Hey! Today I am with you. Here in Steemit !!

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

As it turns out, I went to sleep last night not knowing what to expect this morning. More and more Steemians (This is how they seemed to be called) have stopped by my first post welcoming me as if they are not only happy to see me, but as If we have been friends for a long time.


When I woke up from sleep this morning, I immediately smiled, because the last night while I was sleeping, I dreamed that I was gathering with other friends were talking about steemit. In my dream, all of us already have steemit account including me. Ha ha

We were all making a post, and when I woke up, I unconsciously picked up my phone and looked. Apparently not a reward in my post that entered, but steemit password that entered through an email.


So happy I was this morning, then I immediately agreed to the confirmation, then I immediately made a first post I the Introduction (the beginning of the start of something new in steemit).

I am a music lover, pop songs, rock is my fanatic.
"My friend said, if you are busy not having time to write a story, you can join the musicians at @dsound, because that's where the musicians get together. musicians, and it is worthy of you to be there. "From that I also feel interested to join in # dsound.Makanya I created my account name @dsound-recording, but my name is Roberto Severi. Because I love to sing and I'm a musician.


It's also a very special day, because I received a beautiful award, I received my stealth confirmation password when I was even-numbered. Today is my birthday. Hope this is a good sign for me to start a new step.


In advance, thank you @welcoming and @teamsteem it seems that you guys are not only great examples of what being a good Steemian is all about, but are also concerned on the growth of the platform more than I could have ever imagined.

In any case, I’m excited to be here.

Once again, thank you to all.

A quanto pare, ieri notte sono andato a dormire senza sapere cosa aspettarmi stamattina. Sempre più Steemiani (così sembravano essere chiamati) si sono fermati dal mio primo post ad accogliermi come se non fossero solo felici di vedermi, ma come se fossimo amici da molto tempo.


Stamattina quando mi sono svegliato dal sonno, ho immediatamente sorriso, perché l'ultima notte mentre stavo dormendo, ho sognato che stavo raccogliendo con altri amici stavamo parlando di steemit. Nel mio sogno, tutti noi abbiamo già un account steemit incluso me. Ah ah

Stavamo facendo un post, e quando mi sono svegliato, ho inconsciamente preso il mio telefono e ho guardato. A quanto pare non è una ricompensa nel mio post che è entrato, ma steemit password che è entrato attraverso una e-mail.


Sono così contento di essere stato stamattina, poi ho immediatamente accettato la conferma, quindi ho immediatamente fatto un primo post I l'introduzione (l'inizio dell'inizio di qualcosa di nuovo in steemit).

Sono un appassionato di musica, canzoni pop, il rock è il mio fanatico.
"Il mio amico ha detto, se sei occupato a non avere il tempo di scrivere una storia, puoi unirti ai musicisti di @dsound, perché è lì che i musicisti si riuniscono, musicisti, ed è degno di te essere lì." Da che mi sento anche interessato a unirsi a # dsound.Makanya Ho creato il mio account name @dsound-recording, ma il mio nome è Roberto Severi. Perché amo cantare e sono un musicista.



È anche un giorno molto speciale, perché ho ricevuto un bellissimo premio, ho ricevuto la mia password di conferma stealth quando ero pari. Oggi è il mio compleanno. Spero che questo sia un buon segno per me per iniziare un nuovo passo.

In anticipo, grazie @welcoming e @teamsteem, sembra che voi ragazzi non siano solo dei grandi esempi di cosa sia un buon Steemiano, ma siamo anche preoccupati della crescita della piattaforma più di quanto avrei mai potuto immaginare.

In ogni caso, sono felice di essere qui.

Ancora una volta, grazie a tutti.



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Welcome to steemit!
I am a bot built for the purposes of welcoming new users! I know that steemit may seem very overwhelming to you right now but don't worry. There's a learning curve to everything so just be patient and you'll be churning out posts and becoming a part of something great in no time!

Also if there are any questions that you may have, then just ask your questions on any of my blog posts or in a reply below and I'll be more than happy to assist you with whatever questions you may have! I will also be creating a basic starting out guide for all minnows and newcomers on my blog so do give it a read as that might help answer many of your questions!

Have fun and I wish you LOADS of success on here! :)

Also. you can call upon originalworks whenever something you post is your own content like this: @originalworks


Yeah, Thank you very much @welcome-to-steem

It really helps me and other budding steemit friends. Hopefully with guidance from you make it easier for me personally and my other friends.

I hope next time you posted a video of you singing with your band or singing solo. =)
Welcome to steemit and best of luck to you Roberto. =)

Ooo for sure, because singing is my daily life.

Thank you @purepinay

Welcome To Steemit!

This is a great place to network with other people from all over the world. If you continually post great content you will grow a following in no time and start making some nice author rewards.

One of the first things you should do is start following some authors that post good content and upvote them as well. Follow Me! Make some friends and you will be well on your way to earning some nice curation rewards and growing your following.

I have created some great YouTube videos that you can watch to learn all about Steemit and how to succeed using it. A new video will be released every week so consider subscribing to learn even more about Steemit! If you ever have any questions, or need help with something, feel free to comment on the videos as well.

Best Of Luck!
Spencer Coffman
Read My Latest Article: The Best Social Bookmarking Sites

Thank you for the information. It really helps me as a beginner to be able to grow.

Always a success for you friend

Welcome to Steemit! :)

Wish you all the best on the platform and with your music!!

// @sanktnico

Hi how are you? Really cool intro, i love it ! I’m a new steemit user as well and would like to connect with other cool steemians, artists and musicians. I’m posting music tutorials and other things related to music (and bitcoins:p). I’m the founder of the free music school communicasound. I'm really pleased to meet you. So i give you my vote, follow you and i will be happy to read your next posts in the futur. If you want, you can do the same and follow me. It’s important to have a family in Steemit :) Greetings from Paris. Peace.

Hi bung. It's an honor for me to meet you in steemit, meet a founder of free music school, it's cool comrade, a musician should be able to carry a virus that can affect many people. Because music is our inspiration.

Regards @communicasound

You're totally right, the best virus ever created :) I'm glad to connect with such a passionate musician. Creating a free music school took me 3 years without being paid. I have made everything by myself. But i really want to spread the music knowledge to a large amount of people for free. As you know, music can cure and is the best remedy in a really sick society :) Be sure i will support you as much as i can. looking forward to reading and hearing all your next posts and videos.

Hey, I'm Oatmeal Joey, and cool.

Yeahh, you're very cool @joyarnoldvn

Happy Birthday and welcome!!!

dsound is the best and all thanks to the amazing @prc (who develops it).

Looking forward to hearing some of your music soon!

I have started a video series that you may be interest in too called How To Make Money As An Independent Musician.

Until next time!

Yeahh, Thank you very much @atomcollector

Hopefully #dsound can be my priority in steemit in the future. And hope @dsound will always grow and be better among the good

I hope so too. @prc is working very hard!

Welcome and Cheers!! 250% upvoted Thanks!