This is one of my favorite video capture tools | Una de mis herramientas favoritas para gravar video

You'll come to find out that I'm a huge productivity nerd.

Llegarás a descubrir que soy un nerd de la productividad.

And since Chrome is my go-to browser, I thought I'd start with my favorite video capture plugin, Viewedit. Get it here:

Y como Chrome es mi browser favorito, pensé en comenzar con mi erramienta favorito para grabar, Viewedit. Consiguelo aqui:–-screen-voice-a/jiihcciniecimeajcniapbngjjbonjan

The video explains it all!

Interested in the whole story? Get caught up on my previous posts:


Ciao! I noticed that you joined recently so I thought I'd say hi and welcome you. Have one upvote on the house and I hope you will some day do the same!
As you are new to steemit, getting those first upvotes are gonna be hard so I suggest you to try out Steemfollower as you can earn 5x more steem than just upvoting by yourself! It's a simple and safe vote exchange that is free to use. I compiled this post to explain the system in more depth and it has become my most upvoted post yet.