
@michaeldietrich check this out :*

Cool! Hallo Nachbarin :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hi dearest!

website still not available ;p

I can't recommend these two enough! They are to sound what Gordon Ramsey is to flavor :D
Seriously, been listening to you guys for 3 years now and you are always my inspiration in clarity, mixing, and sound design.
Congrats on opening shop!!!!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You are too kind @junkfeathers!! Thank you so much for the wonderful words & wishes! <3 We love working with you <3

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Welcome freqshack!
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Und dann sehe ich, wir sind fast Nachbarn :D Sind vor zwei Jahren aus der Karlsruher City nach Linkenheim gezogen... Liebe Grüße!

good work getting this on here!

Wasn't aware of you guys when I used steem but I'm a big fan of your One Tribe Radio show