I Started Selling Crack At 12 - My Intro And Story

in #introduceyourself8 years ago (edited)

I grew up in DC in the 80's in a little spot off Florida Ave in North East, by the time I was 13 I was moving 20-30 grand of soft and hard ( powder coke and crack) a day, my cut was $2,000 and my mom would also get paid $1,000 for letting me "hang out".

I would like to tell you my name and introduce myself like everyone else but if I did I couldn't tell my story, It will be the first time I have ever shared my life story with anyone who didn't grow up in my neighborhood. My life today is completely different than it was back then.


I had never seen a white person in real life before only on T.V.

I grew up on Orleans and Morton Place in DC from the time I was born in 1976 until 1990 when I moved to Baltimore. My block, known as "the strip" was two one way streets parallel to each other that were about two blocks long with a few alleys that connected them, row houses jammed together, split into apartments. Around 1986 I noticed a change, some of the older guys from around there started hanging outside all the time, more traffic started coming down the street, people walking and white people in cars with MD and VA plates. The white people was the craziest part for me because I had never seen a white person in real life before only on T.V.

One day on my way home from school one of the guys on the corner asked me if I could run to the store and grab him some cigarettes and beer from the corner store, back then they didn't ask for id, you would just tell them who it was for and they would sell it to you. He gave me a $50 bill and told me to get whatever I wanted too, I don't remember what I got but when I went to give him back his change he told me to keep it. After that I made sure to walk by them everyday on my way home from school to see if they needed anything, it didn't take long until this paid off big time.

Everything happened so fast it seemed like overnight.

In reality it was about a year after the changes on the block started things got really different, my street was always known for cocaine but all of a sudden it became the Mecca, they were selling over $100,00 in powder a day. My street got so busy there were cars coming down it 24/7, the guys on the corner were there 24/7 and there were more of them sometimes 20 - 30, people constantly coming out of the alleys. Sometimes I would see familiar faces but as time went on they looked different, when I first started seeing the white people they would come into my neighborhood in nice cars and nice clothes but a year later the nice cars were gone, the nice clothes became stained t-shirts and sweatpants or dirty looking jeans, there faces looked darker, thinner, eyes wider. The guys from my neighborhood were the opposite, now they were all dressing in fly clothes, wearing lots of gold, and driving really nice cars.

In 1987 one of the corner guys introduced me to a man named Johnny. Johnny asked me if I liked football and then told me he would pay me $200 a day to play catch with the guys on my block after school, I agreed and the next day after school when I got home I stayed outside and tossed a nerf football to the guys up and down the block. The nerf football was empty in the middle and filled with small bags of coke, so when a customer would walk up one of the guys would whistle, I throw the football to him, he serves the customer and throws the ball back to me. When the ball was empty they would put the cash in the football and I would throw it to another guy who would throw me a new football.

I didn't know at first but when I came home and showed my mom the money she went and talked to Johnny, I thought I was in trouble but after that I was getting paid $400 and she would get paid $400 and she made sure I as out there every day. It didn't take long before I figured out what was going on.

It only took about 2 weeks outside before I saw someone get killed.

It was two black guys in a blue Malibu. Just like usual the car pulls up, whistle, throw football I was waiting for him to throw the football back and I see the guy in the car reach out and snatch the football and BANG, I see a flash of light and the guy from my block is on the ground, the Malibu spins it's tires and takes off, at least 10 guys on the strip shot at the car. I don't know which one hit him but the Malibu slammed into the house at the end of the street. Then two of the guys from my neighborhood walked over, opened the drivers door and fired two shots, walked over to the passenger side opened it and pulled the guy out of the car and started stomping on him until the whole front on his face was indented, they stomped him so bad I think they smashed the back of his skull too from the pressure on the concrete. When they were done they put his body in the back seat and moved the drivers body to the backseat threw me the football and then drove off in the car.

I am going to stop here for now, It's hard to share some of this. Like I said in the beginning, I have worked hard over the past 20 years to run as far away from who I was and where I came from. I will say that this is just the tip of the iceberg, once I got hip my story gets pretty deep.


Sometimes I would see familiar faces but as time went on they looked different, when I first started seeing the white people they would come into my neighborhood in nice cars and nice clothes but a year later the nice cars were gone, the nice clothes became stained t-shirts and sweatpants or dirty looking jeans, there faces looked darker, thinner, eyes wider. The guys from my neighborhood were the opposite, now they were all dressing in fly clothes, wearing lots of gold, and driving really nice cars.

I really like the way you wrote this. Great post, I'm proud to be your first follower here.

I appreciate the follow, I wasn't sure how people would feel about me being anonymous but I wanted to be able to tell my whole story without holding back, I have done some things that I am not proud of today. I don't think a lot of people really know what that part of life is like.

I do man , i'm clean now from that past doing shit , living life , working to provide , and keep away from problems .

and once again, I just have to re-emphasize that your writing is FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC.

Good thing you made a living on helping people getting killed. As someone who lost a very close relative on drugs, I think you should see the other side of your actions.

by the time I was 13 I was moving 20-30 grand of soft and hard ( powder coke and crack) a day, my cut was $2,000 and my mom would also get paid $1,000 for letting me "hang out".


I'm not sure how people will feel about me by the time it's done but please try to remember we were only trying to survive and back then we didn't see a whole lot of options, this is what life was for us.

Surviving can be done with 20$ a day. Making 2k a day makes you just a lousy dealer looking for the bling bling.

You sir, deserve a spot on Satan's wishlist. Watching the rest of your posts and maybe when we know the full story i'll reconsider.

Empathy, then post. @hustle-no-more was a KID! When I was 13 I had a business, too: delivering newspapers.

I mean come on dude.

Now, this part might sound a little harsh, but I think it's the appropriate and ethical thing to say here so I am going to:

  • @hustle-no-more didn't do anything wrong, he was a kid placed into this situation, and... how can I put this-- when something-- even something like dealing crack-- is "normal"-- well, you do it because that's what your tribe does. Your community.
  • Now, some people did do terrible things, really. Those people are the politicians who made drugs illegal in the first place, and even moreso the nixon-era politicans who deliberately used drug policy to harm the left movement in the states and of course-- minorities of every non-white color.
  • But despite the uneven enforcement of our drug laws in the states, even whites are hurt by our drug laws.

Pure drugs of known quality and quantity just aren't that dangerous, even financially. Cocaine has a production cost somewhere around sugar. Marijuana similar to any dried herb, and the list goes on and on-- and really-- none of them-- NONE OF THEM-- just instantly kill you. Now, know that I'm not at all advocating for drugs. I'm advocating for drug legalization, so that we can all be free of the war on drugs. All the white people coming to @hustle-no-more's neighborhood wouldn't have been harming his community if it weren't for the fact that what they wanted was illegal, and so they turned to America's usual bitch to get it: the poor.

Dude, you just have no fucking clue, okay?

I'm really, really sincerely sorry about your relative, and my post probably doesn't sound like I possibly could be, but I am. I wish they had pure drugs of a known quantity and quality to take safe-ish-ly, instead of the crap that probably killed them. That's what's killing users, BTW, and that is a direct result of the war on drugs. As Americans, we need to own up to this.

  • Stop the war on drugs
  • Stop using WOD to profile / harass / imprison poor people
  • Stop using WOD to export politics and political violence outside of US borders
  • Stop using WOD to import cocaine/heroin to fund black ops

Dude, no. @hustle-no-more deserves no spot whatsoever on anyone's list. And hell, I haven't heard the rest of the story, he might've done some fucked up shit-- I don't know. But he got pulled into a vortex of shit caused directly by decades of literally evil policies.

Are you trying to justify these actions? I hope you never have to bury a 16yr old kid who died because of punks like him selling stuff on the streets to buy themselfs a nice rolex.


And I truly, sincerely wish that you hadn't had to, either. I couldn't imagine the pain.

I'm not trying to justify any action, I'm simply saying that you need to look at these things in context. 13 year olds don't think about rolexes, you know.

Again, I in no way belittle your pain, please know that. I, too want to solve the conditions which led to his death. This is a systemic problem, and I hope that we're good enough to solve it. Personally, I don't think that prohibition ever will. It'll just lead to more stories like yours and @hustle-no-more's, and those are both surely tragic.

Do you blame the soldier who killed your son in a war in a faraway land? Or do you blame the ones who started the war? Maybe yourself for sending him away? Maybe the media for making you so blind to let your son go to war?

I have a 6 yr old son, and I would NEVER send him off to a war.
And even though I realize that the curcumstances aren't exactly similar, it's a war in both cases. The war on drugs was started by your politicians, and it's a war on it's own citizens. And in wars there are collateral damages.

If you want to make a change; end the war on drugs

I think I came up with the right words--

The "drug war" is the man against the world because the man knows there will always be people wanting to get high. Even animals do this. In today's system we have 13 year olds risking death selling crack/coke/smack to folks like the 16 year old in your life. First of all, in your grief, which you're totally entitled to, it's sensible to be angry. Fuck, I'd be angry Steve, I assure you.

....But anger is powerful. Anger can bring change sir and change is surely what we need. Right now, your anger is quite frankly misdirected. I'm not saying that dealers ever did your kid a favor, no sir. But realize that your kid, and @hustle-no-more's moms' kid...... they're both victims of the state. Look at legalization experiments, read, read, and read some more. You have within you the power to make meaningful and lasting change, but at the moment, you're raging at a pawn. $1-2k/day in profits on $30k in product is PAWN status. Who knows, maybe he becomes more "successful" in this rigged game. Maybe he even serves time. I don't know.

The people who orchestrate the whole kit and kaboodle-- especially for the often-lethal-power-drugs.... are very CLEARLY the CIA. Here are some links:

Please, please read these. Your anger is fully justified. Please focus it on those who wronged both your son and @hustle-no-more. They're literally evil, and deeply deserving of your wrath.


Pure drugs of a known quality don't lead to addiction? Wow, never knew.

Pure drugs of a known quality totally lead to addiction.

Where in the hell did I say otherwise?

Difference being, addicts tend not to die. Sorry, but I prefer fewer drug-related deaths to more drug-related deaths every time.

I too am in favor of fewer drug-related deaths. And I too am in favor of legalization. However, I am having difficulty reconciling 'fewer deaths' with 'not that dangerous'.

Sorry, @jsteck surely should have said "far less dangerous than today's state of affairs"

drugs-- especially powder-drugs.... are dangerous, end of story.

but not as dangerous as William James "Bill" O'Reilly, Jr. would have you believe, not even close.

Sure, I guess he was supposed to raise himself. It seems so logical to tell a kid he should know better. Your relative that died from drugs definitely knew better. They were raised by people who knew better. Shame on your family. The kids selling them the drugs were raised by kids selling drugs. They weren't lucky enough to be raised by adults who would throw them a nerf football with nerf on the inside.

Do you survive on $20 a day? Why not? Because you can make more. Probably legally. Probably selling something to somebody who really doesn't need it by telling them it will do something it won't. But, it isn't illegal so then it is an honest living, right?

You are the reason a failed businessman turned reality idiot is making a mockery of the democratic system. You are a fake. A simpleton by any definition.

No man, he's just in crushing pain. I might lash out at the first drug-dealer I met, too if I were him.


Half the drugs in pharmacies are more dangerous than crack—probably killing more people than street drug wars.

We are all hustling. It only depends if you are a front line soldier or a back office king

Alright let's see where this goes.

I'm not sure how people will feel about me by the time it's done but please try to remember we were only trying to survive and back then we didn't see a whole lot of options, this is what life was for us.

You're a fantastic writer.

Life's life, especially when you're growing up you don't exactly choose your lot in it. This is one of the best articles I've read here, and I can't wait to read more.

Thanks for sharing, really.

Thanks for sharing your story, the crack laws in the US were overtly racist, shameful policy making. Are you familiar with http://www.drcarlhart.com/about-carl-hart/ check him out

Thank you so much for sharing. It is courageous and well written. I read this and think I have never met anyone with a life growing up like this. I only hear and see it on TV. I am please to have had the opportunity to read and look forward to reading future posts!

Just upvoted you bro.
People need to hear your story.
Followed you too, sounds like your entrepreneurial skills are not limited to the hustle. Keep writing bro.

The most important thing is trying to change that

wow what a story! Best of luck dude!

that's just the beginning of my story, it goes much deeper than this.

Looks like you have a new hustle now

Man story is real-life , start is good but we want more ! Wery realistic !

Sounds like you have some awesome, awful, gritty, scary stories to tell. I'm following you, and I'll be looking out for your work for sure. Welcome to Steemit

If this is truly your story and not just creative writing, it can help many!

Looks like Trump is going to cure you.

To corroborate your story, it would help if you added pictures from your childhood. You can ofc blur the faces if you like to. But it would make for a better read. Your writing and composition indicates that you have moved into a profession in writing. Journalism for instance.

Life is life. I agree with you about that and I pretty much like your story as well. Thank you for sharing your story with us.

Fantastic post! It must take some real courage to put this up, even though we don't know who you are, it still does.

Keep it coming. I (and most likely others here) want to find out why you are telling this to the world now.

Great post. Fantastic. I like your story and I love the reactions from it. I am sure you had to be prepared for some of the more heated ones, I am also sure it still isn't easy to revisit the memories.

Fuck, I think of the stupid decisions I made at 12, it would have been so easy to fall into something similar. Followed and I thank you for your story.

Please don't stop.

This is just an observation but many are commenting on the authors writing ability. Could it be your prejudice creeping in? Some are seeing it as a surprise, others are tipping off their hats, but they all sound condenscending to me. This is my interpretation of people commenting: Poor kid always hustling in the streets when did he get the chance to write so vividly like he does?

Amazing post @hustle-no-more i have great time to read your story and all comments. I follow you bro..;)

Dont let the blind and dumb get you down. Your post is amazing, and I'm sure your story is hard to tell. I for one appreciate your openness and willingness to come here and share. Hopefully you're in a better place now than you were then. I look forward to your future posts.

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Dude, seriously. Why are you flagging as spam. Is this not a useful tool to share with people? Would you please remove your flags from these comments. My reputation hit zero and I don't know how to get it back so I can post more articles. I did stop sharing this information. A lot of people appreciated it though.

Upvoted for rep repair.