Entering A Whole New World

Hi Steemit!

My name is Mark and I've decided to join Steemit (with much credit due to my housemate Endaksi1) to get involved in and on the crypto currency bandwagon. Needless to say, I'm super excited!

I'm joining under my business name Hades Training as the majority of content I will be providing will be strictly related to that and most likely be direct articles that I have posted on my business blog/website. (For those that are interested in that it's: www.Hadestraining.com - It's pretty bare at the moment but i'm slowly working on adding lots more content when I can squeeze in the time.)

The mission of the posts I provide and really the whole mission of my website/blog is to try and provide as simple but useful information as possible and really try and clear away a lot of the useless, bullschlacken myths that seem to crop up online relentlessly. It's there to try and help educate people in the real core information so people can learn to take control of their own health rather than relying on the for-profit fitness magazines and programmes who's goal is just to cram their papers with articles and 'up-to-date' research to sell copies. I also include several articles with different recipes and exercise ideas to get people out of a rutt or just to provide something new to try. I'm always open to new ideas for articles so if you have any thoughts, i'd be super excited to give you the low down on anything I can help with. Or even still, if you fancy giving me any kind of feedback on the website/blog or writing tips, that's super appreciated too. I'm very new to the whole writing/blogging scene and even more so to being self employed but am gonna work my a$$ off to make it a success and hopefully help people along the way.

As for me personally, I'm a recently qualified fitness coach living in Cornwall, England. I currently don't know a great deal about crypto currency but trying to learn more every day. A little pressed for time at the minute with trying to grow my business, a lot of the info I know comes strictly from my housemate. I'm spending most of my time and energy starting up my website and trying to get good content on there, running fitness classes in the local gym, setting up permits for classes on the beach and trying to keep enough time in the day to hang out with my mrs. I'm super excited as i said before about becoming a part of the steem community and I hope that what I contribute is useful and helpful.


Thanks for ther shout out man, Glad you joined up :)

Thanks so much! Was a little apprehensive at first but am super excited to be a part of the community!