introduce my self, my name is fachrid


Hello Steemit all, here I would like to introduce my self named Fachrid alhadi I from Indonesia precisely in Aceh province Langsa City, I was born in Langsa Aceh on July 22, 1995. My current activity is a lecture at the college of Ocean University Langsa City in the faculty Techniques with Informatics Engineering course. My hobby is very happy to play games on android as well as on pc because the game is a very fun game for me. Besides that I also love to play guitar in my spare time and not infrequently if there is a music festival I participated in the event and I've been winning several times at the music festival and following other useful activities.

My goal is to steer in Steemit is to channel my hobby of playing games, I know this Steemit from my campus friends who often tell stories and share information about Steemit. I think Steemit is a means of sharing knowledge about various games that we can see and we can learn from the artkel that other people make. So from that I sanggat interested and want to join with Steemit to channel my hobby that is play game android and in pc. And I also can see or get information about other game in this steemit from game which others play.

So little I can share about my daily life and my acquaintance with Steemit all of them. If any words or words that I do not deign or offend Steemit all I apologize with the size besar.Sem Please help and steemit steemit friends who have experienced in Steemit And I need the advice and criticism also from my friends all of Steemit so that I can learn and can understand well and benar.Hanya this is what I can say I thank you.


Hello Steemit semua,disini saya ingin memperkenalkan diri  saya yang bernama Fachrid alhadi saya dari Indonesia tepatnya di provinsi Aceh Kota Langsa,saya lahir di Langsa Aceh pada tanggal 22 Juli 1995.Kegiatan saya saat ini adalah kuliah di perguruan tinggi Universitas Samudra Kota Langsa di fakultas Teknik dengan program studi Teknik Informatika.Hobi saya sangat senang bermain game di android maupun di pc karena game merupakan permainan yang sangat menyenangkan bagi saya.selain itu saya juga senang bermain gitar di waktu luang dan  tidak jarang  jika ada sebuah festival musik saya ikut dalam acara tersebut,dan sudah beberapa kali saya mendapatkan juara di acara festival musik tersebut dan mengikuti kegiatan bermanfaat lainnya.

Tujuan saya bergambung di Steemit ialah untuk menyalurkan hobi saya yaitu bermain game, saya tau Steemit ini dari teman-teman satu kampus saya yang sering bercerita dan berbagi informasi tentang Steemit.menurut saya Steemit ialah sarana berbagi ilmu pengetahuan tentang berbagai macam game yang bisa kita lihat dan dapat kita pelajari dari artkel yang orang lain buat.Maka dari itu saya sanggat tertarik dan ingin bergabung dengan Steemit untuk menyalurkan hobi saya yaitu bermain game android maupun di pc.Dan saya juga dapat melihat ataupun mendapatkan informasi tentang game lainnya di steemit ini dari game yang orang lain mainkan. 

Demikianlah sedikit yang dapat saya bagikan tentang keseharian saya dan perkenalan saya kepada Steemit semuanya.Jika ada kata  ataupun ucapan saya yang tidak berkenan ataupun menyinggung perasaan Steemit semuanya saya mohon maaf dengan sebesar besarnya.Saya mohon bantuan dan  arahan teman teman steemit yang sudah berpengalaman di Steemit ini.Dan saya butuh saran dan kritikannya juga dari teman teman Steemit semuanya agar saya dapat belajar dan dapat memahami dengan baik dan benar.Hanya ini saja yang dapat saya sampaikan saya ucapkan terima kasih.   


Welcome to steemit Fachrid alhadi.

Thank you for your support @travelfusion

Selamat bergabungbdi steemit fahri. .

Vote and follow kembali ya aku ya

iya sama sama kak terima kasih @aulia93

Welcome to Steemit @fachridbobo!

I wish you much success and hope you find Steemit to be as rewarding and informative as I have.

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Oh yea, I have upvoted you and followed you. Many blessings from @introbot & @bycoleman

Saludos, gracias por unirte a Steemit.

thank you bro

Hello @fachridbobo.
Selamat datang di Steemit.

Hey, semoga artikel ini bisa membantu.
To Avoid Common Mistakes In Steemit originally posted by @cryptoscout

Oia, sudah upvoted dan followed..
Sukses di steemit.

"Consistent Action Creates Consistent Results"

You are cool. Thanks for sharing, hehe. I'm Oatmeal Joey Arnold. You can call me Joey.

oke joey thank you

Welcome to Steemit fachridbobo. Let me know if you got any questions about Steem or anything related to it! The official FAQ can be found here and has A LOT of information - Also remember, Steemit is just ONE of the sites built that uses Steem the blockchain. We also have DTube - our very own Youtube, DSound for Soundcloud and Steepshot if you prefer Instagram like experience. I'd also like to mention ChainBB - forums, Busy - Steemit with more modern look basically, DMania for memes and Dlive for streaming just like in Twitch! You can also earn Steem by gaming now! Search for Steemgar if that's more your thing. Welcome to the blockchain! :)

Hi, welcome to steemit!
I wanted to be one of the first to give you an up-vote too.

Please follow me if you like and we can share posts and up-votes and help build our profiles. ☺