Who I am. Why I'm here. And why Troy Bolton from High School Musical isn't a total idiot

A spright group of high-school students once sang out to me in irritatingly auto-tuned harmony: "we're alllll in this tahgether, once we stand hand in hand something something make our dreams come trueeeee!"
I can see Zac Efron now with his stupid haircut and the rest of the phony-ass looking twenty something year olds pretending to be high school students doing twirls on lunch tables and smiling like a bunch of idiots.

I mean cmon...look at this guy
Sweet bangs dude

High school musical fantasy world:


But I digress...now, without a doubt, the rest of the stupid song goes on to be as lyrically superficial as any modern day classic disney musical has ever been. But if we toss the disney facade aside for a second and actually contemplate the profundity of being "in this together," especially in today's world, you end up staring at humanity dead-on.

...but I'll let you muse over that on your own time.

The reason I bring up Troy Bolton and the gang isn't just to make fun of his haircut but because more often than not we find the most profound meaning in the most simple things. Not to be cheesy, but a smile, a hug, a flower, a conversation, a view, a great meal, success, exercise...all these things are simple in their nature, but are the some of things that make life feel worth living.

I was lucky enough to experience this view first hand last week. Cadillac Mountain on Mount Desert Island in Maine. The first place the sun touches in the entire United States every day. Wake up for a sunrise especially if you live on the east coast. You won't regret it.

In this mystery of life, the search for meaning often times feels like an insatiable pursuit....so we turn to our phones, to video games, to mindless activity. But we'll never find true happiness, fulfillment, or enlightenment in these things. So my goal is to be here as your "fellow human." Not someone who has all the answers by any means. But someone who is on this journey of life as well. Someone who is "in this together" with you. And in my own personal journey, as I find happiness, fulfillment, and enlightenment in any form, I plan to share it with you in hopes to make your journey even the slightest bit easier. Because a small dose of joy can be a large dose of fuel in life.

But like every one of my fellow humans out there, as life moves on, I expect to experience defeat, sorrow, depression, and at times, hopelessness (what I'll often refer to as darkness). Darkness versus light, hope vs surrender to fear and depression, good vs evil...these adversaries are inherent in the dance of life, but dealing with their coexistence is something we all must come to terms with. Finding the things that combat the darkness, the giggle of small baby, beautiful weather, a view from the top of a mountain, things that will always exist, those are the things I plan to use as a remedy in times of struggle and I encourage you to do the same.

Someone once told me that we read because it helps us feel less alone. So I guess that's why I'm here. To hopefully relate and inspire. Steemit to me is more of a platform for connecting with strangers than anything. I may never know who is reading my blogs, but maybe, just maybe, I am making a difference in their life. And that to me is powerful.

So I plan on blogging about a variety of things. From health, to exercise, to personal experiences, to anything I feel worth sharing. But my main goal is to inspire, question, and slowly chip away at the mystery of life, and walk this journey with you: "together."

I'll leave you with a quote that feels particularly relevant to this blog and comes with a bit more gravity than that of a quote from Troy Bolton

"We live for the pieces of ourselves that live in others"

Ecstatic to be a part of the steemit community! Find positivity in the simple things today and remember, you're not alone, "we're all in this together."


+1 for making High School Musical slightly less gay (not in a homosexual way)

I may never know who is reading my blogs, but maybe, just maybe, I am making a difference in their life. And that to me is powerful.

This is a really nice #introduceyourself @fellowhuman! I'd re-steem this, but it was over a week ago :-(