AI Squat Manifesto

in #introduceyourself8 years ago (edited)

Who am I?

Many (maybe most of the) people are forced to make a compromise between doing what they feel is the most important, and what is the most practical job, whatever that means. Very often one ends up doing something which is not that bad, while it generates enough money to compensate for the inconvenience. For me this is unacceptable. I think that people are at their best when they can do what they really want.

After graduating from college I started doing research of artificial intelligence, the exact thing I had studied. I was lucky to be able to do what I want. When I was working in this firm, I didn't perceive it like "I get money for doing the work they want me to do". I felt like the money they were giving me enabled me to do what I wanted to do (which happened to be the same thing as what they wanted me to do... until the beginning of this year).

In January 2016 these conditions changed and three months later I was on my own. I continued doing the same things I had been doing the past two years - reading scientific articles, making up theories about how our mind works, programming models of the hypotheses and testing them out. Except nobody was paying me anymore.

I had to look for two things:

  1. How to pay for the rent and food long term (I had savings to cover it for half a year)
  2. How to get people to work with, because if I were to do the research on my own, there would be a big risk (some say it's certain) of getting lost

I was considering enrolling on a PhD study, but I realized that in Prague where I am living, there is not enough people in the academia interested in artificial general intelligence. And moving out of Czech Republic is something I currently don't wanna do. PhD was (barely) solving only the first of the two problems, so I just kept thinking and looking.

While exploring the options I discovered Steem. Since then it was a one big ride. Early mining, unsuccessful experiments with porting the code to GPU to accelerate mining, curating ever increasing number of new posts, disappointment from the July 4th payout and finally the mid-July tenfold increase of Steem's price.

So here I am, realizing that Steem might have just solved step 1 and what more - it might even provide enough money to support a few like minded people. This sounds little bit like the step 2!

This brings me to this idea of a project which has been sitting back in my brain for quite a long time, but the conditions had not been right for it to materialize. Until now. This project, I call it AI Squat, is based on these three ideas:

  • Flat sharing doesn't have to be just a way how to minimize costs, you can create supportive community whose members are independent, but naturally influencing another's ideas, and are open to collaboration (inspired by Tech Squat).
  • Search without objectives (see this great presentation) - if you create an unconstrained environment where novelty is supported, you can get improbable solutions to your problems.
  • Universal basic income - I will be covering the costs for the flat and for food.

Who are we? The AI Squat :

What do I want to achieve with the project?

  • I want to bring together creative smart individuals who don't want to waste their effort on unnecessary work
    - this is why I am offering food, shelter, and workplace for free, so everybody can do what is the most important for them
  • I want to create a team which will work together and move forward
    - this is why I am offering a share in this project
  • I want to promote risk taking in order to create an environment where new ideas can be born
  • I want to create a liberating environment where different ideas could meet and breed together
  • an environment where nothing is work, or everything is work (interesting read about flow)

What is the goal of the project?

  • the goal is to create wealth
    - material wealth in order to bootstrap this project
    - immaterial wealth for the benefit of all
    - my personal goal is to understand life, intelligence and myself, and I am excited to meet other like-minded people
    - my method is the research of artificial intelligence and using its results for self-improvement

Where is AI Squat located?

  • we don’t have the place yet, but we are actively looking for a flat in the center of Prague, Czech Republic. Our idea is to have one common room as a workplace plus everybody will have their own room for living
  • our search is not limited to ordinary flats, it could be an old industrial space which we could recreate for our purpose, as long as there is electricity, water, and heat

Who are you?

Who will be living in AI Squat?

  • me, @mor (my girlfriend studying AI and working as a junior researcher), and you, you, and you!
  • we are looking for people who resonate with this idea and would like to join us. The earlier you do, the more influence over the decisions you can have - about the location, about the other people, etc.

I love it! What should I do to join?

  • write a short description of your plan, what you would like to work on in AI Squat
  • try to sum up your goals, motivations, why you will be a good member of AI Squat
  • don’t be afraid to express yourself. We appreciate openness and originality
  • post this on Steemit with a tag aisquat

Why posting it on Steemit?

  • Steem community proved to be very open and thoughtful. You will receive a valuable feedback, interesting discussion might spring up
  • this project wouldn’t exist without Steem, we want to give something back
  • if you have any questions, ask in the comments, or send me an email

Looking forward to hearing from you!


There are 2 pages

We need to talk. Check out and both my blog here and that of @mwaser. We are on exactly the same path . . . .

. . . . except my belief is that we're going to get to Strong AI much sooner than you seem to believe (but that's okay because we're pretty sure that we also know how to ensure that it will be ethical as well -- and given that we've been publishing peer-reviewed research for the last 8 years, I would argue that we have far more credibility than out-of-field fear-mongers like Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk -- and the hypocritical philosopher/author Nick Bostrom).

On the topic of AI, the possibility of strong AI has around the same risk as the possibility of meeting extra-terrestrials. Any entity more intelligent than us is dangerous if it perceives itself as separate and has it's own agenda.

For that reason I favor cyborgization, or IA (intelligence amplification) rather than to build possible competition or replacement entities like AI which if it's strong AI we will have very limited ability to control if we don't build it right. In my opinion our only hope is to merge with AI so that it's not seen as a separate species but interacts more like a limb or an exocortex. A topic like AI ethics doesn't make any sense with our currently limited understanding and ability to process information to even have a clue about the consequences in the short or long term of our actions. I think we first need to amplify our ability to think and be ethical before we rush to build "strong AI", because if it is built now it will most likely be used as a weapon by the military or as a spy by the intelligence agency.

I have to say, I agree with Bostrom, we aren't ready for strong AI any time soon. Fortunately I don't think we are any where near being able to make strong AI. At best we might be able to make some sort of simulation of the brain of a rodent in five or ten years and from there learn enough to design better hardware and software (neuromorphic computing and a total breakthrough in software necessary).

That's exactly what I was talking about when I said

my method is the research of artificial intelligence and using its results for self-improvement

One might say we already are cyborgs, because we are so interconnected with the technology. Only the interface is kind of slow.

Talking about self-improvement.. My research already transformed my life so much. It influences my philosophy of life as well as how I spend my everyday life. When you think about questions like "what should the AI actually do" you can't evade the question "what should I actually do". And there is this "how" and "why" and you easily end up in philosophy even though you started from computer science / artificial intelligence...

Wow, I am gonna dive into this site! How come I haven't come across it yet?! :)

By the way, I put a link to your post on my most recent post ( as one of the best three posts I've read today. Hopefully, it will help you get some traction.


Wow your post is so crazy! But funny :) I am glad you liked mine..

That's an interesting project. Good luck with it! But please don't create a "Mike" (The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress By Robert A. Heinlein) or "ELOPe" ( Avogadro Corp: The Singularity Is Closer Than It Appears by David Ryan). Thank you !


Thanks for the support! Well, AI security is a topic for itself... You can't get around it. It's definitely necessary to take it into consideration. But I think it will take some time before we create something which would have the potential of harming anyone.

The research will be going step by step and each of them must be well documented and discussed..

I love technology..a lot! But damn ...AI scares me so much. I should probably stop reading all these books...

Scared? Just wait till you read some of Daniel Suarez

Scary one way: "Daemon" and "Freedom"
“Daemon does for surfing the Web what Jaws did for swimming in the ocean.” — Chicago Sun-Times

Scary in completly different way: "Kill Decision"

“Kill Decision is a fantastic techno-thriller. As someone who has designed combat robots, I found the technology depicted both accurate and chilling.” — Alexander Rose - Executive Director & Roboticist, The Long Now Foundation

Oh comment!

Being afraid of AI is like being afraid of aliens. More important is to figure out how to safely merge with AI through cyborgization so humans can explore space and survive contact with aliens.

I think we need to create a real intelligence. Something what even we as humans are currently lacking, because obviously we are exploiting our environment more than is healthy. We won't survive unless we upgrade ourselves..

"ELOPe" would be fine, i'm more worried about "Sister PA-60-41"

Why not create a "Mike"? Mike was Heinlein's "John Galt." (even said so in the book). ...Not so sure I'd want Suarez's DAEMON though. ;)

I absolutely love this @hr1! It's awesome seeing so many of the pieces that had been discussed actually being implemented!

While I don't see the ability to physically join you in the foreseeable future, I'd love to be a part of this and contribute what I can. (I can see virtual conference room equivalents being very helpful in for those interacting remotely.)

I tend to work from the human mindset and motivation side of things. Specifally I'm facinated in the concepts of individual passions, progression/growth and sustainable (psychological) community interaction.

I worked as a knowledge engineer for an AI company where I got even better at degenerating analytical methods by an 'expert' into a slew of concept, plan and goal nodes. While my primary thoughts are of 'Seed AI,' there is still a lot of merit to what I view as glorified if/then state machines.

I'm from the school of thought that everybody does everything for some reason, even if it's as simple as I wanted to see what would happen, to I wanted to be random, to I just didn't care. I feel there is a lot of under-noticed, under-appreciated, and under-utilized power behind a passionate person doing what they want to do. (Musician play music regardless. What do other people regardless?)

I'm not quite sure how I can contribute at this stage, but more than willing to do what ever I can to see this succeed!


I am counting on you, Sykochica! It's already obvious that we can't be just an isolated community. There will be people on the other side of the internet who will participate.. And your ideas already proved to be helpful.

I have also some wild ideas about a decentralized organization in a Swarmwise style (by @falkvinge), but this might be just too crazy :)

I'd still be very interested on your ideas! Quantum and Relativity started as "might be just too crazy!"

Being a 'middle path' sort of person I suspect well end up seeing a quasi-decentralized setup, but we shall see. I love being shown other options or better yet, proven wrong. :)

Dear @hr1 I didn't know where to write this, you see, so I'll leave it here. Thank you for upvote my review of the book "The Dark tower", for me is very important and valuable. Thank you very much.

hello, I was looking for the person behind the account of @hr1 and at last I found it:-) I want to thank you for following all my stuff and upvoting are so nice and kind person , you keep on supporting our stuff especially for me as a new here on this platform, you are an amazing person, again from the bottom of my heart Thank you :-)

Amazing introducing, @hr1. I loved your life story and your enthusiasm about life and new projects. I wish you the best luck with AI Squat. :)

Cool idea :)

Good to hear from you! How is BitSpace going?

I am not really into AI specifically, but I will be most probably joining the squat/squad. For the atmosphere, people, fun, inspiration and who knows what else will come. You just need a place where you can dive in and hack until you drop dead :-)

I am wishing good luck in any case!

You will hold the SteemWatch overnight, so our AI won't be able to escape ;)

Well, we have to hope that SteemWatch will not join the wrong side on its own, right? :-)

This is fantastic.

Let me know how I can help. I live in SF so won't be able to join but would love to help the cause any way I can!

Thank you!

The first thing is to find people who would like to join us. If you know somebody who might be interested, please tell them! For me the next step is to reach out to Czech/Central European audience, but we will be definitely open to a distant cooperation as well..

I'll be happy if you follow our progress and participate in the discussions. This is so important for us!

If you are willing to help above that, I don't think we currently need anything, but I really appreciate it and I will remember you :)

Good luck with your AI project. Up voted.

Welcome to our community !

Thank you for posting @hr1, upvote for you.
I love the core principles of this idea and how you express your own personal journey that lead you to this new way of thinking. I have been exploring the same ideas too. It does seem like a lot of us are only surviving instead of thriving; Trading our time for our living necessities, instead of trading our time to create that which we want and desire.

I would like to see this idea be able to connect with everyone on the earth. For all the people living in societies that seem to create an environment that has people endlessly sacrificing time working just to meet there basic needs.

I like AIsquat, how it is personalized to all people in the field of A.I. but I would like it to be as a branch from a tree that has many branches connecting all around the world but each personalized and unique in there own ways.

Since the essence of this is about being free from having to sacrifice your time for necessities, to better enable a persons ability to create in an undefined way, I was thinking a name like "freedom to create" or something along those lines. This would act as a virtual "base" for all the people wanting to create the same vision who are not physically connected. Having the core principles and a guide on how to start, in each persons local area, exactly what you are talking about doing.

Know that I am not telling you how or what to do with your project. Its more me wanting to see this idea expand in a way that inspires people to create it for themselves (myself included).
Motivating more people like you & I to want to have and create this in there local area. With the tools and step to be able to create it with complete confidence.

Yeah, it seems to me that people change the goal and its means. I would like to support those who see this and try to do it differently, do what they really want.

I would too like to see AI Squat as just one of many branches. But I think it's necessary to start small and be focused. Later we can build on that. Maybe we will become the root of this tree. And actually, in my opinion AI has the biggest potential to enable such a life to masses, but of course this is just my biased view.

But I am happy to hear you have similar intentions, even though in a different area (both geographically and thematically). We can share the experience, help each other..and prepare the soil for new seeds exactly as you described in the last paragraph.

Yeah starting has been a difficulty in these past, so props to you for creating the vision in your local area. I agree and its fits the quote, "act locally, think globally". Yeah, all it take is one person to start. When you manifest this space you are talking about and make an example to guide others, then this will definitely affect the masses.

I do have similar goals and i would join you physically if I were geographically closer like you said.
I am now beginning to realize that each one of us has the power to impact each other in a positive way, with a true creative expression of ourselves once by sharing it with others. What i realized is that i have been lacking sharing my creations with others.

I support you from afar. Keep on creating your vision and share it with ever person like there an old friend you havent seen in a long time, cheers!

Hi hr1, great ideas here. Just curious : is your upvote bot using AI?

Not yet, but I am working on it.. This one is rather simple

cool, i'd be curious to see how an AI bot would vote.

Hello friend steemians all
I follow you, follow me @ ajaa23-zulfahrizal

Hey, I used @roelandp's tool to discover who my MVP was, and your name came up. I wanted to thank you for that.

This post has been linked to from another place on Steem.

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Upvote if you want the bot to continue posting linkbacks for your posts. Flag if otherwise. Built by @ontofractal

this project is amazing, I wish there was a way to be a part all the way from the US. I'm astonished by this idea. I believe you will make this a success!

I'm glad you like the idea!

What is your area of interest? Maybe we can set up some form of collaboration.. Feel free to email me at if you don't want to give out info about yourself publicly

Hi @hr1, I wanted to thank you for your vote yesterday on my rose garden photography post.

Since I am new on SteemIt, and only have a few posts so far, I've been taking the time to go through the people who have voted for my posts to learn about them and view their posts as well.

Your project on AI sounds interesting, a bit over my pay grade as they say, but interesting. After reading that and some of the comments I was wondering if you personally saw my post and voted, or if an AI logic you wrote came across my post. If the latter, what was the process for it deciding if my post was worthy of your vote?

I'm grateful either way. Best of luck.

Hi. Thank you for voting to my post.

I can not write thankful words on my post so I write here.

Thank you for voting.

You of the things that is heavy on my mind, is having more years behind me than in front. When I see guys like you, who are the future, I feel a little sad, because i would just love to be there, to see what the great things you achieve will be. I don't dwell in these thought though, it's take just a moment and the emotion passes, and I remember that I am fortunate to have the insight to see those who will change the new world while they are still building that future. Kind of like watching the pyramids being built, rather than wondering how they came to be in ruin.
I am a simple man and set goals i can achieve, though I still like to dream of what it may be like, to combine what you do, with my homesteading life.
Imagine that, AI assisting me on my farm, doing so many thing to increase my wealth and giving me that most precious of all things, TIME!, to be with the ones i love and to be,do and see all those things the hard work of the farm does not allow the time for.

Incredible personal and full of confidence in living my life so motivated with your words and I also hope to be a good and hard worker like you @hr1 best regard community steemit indonesia. I really need advice from you my new friend

Hi there,
Found this article after looking you up. I first wanted to thank you for the upvote on my post... and I still want to so: Thanks a lot 😉
But after reading it all I now know that I just got myself some homework... will have to digg this information and take a good look at your website...
Thanks again!

Hello! Nice meeting you and learning about you and your projects. I see this was posted a year ago. I hope that the project is going well. I would love to join, but unfortunately, I'm not adept in these stuffs.


I'm gonna go crazy. I read your message with a translator and would like to know more about your work. I love what you do, and I like the idea of ​​helping people. notice that you are a great human being. I hate not being able to speak English and be able to communicate with you. I am grateful to him and I would like to know how I can help him in his work.

Me voy a volver loco. Leí su Post con un traductor y me gustaría saber más sobre su trabajo. Me encanta lo que haces, y me gusta la idea de ayudar a la gente. se nota que usted es un gran ser humano. Odio no poder hablar inglés y ser capaz de comunicarse con usted. Le estoy agradecido y me gustaría saber cómo puedo ayudarle en su trabajo.

Wow what a wonderful idea, I love it. I am excited about quantum physics and the study of being. If they do something with this I would love to have it posted on Steemit to see it. I also think that they could do a reality show with everything they are doing and that we can see it on steemit. blessings and share your whole experience that in whatever I think I will support them

This project is great I am impressed with the experience you described it. but why can not I access through my browser. I am very impressed with the project that will develop this. thank you

Hi, firstly thanks for upvoting one of my posts. I like your life-story and the idea to build something up like that. The focus is exciting, how you could unfold your conciousness in combination with A.I.? I don't know, that's not my specific field, in this question I go more the way of analog/ lowtec consciousness-experience...regarding your focus: I think these is one of the biggest question in our world-society right now and will have many influences..especially the question if A.I. could be a real benefit for us; whether a blessing or a curse. I'm working also on subjects like 'what is conciousness' and diving deep in energetic experiences, also have to do with quantumphysics and especially about the 99,9.. %, which we could'nt see (yet)/ the 'dark matter'/ the infinite potential. I look forward to see some more inspireing posts from you. Parts of my content will be also in english as soon as possible. I follow you. Maybe you take the same decision about @trye;) Good Luck with your project! FYI the aisquat-link is not working.. the following link will give you an impression in which direction my work is going...I'm associated with these guys.. Best regards @trye

Very nice... ^_^

I know you've been here for a long time, but great intro post! I hope you've got aisquat up and running. It seems your motivations are honest and noble. Really, the best of luck to you and yours :)

Wow @hr1 ! Dude, that is an epic Idea! I know the struggle and the constant slog for the necessaries!! I came to check out who you might be since I see you are constantly voting on my posts! Thanks again for that, I look forward to more from you, I know this is an old post but this is the only one that showed some form of Human side haha, HR-1 could be some deathbot for all I know haha nice meeting you and awesome project idea! \m/ I am mostly in music and art so I may not be able to come over for a techy squat and contribute world changing ideas haha but for a killer LAN party? HELL YEA! haha see you around dude🤘

Wow amazing @hr1... how to be yours...

Creo que no hablamos el mismo idioma (al menos yo); pero muchas gracias por tu apoyo @hr1.

Wow i am impressed from your introduction and your story...i think that you have so many interesting themes to share with us thats why i am going to keep in touch with you!

Kumusta hr1! :) First off, thanks for following my stuff and upvoting me. second and more important.. cool! it's nice to meet u.. i finally got around to searching a bit in your blog for your intro post. :P cool how steemit works like that. u look and seem like the kind of person that would make a great friend. I wish u luck in all your future stuffs! :)

Hi @hr1 thank you for your upvote as always. I got interested with your background. Your amazing!

Nice you
......pop man ... i like you..... 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

Hello my Czech neighbor:) i would love to see an update from you on how your ideas are being implemented. Have you found the people and the squat? It all sounds great and I’ve been mentioning this in many conversations already. Can’t wait to see your success.

Hello @hr1! Nice to meet you here on Steemit. Thank you very much for your upvotes. I heard about AI in biotech field ten years ago when the first robotics arm was introduced. Now, everything is super high-throughput so technicians will be at risk of being redundant in the future.

Although this a an old post, and I know you heard this many times, but I'll still say it because you are a kind generous man. I appreciate all for upvote you have done for me, it's a great motivation to keep on posting quality post especially during times when nobody bordered to read. THANK YOU!

Follow me

What the heck! Now I know and I understand... And which country is this Czech Republic? But this site cannot be reached!

And besides, I am looking for you for a long time! Because I would like to tell you that I am willing to give 100 SBD monthly just for your 50% upvote to my 1day blog every day. To be honest I can't do everyday blog, because of my responsibility to my work and family.

I am doing this to help other people not only for my self. I am doing this to reach my goal of STEEM POWER at least 50,000 to help others needy as a Volunteer Charity Worker. In this word that I am saying, I hope I reach your heart and mind how serious I am.

You can see and find my full details on Facebook. You can do chat with me also on Discord or Facebook messenger if its ok to you?

Or even delegation to me and I am willing to pay you 50SBD monthly for the 50,000 STEEM POWER.

I hope I didn't offend you in all what I say because I don't know how to approach you.

Thank you so much,

I would like to invite you to join our Discord group. I agree with your principles outlined in this post and feel our new group The Hive can eventually provide solutions or method to them.

Que increíble leer tu presentación, extraordinaria e interesante. Por lo menos me siento contenta de saber que eres real! :D
Me pregunto: ¿Cuánto habrá cambiado y evolucionado tu proyecto e ideas? Un placer.

How great to read your presentation, extraordinary and interesting. At least I'm happy to know you're real! : D. I wonder: How much will your project and ideas have changed and evolved? A pleasure. I do not speak English I used a translator I hope it did not go so bad lol.

Gracias @hr1 Thank you so much

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