"What should the title be?" "That one! There! Put that!"

Salutations steemy friends

Today I tried to tie a banana to my head for the better part of an hour. I thought it would make a goodish profile picture, couldn't think of a different one, and most importantly became way too committed once I started.

After gathering the necessary supplies of string and a banana, I figured I was halfway there and wouldn't let my nonexistent knowledge of knots get in the way of things. So I proceeded to wrap the banana with string many many times and hope that through the magic of friction and, after a certain point, light prayer, it would stay put over my mouth. It didn't.

Much time passed, and I decided to enlist the help of a certain girlfriend of mine, who is an amateur of arts and crafts and therefore has amassed a grand knowledge of knots of all shapes and sizes. And so for much more time she methodically strung up the banana. But the darn thing kept slipping.

We fell into a deep despair. We would have to think of a whole different picture, and all the banana time will have been lost. But as I held that absurd and delicious yellow fruit that was at once my muse and bane hopelessly against my lips, an idea that was so crazy it just might and of course will work hopped out and slapped me hard and said "Do this, stupid!"

Of course. Just hold the banana with your teeth. And voila

Photo on 1-12-18 at 6.32 PM.jpg

I'm Josh. I like hiking and books. Also music. I've seen some stuff kind of. Maybe I'll tell you about it when you're older.



At least you're smiling.

Warm greetings and love, welcome to the platform :)

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Hey welcome to steemit :D The community on this platform is absolutely amazing, and I hope you enjoy every second spent on it :)

Normally don't do this...but id really appreciate if you can vote for me, so i can win a competition. Can you vote for BitcoinRag on https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfGk2-tKWjxYjObAZZsqozjca3wmjpboi_vMcpib-CVxZEO6A/viewform please? You must join the @publicaofficial telegram beforehand, for the vote to work. Thanks! :D ❤️

I upvoted :P

Title Banana boy

Banana smile.. very funny.. welcome to the steemit community @funisnotfun.