
So here's a thought, the ancient Greeks mapped out all sorts of different types of loves (see exhibit A below)... do we need to add in an extra circle somewhere (maybe between Eros & Philia?) to represent the love you feel when you see someones online profile? He he he.

Thank you for the complement. I see you had some awesome times with Mother Aya in the jungle, nice pics!

Holy love, what a map. Universal love is flickering and I have another map to show to choose a spot for love ;) *technical hint: you can right click the image and open in new tab/window to see fullres 😳

Universexual Relation.jpg

Cool image - although not sure how I feel about that weird pink eye in the middle!

Thanks - maybe you want to explain which feelings the "weird pink eye in the middle" triggers ;)

It's like in horror movies when it seems like the eyes of a painting are following you wherever you go in a room. The weird lidless albino eye is watching me like some twisted psychedelic Big Brother, whilst the blooming pink lips of the heart are simultaneously suggestive of the notion that the freakazoid albino eye might in fact not be an eye at all but be the exploding or soon to be exploding epicentre of a female orgasm, presumably experienced after consumption of a large amount of acid or shrooms, where the orgasm is seen instead of felt, colours are smelled instead of seen etc. Which considering it's a gifted picture from an unknown male is a bit disconcerting and somehow feels uncomfortably intrusive.

Now I feel disconcerted and uncomfortable.

This picture was not made to trigger such feelings. I made it out of an experience I had ... and that was far from what you describe, but maybe you are right and this picture is far more powerful, than to post it to unknown people. Maybe you can forgive.

lol. I'm sorry, maybe I got a bit carried away with my interpretation! You did ask me. Can I ask about your interpretation of it as it was your experience!?