Here is a graph I put together illustrating what will happen to your savings once smiley goes to college.
You can go ahead and pay me now.
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Here is a graph I put together illustrating what will happen to your savings once smiley goes to college.
You can go ahead and pay me now.
@edjag you got paid at a 100% rate hi hi hi. Get prep, when your child goes to college the annual $$$ that's leaves your wallet is about 20k-70k. Instead of the chart, I will give a silken rope for two kids 😭. Unfortunately, everyone is focused on the fortunate 500 list, not realizing that every penny earned will go to pay your child's education, which is higher than investments return rate. Universities in US should be at the top of that 500 fortune list. A 4 yr college degree ranges from 80k to 280k....and room and board for certain universities comes with no options. NOW, you ALL, start throwing me your cash 😅😅😅😅. Yours truly, Mrs. Nazi.
This is what you need!