1. Name: al Hadi
2. Place / date of birth: Lhokseumawe / 04/06/2000
3. Gender: Male
4. Marital status: Not married
5. Nationality: Indonesia
6. Religion: Islam
7. Children to / from: 2 (a) of the six (6)
8. Hobbies: singing
yes indeed my full name al Hadi but a different friend different call eg school friends called him al instead there are also who call shredded (cleric) and let another friend calling me Hadi and I also have a friend ang multifarious No one likes to talk ya think "if we long may listen to endless and there is also a friend who likes jahilin yes multiply long if at ceritakan.tapi I liked just friends who do not like other people's business mix as I was still a schoolboy might only those who can cheer me on at school but if finished school who can entertain me just corel draw yes as I have children sMK majoring in multimedia possible for me corel draw that could make me inspirational with other people's work was cooking my own work right I was a student smk, yes so I made this website with the intention to share and learn for myself
Welcome to steemit @elhadi
Welcome to Steemit! :))
Welcome to Steemit, al Hadi.
Jroh that. Ka meutamah lom Steemian Aceh.
Welcome to steemit @elhadi. Best of luck to you!
Welcome on Steemit :-)
You are welcome :-)
Welcome to Steemit @elhadi!
I hope you will enjoy here :)