I'm ilijana, 20 yrs old, born and raised in the u.k, officially moved to Israel a few years ago due to complicated family reasons ( no need to elaborate ๐
) , and i'm very happy to finally be a part of the steemit community.
Iv been involved in the music industry for about 10 years now, starting off with multiple bands and musical projects, and now recording professionally my own material ( hopefully soon I will be able to publish it). Recently graduated from a music college, and currently looking to expand my horizons.
In addition, I write ( mainly poems), and do some photography.
I've joined steemit for a few reasons: I'm interested in sharing my talents and life experiences to people that could benefit, both me and themselves. Also I would like to offer myself as a translator. Translating ( Hebrew to English and vise versa) is not new to me, and in fact has been my field of work for a while now.
So that's it for now, Thank you for taking time to read this post๐ stay tuned for more posts in the future!
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ืืจืืืื ืืืืื
Great intro, welcome ๐
You're welcome. All the best.
First of all I admire your photos. Warm welcome from me and all steemit community. Nice intro and Happy to meet you Keep on working hard. our support is always with you. Best of luck for future dear.
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hello @ilijana !
Welcome in the Steemit family !
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Hello rock star girl, my name is Joey, and love your hair, and I love to sing and dance and I love Israel. I have ancestors from like England.
Welcome to Steemit ilijana, it seems that you are a very beautiful and intelligent girl. I will follow you and wait anxiously for some of your publications.
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