Im also trying to work on a video game, currently i dont have too much funding into the project, once i made like 80 some odd characters to play, then the project got put on hold .. im still sort of looking for a team to put together for it, in hopes they know there is no funds - but some of the things im looking for are people to help create a back story for each character, as well as the voice for them ; plus a few people that know code to help work out some bugs .
If you would like to collaborate together some time in the future be sure to follow me or check out my web page on my blog .
But as for the game it looks great so far ; just looking at the picture, perhaps you can film yourself running through a level or two, and explain the plot and such - just a thought, keep up the good work ; you have just made yourself a follower !
Thank you, I am working on this game solo to learn what i will need to know to collaborate efficiently, but I will be looking for something soon I have followed you so I can find you then.