Haha @ecoinstant, I am from the same slice as you I have read every pathfinder book I own (I have several) and have gone through the core set of the DnD 5e books. Rulesets and game mechanics are fascinating to me, especially when the mesh well with the lore backing them.
I do have a group that has varied in size over the years, but currently we have a 4 person group that is running the Ghosts of Saltmarsh campaign that I have reskinned to fit my world. We are currently running an arc that I have made outside of the campaign setting between the Isle of the Abbey and the Final Enemy. It is a great setting if you are not looking for a rigid pre-generated campaign and has lots of places to add your own touches.
I have not actually used rpg.net before, but I have used roll20's virtual table top platform during covid so we could continue to play. While I love the idea and grateful that they have a free version, nothing quite compares to getting together with a group of friends, breaking bread and rolling some dice.
Have you ever considered an online campaign before?