Upvoted. I don't have much clout. But I'll do my bit to make this more visible.
I know what you're going through man. It sucks. I hit that point myself a few years ago. It gets better. It takes work. But anyone can turn their life around. I'm glad you're here because there are a lot of articles on here that will be able to help you. This will make you stronger.
I wish I could offer more than that. But I am from Australia so I am completely unfamiliar with laws/assistance programs in your area. Because I know how hard services are to find, the only recommendation I can make is to visit the local church. It tends to be a great place to start.
You can do it brother.
Thank you. I'm confused about which church to go to. I was raised Catholic, so I guess I should start there.
In all honesty, I'm really afraid of what's coming and so far everything I've read just makes me more afraid.
I'm reading the guides and I'm really not sure how to get all this stuff I'll need or where to keep it. It's almost like I need a home in order to survive as a homeless person.
It does feel like that. We were lucky when it happened to us. We had a car. I'd start wherever you feel comfortable starting. If catholic feels right, try Catholic. If the state services place feels right try there. I've found that the church tend to have better support systems than the state. But again, Australian. And I went to Church of England churches.
It's hard man. Not gonna lie. But the human spirit is strong. And the human animal is adaptable. Just take it a day at a time, an hour at a time, a minute at a time. You'll get there
I'm not even sure of where "there"is or what getting there will take.
Is my goal to have a home again or is it find support ? How do I save money and where do I put it? Not that I have any money now. I certainly don't expect Steemit to be a cash source, only a source for help/advice.
"There" is wherever you need it to be man. Whether that's a house. Or managing to live a happy nomadic life. or anything in between.
What does it mean when your post gets flagged and why would someone do that to my post?
Flag is like a downvote. And I have no idea