Hey guys! My name is Harris, I'm 21, soon to be 22 (on the 25th of May) and I'm from Perth, Australia.
I am currently studying a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Animation and Game Design, but I am also doing my Cert 3 and 4 online in Fitness so that I can start a training business.
I love health and fitness, and in particular Bodybuilding and Powerlifting. I played sports since I was very young, football and cricket mostly. But I started lifting weights when I was 14 and fell in love with it straight away, becoming hooked to the progress.
Last year I competed in my first Natural Men's Physique Bodybuilding competition
I am planning on competing again in 2018, and potentially competing in my first Powerlifting meet towards the end of the year, or start of 2018. The two types of competitions vary in that Powerlifting is based on strength, specifically in the Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift. Highest total combined weight of the three lifts wins, and athletes are split up into weight classes. Where as Bodybuilding placings are determined by judges based on certain criteria, normally being more muscular and lean.
I plan to start a fitness blog, inviting people from all walks of life to engage in some sort of physical activity, as we enter a more technologically based world I believe it is of increasing importance that people remember to exercise. Not only does exercise yield massive physical and long term health benefits, but the benefits to the mind and outlook on life are extraordinary. I personally brought myself out of drug addiction and depression off purely weight training and pushing myself to the limit.
I am also extremely interested in Gaming! I mostly enjoy RPG and Strategy based games, either on PS4 or PC.
The last game I finished on PS4 was Nioh which I absolutely loved, I'm now playing Nier: Automata which I also love, and just recently started Dawn of War III on PC. I will also potentially write some game reviews on games I play in the future, because I know I personally love reading game reviews before I purchase a game.
If you guys have any fitness related questions in the meantime I'll be happy to answer them!
Otherwise thanks for reading and I invite you guys to follow me!
we definitely need more hot men in Steemit. Welcome to your new freedom.

lol @stellabelle are you flirting?....lol
yes, there are so few men who really flaunt their stuff on Steemit, . It's about time. I get so bored.
hahaha...have fun, I have to get back to my campaign for STEEM. STEEM currently at 41%
haha ! It's fun to have fun :)
Welcome to steemit.
I have always been a clean eater, but I have started Since Dec 2016 working out consistently three to four days per week, lifting weights. I turn 41 in August and I'm planning to see how far I can get by then :) Yay for taking care of your physical body ! It's so rewarding and I feel that my stress levels are completely gone after a good sweaty workout
You are welcome. Now following.
Welcome to Steemit, Harris. Looks like you've got the hang of things from the fantastic intro.
Welcome to Steemit Harris! You may want to check out #steemgigs. There are a lot of opportunities for fitness people to build a clientele on this platform.
sweet thanks I'll check it out!
Welcome to Steem it!! Enjoy the community!!
Welcome! I also started lifting weights when I was 14 so I've been at it for 9 years now. Are you on bodybuilding.com forums at all?
Awesome! nah not anymore, I still order supplements from there every month or two but I'm not active on the forums anymore
Ah.. I am assuming ur aware though right??
Sorry man assuming I'm aware of what exactly? bit confused haha
Awesome Stuff dude! Keep it up. I'm also from Perth by the way!
Welcome my friend!
Welcome to steemit! Definitely always great to see fitness people here. This is a great platform for fitness sales and marketing. Look forward to your posts. Upvoted, re-steemed, and followed.
Looking strong bro!
I am also into health and fitness. Mainly train acrobatics though.
I will follow you for sure.
Welcome to steemit!
You will love it here ;)
Awesome! Welcome on Steemit Board!
Welcome to the community! Follow me at https://steemit.com/@bitgeek