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RE: An intro to all things xploited

Is there any guide you can link me to as to how to create a cryptocurrency from scratch? Or a definitive guide on how to create one based off of another coin on github? I want to develop a coin SO BADLY but I have no coding knowledge and I'd prefer to just honestly change parameters and go based off of a POS coin. I want my coin to be POS not POW or whatever else is out there. I promise it's not another shitcoin! This one will have real-world implications and I'm going to attempt to back it physically with a material that I'm figuring out currently.

Please get back to me when you can, I'd really love to get started coding this coin or editing it or whatever.. I just have no clue as to how to launch it or anything.. If it becomes popular and worth a lot, I'll be more than happy to re-imburse you for your time later on.. Just let me know! :)


There's some decent guides out there if your looking to make a proof of work coin, but the POS code base that has been around tell recently were all a hodgepodge of commits and code states. It really was a mess and had diverged from bitcoin significantly.

Thankfully.. there's now some good options to work from. Particle coin has a recent code base but they've also diverged from BTC with extras they've put in plus they take up an opcode for the staking.. which i wasn't a fan of. So its an options but its further away from bitcoin.

I've been working on a CLAM update to get the client to more recent code base.. segwit, header first syncing, numerous code restructuring improvements while trying to stay as close to bitcoin as possible. Almost done in fact... just some small bugs and testing to do. It syncs, sends coins etc. You can see the code here (im l0rdicon on github as someone stole my xploited nic :( )

I've honestly been planning to create a template code base (naimly for my use) when i was done with the CLAM update. Aka strip out anything coin specific.. which sounds like what your looking for. I named that repo with that in mind, just happens its where i started to throw the CLAM updates as well.

As for the logistics of actually making a coin. You don't necessarily have to be a coder... but understanding bitcoin is a necessity imo. You don't have to know everything, that's not even possible.. but if you don't know how transactions / pow / blocks etc work on a somewhat technical level its going to be difficult and you should spend some time there first. This isn't an attempt to dissuade you either just if your really interested and want to do it right you should have some idea of how things work even if you can't code it yourself.

Building the client can be one of the more difficult parts.. assuming you want osx/win/linux clients. If your comfortable with linux that will go a long way into being able to compile. The gitian build system, used to build the bitcoin client will let you compile osx/win/nix all from one system. Its a little tricky to get setup but once you do its great.

I'm more then happy to answer any questions you have.. you can find me in #clams on efnet on IRC for a real time conversation

I do understand bitcoin/blockchain/tx in-depth. I've been dealing with cryptos since prob 2013-early2014. I am actually on Just-Dice a lot.. I gamble there and CLAM was the first coin that made me want to make a POS coin. It was my introduction to POS in the first place!

Honestly.. I AM looking for basically fill-in code that I just place my parameters into and execute the creation. I know very very little C++ and Java.. which I don't believe will help me at all.

Also, honestly, I am not really looking to do too much work on the coin.. I would prefer as little work as possible, in-fact. I am just unaware of how to actually get a coin out there once I've got the code together.. Like where would I link it up? I've heard something about needing a node or something? Pre-mining? Genesis block, unless it's forked? Idk? There's just some mystery to the whole process that I'd either like to be clarified on, if it's possible, or would just like done for me and I can compensate you or whoever does the bit of extra work for me, once the coin is released and begins to build value, or if I start an ICO or something, I can allocate part of those funds to the person who assists me in the development of the coin. Or, I believe it's possible.. They can set the coin's initial distribution to distribute a certain amount of the coin to a wallet of their possession, ensuring that they get their cut. (Not that I would even try to screw anyone out of a cut.. If it's as successful as I believe it will be.. There will be plenty of money to change ALL of our lives for the better.. Even the general public.. lol)

Again, CLAM is MY holy grail of POS coin, as I've loved using and gambling with it for the past however many years. If I could create something like that, but obviously my own parameters and methods of distribution/etc.. That would be perfect..

I appreciate you taking the time to reply to me, I know your life must be pretty busy, so it means a lot to me to actually have gotten a response at all!

I would really prefer to discuss the intricate details of the coin in private, tbh. I don't want my idea stolen, as I believe it's the first of it's kind.. That I've seen in all my years of crypto.. That could actually be more successful than a majority of these coins out today that have no real purpose.. but are highly over-valued........

Please email me when you've got some time, I'd love to share my idea with someone who can ACTUALLY possibly help me get it to fruition..