
Hi Matthijs! i like your goal, when i was in highschool i dream to be a filmmaker, but when I realized how much it is hardly feasible task, I decided to give up and find something that is right for me. I can give u only 1 advice for now, register on and talk to big whales, take an interview from them, it will help you to make right decisions while filmmaking ur project. I'd watched your work "Dio - We Zijn Hier ft. Jayh" u have great skills i must say, im 100% sure u will have big success here too!

Wauw thank you so much for your kind words. It really means a lot to me. You should never give up on dreams! Really, if it's in your heart go and do it. Films don't need to be Hollywood productions to be good. Please get back at it!

Thank you also for the great tip on the I'm going to have a loot at that right away!

I also started following you so hopefully @fleuri will have some good news regarding her browser notification extension she build for Chrome and Firefox ;)

Keep it up! and thnx again for the great comment.

Bro ur words melt my heart) i feel so much better now, i have depression long years from now, because i give up on so much things in my life... i was drawing, making videos, photographing, writing songs, i had so much interest in life... after ur sincere words and support i just need to start again from zero. Really thank you! i hope this is not our last chatting and we'll talk again... You are first person who told me to not give up and start again...

O Wauw, well I'm a bit amazed now.. In a good way! Glad my words meant something to you : )


So how do I get invited to Steem Slack?

Great, I was checking out Slack before. Will dive into it now :D thnx for the help!

Here bro:
just put here ur nikname

Let me know if you'll need my help in anything ;)

Thnx, Will do!

That is cool man! Your son with the 8mm camera is really cool! Good luck on here man!

Thank you!

He is on holiday atm so I gave him a Olympus Mju2 with a bunch of film. Curious to see what he comes back with :)

We need more of the future generation on here! What if your son sets up his own account??? That would so good.

Wow, that's a great idea though! Crypto for kids.

I didn't see any age limitation when I signed up :D

Not sure how to explain crypto to him >_<

Through out this film my son wil play a role. One way or the other. Lets see what this brings

awesome stuff man! good luck for the future and keep the original content coming! :D

Thank you @warrensteem It will only get better and better : )

Matthijs I have someone that works a lot in the 3D printed food space. I'd like to put you guys in touch as she is also from the Netherlands and has even given a TED talk on this subject . Please contact me so I can put the 2 of you in touch. Good luck!

That sound amazing! Drop me a mail @lionnnnnnnnn

Nice! Looking forward to see more from you here on steemit! Welcome to the club. I would really like you to do a review of Nano ( would that be possible?

@cyrusmark (me) is writing about using smart contracts to monitor and award healthy behaviors such as eating, sleeping, etc.

That's really interesting. I wonder how far this can go when we have IOT etc. For healthcare it's such a boost. For health insurance...another story. Excited to follow your output @cyrusmark . Would really like to see @futurefood tackle this too!

Like I said; you got my attention!

Thank you!

I will ook into eatnano for sure!

That's great! Also; have you ever checked out ? Might be handy for you! I see a lot of companies are based in the netherlands. Would be sweet if you could pay them a visit?

Amazing! Just checked it out, thnx again!

I'm currently in conversation with They are willing to sponsor my this project.

That's sick! I like Joylent. Would be great if you could test a lot of different meal replacement. I'm really excited about Nootropics though. And...artificial meat.

Right!! The artificial meat is something I really looking forward to. Right now I'm finishing my regular food and in a week from now I will make the switch to 100% meal replacements. See were this will bring me ; )

Blendrunner is amazing! I used it the first time I got introduced to these types of shakes. There are a few bad once out there. This site provides great insight.

I'd like it if they would have more customer feedback integrated layout though..

I agree. It misses some customer feedback. That might lead to a lot of spam though. I wish there was a similar site for nootropics. Do you know of any?

@tcfxyz unfortunately I think your right about the spam. Perhaps they could have some sort of a tweet fountain. Or is that really 2013? lol.

btw I found this comparison site for Nootropics.

Great to have you. Glad to see more artists coming to Steemit.

Thank you! Do you have recommendations for other artists here on Steemit?

call me if you need an artist :v

You seem deep into film and video. Do you work in film as well?

no but its my dream to be an actor or movie director like you

Ain't nothing to but to do it! If its a dream, start today. Look around you, what do you see? can you tell something about it? could it translate to a story? Give it a try! Curious what the outcome would be!

Thanks for your post. I'm glad to find so many interesting people here. I bought my first videocamera 1989 and since developed into a professional editor. I also like documentaries very much and a doc about steemit would be very cool. I'm also a huge fan of Amsterdam ;-) I will definitely add your profile to my watchlist.

Hey, thnx for your comment! You're a professional editor!! Really curious!

You can check out some of my work at my website. Most of the work I did was for German-TV stations and companies like Camel and Smirnoff, which I wasn't allowed to put on my website. But maybe you get an idea of my skills through what is there.

I checked out your website! I like it!

It's also funny that I used some similar techniques of 'editing' that you did. I used to re-film my videos from a very small b/w TV to give them an artsy touch. Glad you like my website. Feel free to contact me directly at shortcut[at] if you think I can do something for your project.

Very diverse :) Good work!

Great idea! You should try to reach out to @stellabelle she an amazing writer. Welcome to Steem ! Keep Steeming #steem

Thank you and yes! I've seen @stellabelle her posts. Indeed a good writer.

Cool post Matthijs! xx

Thank you! (•ө•)♡

I have one question though, are you planning to deal with the of food? Or only the future?

You could say I start with the food. Meaning that the future will become a direct result of the food. This, hopefully will create a collision between mediums : )

Let's hope it's a good collision! I know my stomach can't take it! I can only do a few meal replacements per week.

@futurefood You sound like a philosopher!

On that note, @uxandthecity dealing with the future is like running away from the present ; )

It would also be interesting if you dealt with the history of food. How we saw new food coming into place and how our habits are changing. Imagine what our habits will be if alter ourselves... That would lead to such a different scenario. What do you think?

Yes, I totally agree with you. The history of food could give a lot of insight in were we are heading. I'm very interested by the way humans constantly try to upgrade them selfs.

The sky is the limit they once said, yet I feel we're already flying! :D

We are for sure flying! But food probably have an effect on our genetics too. That's something to explore!!!

I upvoted You

I think you like this service! It can tell you which food you need eat when you have some health trouble

Thats great!! Is this your work??

yes, thank you!) i have many ideas on this project and try to do something new when have time. It will realy cool if you give me feadback through some time)

Oh I will for sure. I'm gonna have a good look at it and get back to you. :)

Welcome Matthijs

hahaha great! Thnx. Didnt hear that song in ages : )

Awesome project! One thing came to mind though; how will you do this with out becoming an walking advertising board for these shakes? Are they paying you? or what's the deal?

Yes! I really like this project. I'm also a big follower of future foods. Not interested in too much sponsored content though. I hope @futurefood will take that in consideration.

That is a good question. I want to stay as objective as possible. When companies sponsor me, lets say giving me there products I'm going to be honest in my feedback on their products. And I will tell them before the sponsor goes down. I also don't want to limit myself to shakes only. But that will unfold itself along the way.

That's a good approach! How far are you willing to go? Are you willing to get food through injections? Will inhale food? Is that even possible !!!! :)

Hi!! I'm going to be visiting Amsterdam next week! I'm thinking about doing a steemit post about it. I'll be staying on a Barge on the canals. Any advice on what to see and write about would be greatly appreciated!!
This is me :)

Hi There! That's great! and yes I have tons of tips for you. Could you be more specific with what topics of interrest?

Well my parents at the moment are taking a barge from northern netherlands to amsterdam where I'll meet them and stay on the boat for the week. If you check out my post liked you can read all about my interests.

Please let know to us when you finish your film!

Thank you! The production will take about a year. The idea is to keep you guys posted on the developments. Follow I'd say :)

best wishes and good luck

thnx alot!

This will be a very interesting project to follow. Its great seeing how creative people are using steemit. The documentary will be nice to see.

Thank you for your kind words : )

Great introduction, looking forward to see your 'behind the scenes' documentary when it's done. Greetings from Groningen :P

Thnks for your comment!

The behind the scenes has already started :D See the idea is to make similar video's like the introduction video in my post. That's why it's called "Episode 00" But I geuss it will make more sense once their are more videos with topics that are more interactive in context.

Keep it up!

Welcome to the Steemit community!

Thank you @beachbum. haha great name!

Stop by Area 51 when you get a chance for your documentary.

hahaha awesome post! just upvoted you.

Keep it coming! Oh, and could I give you a tip? if your filming more outside try to get a better mic. Or put soms socks around the mic you are using. That will improve the watch-ability of your videos.

Keep it up!

Can't wait to see your interesting documentary ! FULL SUPPORT FROM ME!!

Thnx alot!

Welcome! Hope to see y documentary.good luck with everything!

You will see the documentary and the behind the scenes! Just keep a track on my blog : )

Hey thnx for the tips!
Great food for thought!

Greetings back ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ

It's just as exciting for me to!
Thnx :)