excel, and build their wallets. I've also seen scammers who try to cheat the system on quantity instead of quality.
A good poster will get lucky on a $20 post... and build from there.
I see a bad posters, who will continously make 20 junk posts at 1 cent each. (yes, the odd one will make $5 or $10)
Eventually the good poster works a lot less than the junk poster, and that is always the case.
I can't stop junk posters. Want to know how myself, learned this?
I once made $2,000 USD from an FAQ in the early days when steem was first launched. The laptop I am typing to you came from my steem earnings. Want to know how many "30 second junk posts" I've made in my lifetime on steem? ZERO
I don't have to convince everyone that good hard work pays off, because I'm living proof of it, and so are many others.
Believe me, your example, that someone continuously makes $8 for 30 second posts is an abnormality and not the trend. It just doesn't happen that way long term.... and if that person keeps doing it, whale bots will find that account and downvote them into oblivion.
To put it into basic terms. I've seen junk posters get to reputation level 60 and after they're caught, they get downvoted to reputation level -5 and all their posts are hidden with no chance of earning anymore.
There are teams out there looking for these people. So while they might be laughing all the way to the bank today for a short time.. they lose in the end, and have to start all over.
It's just better to make an honest effort and stick with it.
I have to follow you to learn from you. You are really intelligent @intelliguy. You have a new disciple and that's me.
Great post. We need to preserver and write quality posts. It may take time for you to get spotted, but with every good post you are getting there maybe slowly but surely
Yes... exactly what you just said. Even if you can't see it yet.. that's exactly the point. It will happen. You just have to believe in yourself and what you are offering and people will take notice eventually. :)
Spot on. I have spent hours, even days days perfecting a post to earn pennies. But it all works out with the right effort. Most whales and dev's here know why i say this.
You gave stellar advice.
Keep at it.

Nice, and thanks for the vote of confidence. :)
Ur post deserves a resteem. I will give it in a day or 3 to maximize its value.
Wow! I was starting to wonder if there is any means to the madness. Some of my post are simple short BSing's from my day and do great. Then there are the long sore finger heartfelt and informative post that seem to go unnoticed. What happens to those of us that are new and gather followers that are following tons of people? I've started to look into how much vs effectiveness of promoting other people's post as well as my own... any tips or advice where that is concerned?
It's more about what you write... not just in posts, but comments. How personable you are... If you write cheap one-line phrases that don't mean much, then ... most people won't care much.
I don't know you (yet)... but what you did do is write 4-5 sentences.. and based on what you wrote.. I can tell, you're an approachable person, who really "just wants to know" and are easy to talk to.... I gathered all of that in the 4-5 sentences you wrote. :)
So that tells me a little about @inkbeard
Re-steeming was hard for me the first time. My first re-steem was about a post I really liked, and as stupid as it may sound.. a cuban sandwich. Now keep in mind Cuba was offlimits for travel from the USA for some time, and they were driving 1950's american automobiles as a regular thing there. It as only recently that USA became friendly with Cuba.
...But I was happy with his post, it seemed out of the ordinary, and different, and I wanted to try the re-steem command, and it worked.
-- I never lost any followers
-- no one complained I did it
-- I felt good about it
-- some of my followers might have liked it too....
Would I resteem posts on a regular basis? probably not.
However, if I resteem a post I think is really good, and I'd like other people to see... in the realm of fairness and good content... it just sits right with me... and if my followers like it.. it comes a win-win situation.
Only resteem what you'd like to share, OR that you think that is important or would be appreciated by your followers in one way or another. :)
P.S. good intentions, and good deeds have a 360 degree way of working back. That's what I found. I could keep secret the things I know.. but if it's good for steemit as a whole... I share them, so I can be part of its success. We're only a couple hundred thousand users at this point. I expect 20 or 30 million social media users in the next 3-5 years.... so when you put it into perspective... no one needs advantages or secrets right now.
Well damn lol...! I wasn't expecting such a quick and thoughtful reply. I wanted to reply back as a place holder for when I can fully respond to it. Getting ready to head to a clients house and I'm getting ready for work. I typically don't work Sundays yet with that being said my clients are like followers on here to me. Different in a lot of ways, don't get me wrong there. They become like family and close friends more than anything. I'm extremely blunt, forward and brutally honest. I also type the same way I talk as if you knew my voice and could hear it when reading my posts. I'll be responding a little later, once I've had the chance to really read over it. Might even blog from the clients roof here in a few. Thank you for the quick response btw.
Thank you this is a great post for us who are really strugling especialy young kids. My grandson feel so depressed for he is trying hard. I will repost this to him thank youl please look at his posts at littlebear thank you.
Ok, I won't reply until you get back. Go do your thing. (oops I just did), but nevermind me. lol. Just go... :)
Thank you for the steemit advice!! it is really worth allot! steemit is like one of those ball pits at mcdonalds or a waterpark or "pirates cove" its just like the most fun place ever that allows my imagintio nto fly, full of reward and pleasure impulses, the whole money sideof it makes it feel like its as important as anything lese we could be doing, , it just allows us to form better habits online and to monetize those good habits! We can see what others like an try an ster ourselves in that diection
I have urged a long term approach in the past also. I have been in a slump on votes but I am still plugging away. I do it more for the enjoyment. Plus there has been a bit of war over the award pool that has included downvoting, bots and lots of controversy between Steemians. I still try to take the long range approach. I try to post stuff that I kind of like and I have done well at times and sometimes not. But don't forget that just participating in comments can help you earn. I have made some good money off of posts and curation at times.
Thanks for this post. I was close to giving up but now you gave me power again to keep going.
Thanks for the insight and help. The older I get the more I realise the wisdom behind the proverbial phrase "patience is a virtue" but it's still reassuring and reaffirming to read a post like this.
You have catched the trend. Grats! What interesting on steemit? How to make money here and how it works. I guess it will be trend here for years.
My path is be yourself, share and guide, all people is Genius, different genius, I really believe in it.
If you want to know more about initial coin offering, human design, gene keys, programming, how to open your mind and be happy - your are welcome to my page! If you want to discuss and share your knowledge - write me, I will follow you too!
I came upon your post while looking at another. You really did a fantastic job of explaining the ins and outs of Steemit. I especially found it gratifying to read your encouraging words of perseverance and writing a good blog of what we may enjoy. It's important for us to remember that things change day to day and sometimes we do good and other times we may not. I'm new to Steemit and I have been going into this with a mindset of enjoying the process, finding areas and streamers who have similar passions and taking my time before I write my first article. I guess you could say I'm slow but sure! Again, thank-you for your helpful information. I will put you on my follow list.
That is some good advice thanks @intelliguy.
Love posts like this, very helpful for the new people like myself. Glad I'm following you.
Instant gratification has ruined people who think they should get it for little to no effort. I look at it like this. I know my writing isn't the best and is improving. Time and effort will reward you, like you said not all the time. Just you never know when that one post you make will explode to the moon!!!
I like that this post isn't nonsense, you're describing pretty much what is happening to me. Yes, you start off with fuck all and you'll feel like you're wasting your time posting with no one at all upvoting or following you.
This kind of thing is like any business though you start from scratch, you've got to build it all up.
Building a following is key. Though I don't agree that length or even effort is what makes a post good or valuable.
Now you are splicing hairs. Yes, that's true. However, length and effort seem to be common in most good posts...
I just spent time a day or two ago, with a new user that was happy to post "a single link" to a youtube video in a new story / post every 20 minutes. He didn't care, because out of every 15 posts, one of them would make $3 or $5...
I asked him.. how much money do you expect to make by just linking to posts without any reasons? He never answered.
At some point, he started writing to me though, and I wrote him back, and he agreed... he'd stop doing it.