My Introduction

Hy steemitians my name is Trisha. Though ive been on steem for more then a month now , I just got yo know there is a tradition to introduce yourself when ur a newbee. So here is my introduction. Ill become 20 next week , I am from Russia. Currently studying Medicine in India. I am kinda moody at times but then who isnt. Screenshot_20180507-220448.jpg
Art is an hobby I have kindled and nutured with love. I get it alot of times that I should make art as my profession but art gives me peace and i belive taking it to that level will take the peace away from it. Also have some poetry skills but i hardly write any due to my lack of vocabulary.
I like Travelling Alot and have been to many placeses around the world. Couch Serfing has helped alot. Ya and one more thing I Have done Modelling to ... a bit .. little bitScreenshot_20180507-220412.jpg
So thats about it. See you around😀


Hi Trisha, welcome to Steemit

hello tisea . what happent with your reputation ??

yeah some idiot flaged all my posts


Hey dear
Welcome to steemit
You can join this discord channel to be taught how to go about steemit and learn business,poetry,art,crypto and get motivated,taught how to make good posts and comment...Meet over 6k+ members and get to make friends from steemit all over the world including where you're from--> click link

Join the steemit school on discord channel today

Hi Trisha. Welcome to the community. I hope you will like it here and have some intressting encounters and contribuit with lots of your content.

Hello and welcome to Steemit. I'm still a beginner, I follow you and I hope you too will follow me, I'm glad to new acquaintances. I wish good luck in the development of your blog! Upvoted your post! ;)

thankyou so much sure ill follow you back

Hi Trisha nice to meet you, I'm Aly. Welcome to Steemit! All the best

yeah , nice to meet you too

hy aly i see ur struglling to like me ... i have followed you .. can u follow me back

Sorry was busy last night, are the artworks in your blog from you?

yeah sketches and paintings yes , digital art is not mine

Hi Trisha, nice to meet you! I was trying to work out why you have been flagged so much - make sure to credit the images you use that are not your own with the original artist, and if you have previously posted them somewhere else, just mention that and then no one will be confused if cheetah bot finds the same post somewhere else :)

thankyou i will remember that.. you have a nice accout. thankyou again

I have followed you so can't wait to see more of your art, I can't believe an established artist of your caliber has encountered such flagging, next time just drop a link to your facebook where you have the same signature on your art - that should prove it is yours :)

Nice to meet you Trish. Welcome to steemit.
I see you have some nice drawings, i can't wait to see more!! :D

yeah thankyou hope to see more of you too

I found very interesting you're a russian girl, studying Medicine in INDIA!! It has to be THE experience. Thank you for your help in my post :)

@ehtisham ...welcome to this great community..I'm positive you'll do well , I've followed you, please do well to follow back..peace!

Welcome to this Adventure!

Welcome !
I'm going to follow you to see your photo :)

Welcome to Steemit, and also to #Steembulls. I wish you all the best on this platform, as well as on your personal career goal to become a doctor in the future.

Believe in yourself, and you will be able to write good poems. It's good that you acknowledge your strength, that is your poetry skills, but don't be discouraged just because of lack of vocabulary. Write from your heart, and the words will come.

Welcome nice to meet you!

welcome to our family @ ehtisham. thanfks for hoining us on discord

Welcome dear.