
Hello steemians. I wanted to re introduce myself to the community. My name is Billy Best. Ill be 26 soon and I am a Gemini if your'e into that. I feel my first post was rather vague and didn't really tell you much about me. So let me first tell you how I got here. I have have always had a problem. It is hard for me to describe it but there was always a desire to do something big, that had a massive impact. From a early age I knew there was something I had to do just didn't really know what it was. I don't know if we all feel this in some form or another but I think we do. So anyways this feeling has always resonated in me and I didn't quite know what it was but I knew it was important. I had an idea of the target but no clue on the path to be taken so I became content with inner growth. My path did not really align with the standard model. It really has been consistent losses and failures. At least on the surface. I have grown quite a bit in my opinion but I guess you will be the judge ultimately. I encourage people to follow me because to really understand where I am coming from you need to understand certain things which I either have yet to cover or barely touched on. I work full time and have had a rough physical past. Not complaining but transitioning into my new path while walking the old has not been easy for me.

about me
I don't require much to be happy. Friendly competitions, meditation, martial arts, friends and family. That does it for me. In some ways I have lost my path but falling and getting back up. There is something in that for everybody. I always embraced hard times. Viewing myself as the light in the dark. Taking the burden of pain off the shoulders of those around you. To the best of your ability. My views and ambitions have always made me somewhat of an outsider. Although I was always accepted. I have always had a hard time relating and holding friends. So my core circle of friends has not changed in 15 years with few of those friendships spanning two decades now.

Over time I feel new ideas have become more accepted. Making talking easier where as before you were labeled crazy for bringing anything up that wasn't mainstream or most people just had nothing to offer. The Internet has changed the world immensely. So naturally anybody should be able to conceptualize the impact of blockchain and decentralization but the slight problem is with market manipulation and propaganda. Masses could miss the bigger pictures capabilities and fear the idea in whole. Or they could accept it with the ideological control. That eliminates the true power of decentralization. So I have a desire to make sure people's perception is not manipulated because they(we all) decide the fate of our future. I remember hearing about bitcoin in 2015. It did grab my attention momentarily but I was in the middle of another path. But the ideologies behind bitcoin were already within me and growing even then. It was when I got re introduced to crypto where I had that ah ha moment. A moment of clarity where my path became crystal clear.

It was September 2017 when my friend invited me into an investing chat group that I heard of ethereum. Up till then i have not thought about crypto for about 2 years. Immediately I seen the capabilities of ethereum. As impact full as bitcoin and the ideas which conceptualized it are coupled with ethereums potential I really seen the evolution of crypto occurring. Which soon led me to Daniel Larimer. So I am at this point a complete nooby to the crypto market. Looking to get involved. Only know of bitcoin and ethereum. Viewing crypto as high risk just because there is a huge clash of interest with this technology let alone it being in infant stages. I spent a month or so looking at all the coins on coinmarketcap. Reading white papers. learning about blockchain and smart contracts. etc. I finally made an investment plan and began heavily investing in eos. So I knew about steemit for a few months before I got on here posting. The idea of DAC's are amazing and I am super excited to participate in the steemit community. I hope people find my post helpful. Just remember I am often sharing my personal pov so use you're own judgement in the end as you always should. My aim is to provide incite on potentials of blockchain and decentralization. As well as develop on the platform.

My vision for crypto is a world that self governs off logic, love, innovation. With hundreds of thousands of DAC's interacting on a global scale with a few standardized currency coins. Only they cannot be issued by any government or it wont work. A huge incentive on community building world wide and global interaction will effectively distribute resources and wealth. Over time decentralization will reach all of man and we will be healed of the parasitic nature of our old society.
My actions. I will share my vision with the world and interact with as many people as I can. Slowly evolving the idea of blockchain and decentralization to a final consensus which the majority if not all people can agree on. I also plan on creating a few dapp's on the platform which embody my ideals.

the begining
Blockchain and decentralization are still under developed and accepted to experience its full potential. Markets will crash more but I hope it does not discourage people. Keep investing in what you believe in and obviously within you're means. HODL to your future. Discuss these topics with as many people as possible and create awareness. I believe the market is being manipulated. Which is taking wealth from the new investors coupled with propaganda and pump and dumps to create confusion and uncertainty. The general public are more often then not in my experience discouraged from crypto and think its wishful thinking.. That is kind of a problem. I think steemit will play a role in solving this problem. Having a big impact on the adoption and integration of dapps world wide. That being said I hope to hear from some of you and engage in some insightful conversation that can benefit the crpto movement. Cya around steemians



Welcome to steemit ifroghop2worlds! just express yourself and the things that you enjoy and you will do fine here.

Welcome @ifroghop2worlds! I can relate to a number of the ideas/perspectives you've include in your revised intro....massive skepticism of the existing systems, a desire for change brought on by decentralization, a more human-to-human connected world where large corporate intermediaries start to dissolve and dist tech allows folks like you and I to connect without them. Following you now, curious to see what else you've got to say. Stop by and say hello @danielshortell, I write fiction and expand on other ideas here...

Followed you back. I will definitely read over your content :)


I wish you all the best.

Feel free to check out my blog @maxdigi. This way we can support each other in the future.


followed you. ^^

Welcome to Steemit @ifroghop2worlds!

I wish you much success and hope you find Steemit to be as rewarding and informative as I have.

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Many blessings! @bycoleman

Lovely post. Welcome to steemit! Your going to have a lovely time on here. Hope you visit my page @diljeetdil xx

followed you :)

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