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RE: The road I've traveled..... well, it lead me to you.

There's a video on YouTube done by Marcus Luttrell about what was going through his head as well as how true events differed from the movie. Also there is a video entitled "rise and grind" that I woke myself up to this morning. As Marcus said to himself that day "your being a pussy and it's time to go to work!" I appreciate the words of wisdom, they really do mean a lot. I think my biggest issue has been adjusting to the day to day BS of living in a civilian word again. I miss the sense of striving for excellence in everything I do, not just for myself but those around me. I'm just going to have to be the warrior I've trained my whole life to be, laugh at how big of a B!@&h I've allowed myself to become over the last 8 months and empress upon myself to not stop moving forward ever again. I've followed you as well thank you.

I was told once that "Physics were merely a suggestion to 'men' such as myself"......

It is better to be a warrior in a garden; than a gardener in a war.


I too was in the armed forces (UK Army) and I understand what you mean about the adjustment to civilian life. Although thankfully, I was never in a 'hot' war - I'm a cold war warrior of the 1970's - I still felt the impact of rejoining civilian life. I missed the comradeship and the feeling of belonging to something special. I can imagine it is even more profound when you have been under fire together. I like your final thought as well. Very true.

Take care till next time.

That's hit the nail on the head. From one nation to another being a warrior even if not fully utalized is still that. Thank you for reaching out to me I apreaciate that a lot. I salute you and also followed you. Until next time.

Take care my friend.

Thank you and I've done a lot better this week.

Good, I'm pleased to hear it. What's new with you?

How have you been? How has your last 7-8 days been in your world? I've had an amazing week or so at work. I've finally re constituted myself fully. In doing so I've attained the 2 largest clients I've have /had so far. One of them owns 2 apartment complexes and is a former client of mine to begin with. It makes it extremely easy to work work him. It's like clock work long story short. I'm still living in my work vehicle yet I'm over joyed not to be getting shot at; like I was in Afghanistan. It a little nerve racking. I know though pulling myself up by my bootstraps and tying them tight I'll make it through this shit storm and be ready for the next..... including a new place with all this as reward! Thank you for checking up on me.... I appreciate you.

Hi @inkbeard. It certainly sounds as if things are picking up for you at the moment. I'm glad for you :-)

Are you looking to get your own place now rather than living in the work vehicle? That would be a huge step forward. Fingers crossed for you.

Keep me updated with your progress my friend and hang in there.