Selamat siang teman-teman steemit, perkenalkan nama saya ELVANI TRI KUSUMA dengan akun steemit @elvanitrikusuma, kelahiran dari kota bogor komplek kehutanan bondongan dekat RS MELANIA keseharian saya adalah mengurus rumah dan orang tua sekaligus mengaji Dan membantu mangajar mengaji di MADRASAH AL-JUMAN tempatnya dekat dengan rumah saya tinggal, saya tidak malu kalau saya masih mengaji bersama anak-anak kecil karena ilmu agama menurut saya sangat penting untuk kehidupan saya.
Terimakasih saya ucapkan untuk kaka saya @dianrusdiana yang sudah memperkenalkan saya pada @steemit, dan semoga saya bisa cepat memahami steemit ini.
In English
Good afternoon steemit friends, introduce my name ELVANI TRI KUSUMA with account steemit @elvanitrikusuma, birth from the city bogor forest complex near the Hospital MELANIA my daily life is taking care of the house and parents at the same time mengaji And help mangajar mengaji in MADRASAH AL-JUMAN place near with the house I live in, I am not ashamed if I am still studying with small children because religious knowledge is very important to my life.
Thank you for my brother @dianrusdiana who has introduced me to @steemit, and hopefully I can quickly understand this steemit.
hey so nice I really like your post! Thanks for it! I actually wrote my 2nd part of my introduceyouself and I write about that I went to jail because of cryptos... lets make steemit together to a better place with our content! I would like to read a bit more about you and maybe do you have some more pictures? Maybe you upvote me and follow me swell as I do?
thanks before
welcome to Steemit :) enjoy your stay here
Thank you very much and i hope i will enjoy here
assalamualaikum kk @elvanitrikusuma selamat bergabung di steemit. tetap semangat berkarya.
wa alaikum salam, terima kasih abang atas dukungannya
Yes, you are welcome
Walaikumsalam warohmatuallahi wabarokatu, kaka salam kenal ya kaka, mohon bantuannya
siap. sama sama kita belajar.
Assalammualaikum warohmatuallahi wabarokatu, selamat siang juga kaka, salam kenal ya kaka
Happy Birthday ya, eh selamat bergabung neng geulis...
Barakaallah fii umrik, ya bang terima kasih ya salam kenal juga bang, mohon bantuannya ya
Hallo Neng, salam kenal dan selamat bergabung ;)
Assalammualaikum warohmatuallahi wabarokatu kaka, salam kenal juga ya ka, mohon bantuannya ya ka terima kasih
Welcome to the steemit community from me @adimulyadi from indonesia, i hope what you share and post is available in this steemit paltfrom. do not be saturated to work through every input available and get paid according to your work. welcome my return best for you friend
Thanks you my brother
selamat bergabung kawan
Terima kasih kaka, mohin bantuannya ya
Welcome to steemit elvanitrikusuma I wish you success and a fun time here.
Selamat bergabung kk @elvanitrikusuma. Semoga bermanfaat
Terima kasih kaka, bismillah
Salam. Kenal ya ka mohon bantuannya
welcome to in the zone ...steemit communty bogor city onesoul..
Thanks before
Hey. Good to see more women on Steem. I am new here too. I greet female steemit users and support them :)
Hope to learn more from you and other women on steem.
Have fun.
Thanks before 😊