Hi everyone ! I want to tell you something about me and my hobby :D

in #introduceyourself • 7 years ago

As you may know there is a lot of people on this site but I am the extraordinary one. Just look at this picture 😛
What am I doing for the living ?
I am intrested in many things but my favorite is CNC Machines. It is very difficult and complitated subject and it requires a lot of time. My passion is printer 3D and I am going to write about it.
I love printing it's something what really keeps me doing. I am buiding my own printer 3D so that i can make everything you can't even imagine! It gives me a lot of opportunities such as little figures of Disney characters image
What else ?
Maybe it isn't much about me and my hobby but I am going to tell you more about my passion in next article
Bye for now


hopefully you feel at home here. 😊welcome to steemit @erminsterio, best regards..

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