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RE: Introduceyourself - Nutrition to Crypto Currency and Now to Steemit

I really like your intro post! You seem to be a very interesting person! :)
And I am excited to read more of you!
You don't need to feel bad or small because of your voice. However it may sound, it is your unique and special voice. And if it sounds different to the average voice, then be proud to be a diamond between stones :)
People always lokk for differences to mock others, but I am sure you truely a re a beautiful person in any way! Big hug to you, lots of good vibes and a lot of fun and success on Steemit <3A warm and happy welcome to Steemit dear @sarahrowling! :) <3


Thanks for the warm welcome and for the kind words.

Thank you, thank you so much. By reading your words, I felt peace and felling grateful to you. Seems like I found a good friend here <3

Your response is really touching! :) Thank you very much! I am grateful we met each other here my freind <3