Hello Everybody
Hello, my name is Dylan AKA drabs587 and this is my introduction story. I'm still new to hive however this is not my first blog post but my first post about who I am and how I got introduced to this wonderful platform.
My Story
Let's start with the basics, my name is Dylan and I'm 29 years old. I go by the nickname Drabs it is part of my last name and also the nickname my old man used to always use, so you could say I kinda inherited it. I'm from Canada the great white north where we have the most insane temperature change every year, going from -40 in the winter to +40 in the summer it sure is crazy, haha but I love it.
Since an early age, I have been a gamer starting with sega genesis playing sonic and mortal combat. To getting an N64 for Christmas and was over the moon to play super smash bros and Banjo-Kazooie. Video games have always been a huge part of my life and sometimes to my detriment as I got pretty hooked and was playing games non-stop with no motivation or ambition to do anything else. In June of this year, I made some big changes and took a break from all things gaming.
This was my sweetie Ruca, we had to put her down 3 years ago and it was a tough transition not having her in my life. She could cheer me up when I was having a bad day and there was nothing more I looked forward to than coming home to her. She was a staffy and was full of love and kisses, she was also born breach so all the circulation got cut off to her back legs and they were just little twigs. That didn't hold her back though she still ran with the best of them and had a life full of happiness. After losing her I went through a rough patch and became pretty anti-social it took a long time before I started to open up again.
This was Ruca when she was just a little puppers and you can see her back legs are just skin and bones, at that time she could only crawl and drag her back legs. It never bothered her, and we were worried she would need to get a set of wheels, but she learned and used them very well as she grew.
These are my wonderful parents this was a picture from earlier this year where we all got to go for a beautiful walk in the local park. My old man has had a rough life he just turned 58 and has had multiple surgeries, both his hips and left shoulder have been replaced. He is also on a lot of prescription medication and it has taken a toll on his body. This was a nice day to go out and enjoy some beautiful scenes through nature and just have some time to ourselves. Both of them have always supported me in anything I do and helped shape me into who I am today.
Finding out about Splinterlands
With covid being a thing so many people have been couped up and working from home. For me, I have not been able to find work for the past 2 years. I'm a journeyman welder by trade and the place I was working in for over 10 years went through a mass layoff, they were hit pretty hard with work shortages and I was, unfortunately, one of the employees that were included in that list. I was hoping it would be short-term, but as covid kept going and work was not coming through, I was not brought back. I had EI provided for the next year and a half so I was sitting at home for a majority of the time. That is where I started to get lazy and went through a spell of depression being hooked to video games and not really doing anything with my life.
It wasn't until July that I visited a friend and had a heart-to-heart with him and realized I needed to make some changes otherwise I was headed down a dark path and lonely path. We got to talking and the biggest takeaway was striving to be better every day, I started as soon as I got back to the city. First, with getting active again going for walks/runs at the local park and working out at the little gym they have there. It started to improve my mental health again just getting active and back out in the world.
After a month of this I was feeling the best I have in the past two years I was no longer sitting around feeling self-pity but instead focused on my health and happiness. That is when my buddy who I visited called me up and told me about this amazing game called Splinterlands. At first, I was skeptical to get back into gaming but it sounded interesting and the idea of a play2earn game was really exciting.
After a week or so in the game I was hooked, looking up strategies and figuring out everything I could about the game. I was still unsure about putting money into other than my initial investment of 10$ for the spellbook. But after thinking about it I bought my first batch of credits and bought a Mylor Crowling at the time it was 13$ and thought it was expensive for just one card.
After that, I decided to join the discord and that was the best decision I ever made. I was quickly greeted by amazing people who were so kind to help me out with many things from gameplay analysis to giving me some in-game assets that were huge for a new player like myself starting out. There was so much to take in at the time but the community welcomed me with open arms and it was truly amazing.
Shortly after I was directed to twitch where I heard people were doing giveaways and streaming Splinterlands content. That is where I found out about the one and only @clove71 a true OG of with collection so awesome my eyes popped out when I first saw it. She was giving away SPS and hosting one of her tournaments. In between rounds she would do giveaways and ended up winning my first time on the stream 100 SPS!!!!! I was so happy and couldn't believe how lucky I was. That sparked my interest into SPS and that was when I started buying some myself, I still didn't know what it was for but knew it would be vital and valuable going forward with so many people talking about it for the future. Any SPS I got I quickly staked and started to build up my airdrop rewards more and more every day.
After attending streams for about two weeks I started to pick up the game and come to know the community pretty well. Both @clove71 and @godislove777 were saying we needed more streamers and with my new found love for this game and community, I was considering it. I was never a confident or smart person but I felt I wanted to try this as nervous as I was. Finally, after about another week of thinking about it, I dived in and tried my first stream ever. I was shy and my laptop and gameplay weren't all that great but I still managed to have some viewers @godislove777 being one of them and hanging out in chat helping me was a big confidence booster.
After about 3 months now I have pulled out my life savings and invested in this game and the community. I have grown my following on twitch to almost 800 followers which is insane to think about. This all comes from this awesome community and how we all support each other from the constant raids from one another to all the information and positivity shared between everybody. I have learned so much about the game and the hive blockchain since joining and it has been truly a special community to be a part of.
Becoming A Blogger
Another awesome thing the amazing @clove71 taught me in her streams was about blogging. She mentioned how I could write a blog and earn crypto over on the hive blockchain. I never write a blog either before so I had no idea what I was doing, but just like the streaming thing I felt I needed to try this out and talk about the community and my experience with it. After getting a feel for it and enjoying writing about the game I continued and my posts started to get better.
Ever since joining the Hive community and finding out about all the amazing stuff on it from Splinterlands to rising star it has been such a wild and positive experience. Never thought I would be in the position I am currently, doing something I love and earning from it as well. I'm very excited to keep pursuing this adventure and new phase in my life. For once I have a passion and purpose that I have never felt before. I'm still very new to this and have a lot of learning to do as I grow; But with this community and all the help and support, I have never been more motivated in my life to do something so incredible.
If Your Still Reading
Thank you if you have made it this far and read my story, this was by far the biggest post I made and hope you enjoyed learning more about me. If you want to know even more you can follow me over on Twitch where I do a ton of giveaways and have a great time getting to know all of you better.
A huge shout out to all the amazing people that got me here, @clove71 @godislove777 @zasktrader @gameboyali @splinterlandshq @cmmndrbawang and the entirety #NOSLEEPGANG without all of you none of this would have been possible. There are times where I still feel very nervous and scared of all this success but you guys have my back and with that support, I feel can conquer anything so thank you all so much and looking forward to building something very special with all you wonderful people.
introduction post, it is what inspired me to share my own story. Recently found out about him through twitch and am happy to have him join this amazing community, he is gonna be a great addition.Also huge shout out to @zapf-brannigan and his amazing
Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life, mate :)
Thanks, man it truly has been an insane ride and experience with this community.
Can't wait to see what the future holds :)
Meeting you is one of the best moments that happened to me in twitch, HIVE, and Splinterlands. Thank you for being a cool brother from another mother in the opposite part of the world we call earth that revolves in a solar system in the Milky Way. Always keep your head up buddy, and for sure Garlic is always here to support you!
Now you inspired me to make my own introduction post :)
Thank you brother, appreciate you and all you do for this community. Had an amazing time with you in hivefest and look forward to your post. You my dude man and I always enjoy talking with you much love homie.
Thank you so much clove you are honestly the kindest and most caring person I have met on here so far. The things you do and the lives you touch go deep through this community. You have taught me so much about this place and I will be forever grateful for all you have done for me. Love you girl 😍
Awesome write-up, brother. May The Most High bless you and your family with growing health and peace <3 Love you, broski. Aye
Thanks bro right back at you, thanks for all the encouragement you have shown me and this community always spreading the love and positivity you are amazing.
Much love and keep on searching for the truth 😍
wow brother very nice introduction post and story to share with, always proud of you and wish all the best that you dream of. Keep on striving and be positive about everything! You will get there for sure. More power and more love and respect always!
I will never forget our first conversation and you have always been in my corner cheering me on. Love you dude and thanks for everything bro :)
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Welcome to the community, Drabs! Looking forward to seeing more from you in the future! !PIZZA
Thank you it is an amazing community and have never been part of something so special.
What a great introduction. I really enjoyed reading about you - and was moved by your story about Ruca.
I just subscribed to your YouTube channel and have started following you on CTP Talk.
All the best,
David Hurley
Thank you that means I lot and I really appreciate that, Ruca was a big part of my life and was hard to let go.
This community though has brought back all that love for life and passion to meet people again. Thanks for reading and enjoying my story.
Amazing introduction post!
Happy to have you with our Hive community :)
Thank you so happy to be a part of it as well it is so awesome to meet such amazing and helpful people.
It was a pleasure to read this and learn a little more about you my friend! I'm glad my post was able to give any sort of inspiration to you, and I'm so glad you're seeing the success you are my friend! It's only the beginning too! 😁
Cheers bro you're a G can't wait to see your next post. So happy to have met you bro and we headed up together fam.
Aw, I love this so much brother!! Even though we chat all the time and I know the path and story about how you got here, the story still warms my heart and puts a huge smile on my face. This is because I do know all these individuals that have made such a huge impact on our lives and this extraordinary community that we are lucky to be a part of. I am so extremely proud of you brother, you are the real deal, and your pain and struggles make you a stronger person! Would you ever have imagined that you would become a daily blogger? Plus be damn good at it too hahaha. Man I could feel the emotions through the writing <3 I am so blessed to be able to call you my friend. Mega love bro and can't wait to see what this journey has in store for you :)
You know it homie you are such an inspiration to me, ever since finding out about you I have been truly blessed bro. From our chats up in discord or our antics on stream I have the best times with you. We on this journey together and you will always be my homie ride till we die fam. Much love as always bro
Wow, buddy excellent post. I am speechless. Great story, sorry for your loss, I have lost four-legged family members before and it is rough.
You have a great writing style a pleasure to read. I will follow you on all of your channels and will reblog your post. This is a great example of everything an intro post should be.
Look forward to reading your future posts, I also play Splinterlands but just recently about 6 weeks, I am looking at buying my first Mylor Crowling (he is my favorite summoner) love those thorns lol
Thank you so much, it's these kinds of comments that keep giving me the power and inspiration to do this. Since joining the community I have be floored by how awesome it is and how many genuine and amazing people there are on here.
Thanks for reading and enjoying my post :)
And yes Mylor is awesome have a gold one now that I bought a while back and it was the best purchase I have made he is so expensive now compared to then.
That is awesome I had know idea there was a Gold Mylor Crowling lol
Awesome story, great share. You picked up a new follower :-)
Hey, thank you very much, loving this community and hope to be a big part of it going forward.
That is quite a story! Thank you for sharing it. Nice to meet you!
This is really nice introduction post! Welcome at home:) Enjoy Hive experience and good luck.
Nice post Drabs.
It is nice getting to know you more and somehow let us peek inside your soul. All the best fam.
Thanks Tim much appreciated fam love seeing you in the streams and hanging out with you :)
Thank you so much for sharing this!!!
Lets goooo!!!! ♥️♥️Great story bro. Love your live streams and you were my first Twitch streamer to whom I subscribed and a won giveaway a the same stream 😀. Thank you for helping the community and other streamers. And a HUGE THANKS to you and @gameboyali for helping me with setting up everything for streaming (I know something will go wrong anyway 😏 ).
Nice Drabs, thanks for sharing a part of you in the community, giving us more about yourself and giving us the fam feeling in twitch. more power and you look cool either long or short hair. (flipped that hair !!!)
looking forward for your next post! stay bless and continue to be a asset to the community.
Another Awesome post!
Another inspiration to move and reach our goals!
We are proud of you buddy! We're always here supporting you. Glad to have you in the community.
Much love!
Thank you so much for being an inspiration to the #nosleepgang buddy! You have a great heart! WE always got your back and support you
Thanks buddy much appreciated reading all these comments and it brings a special feeling to my heart.
Such an inspiring story! keep it up.
Great intro bro. Sorry u had to go thru all those roadblocks in your life but im glad u found a great family and direction here !
Much love buddy you guys are all now my family now, I love waking up and getting ready to learn and hang out with you all it has been so special.
This is an awesome Introduction post bro! We are very lucky to have you as our guild leader. See you in Hive, Twitch, and Splinterlands man! Keep slaying, you're doing great on all ends.
I'm sure that Ruca misses you too. Stay healthy man!
Thanks, bro that means a lot man. Yea I have a soft spot in my heart for doggies your profile picture always brings a smile to my face man :)
All the best to you as well bro :)
Amazing man, I'm very happy to see that you're okay, to see that you were very strong and overcome everything in the best way.
May God continue to strengthen you, may you continue to make the community grow, sharing your joy and wisdom with us always.
These last two years have been very difficult for me too, and reading your story made me even stronger and happier, I see that I am in the right place and with the right people.
we are together with you and thank you for sharing a little of you with us.
Much love bro thank you for reading and happy my story could help in any way bro.
Thank you for all your continued support buddy :)
Wow what a story you have brother !! So glad I got to know a lot more about you and everything that brought you to the splinterlands community! You've been an example for everybody in this community with all the hard work you've been putting in your stream and making sure that we're enjoying our time with you but not even that the time you put in everybody's stream also, I just love how much you put yourself into it you are one of the best example to keep on moving foward in life and great things will happens to you !!
Im happy to have met you even though its virtual! I hope one day my fellow canadian brother that we will be able to meet and enjoy a G or a Beer together with all of the fam !!
Thank you so much sky, you know we meeting up someday fam it's only a matter of time.
Your words are amazing bro it's this kind of stuff that I really look forward too hearing, I can't express how much this means to me fam. Life can be hard as hell sometimes and I really let it beat me up for a long time. Since joining this community and meeting people like yourself I have had a new joy and passion for it and all the support you guys show back to me is incredible.
Much love bro
It's a long one bro so I'll read it in full later after your stream, but looking at first glance, you look different with short hair and the one where you're wearing sunglasses giving me some Johnny Depp vibes. And heya fellow dog lover, sad to hear you had to let her go. That's tough. My dog is currently sick and my earnings in Splinterlands is helping his treatment.
That sucks to hear buddy, it was definitely the hardest thing I had to go through bro, hoping everything goes ok for your dog bro.
Yea that was my poker days bro miss the game a lot
I don't really remember how I came across your stream, but I guess that's really the power of the #nosleepgang hahaha
I've enjoyed hanging out in your streams and found out we share the same love for music, anime and of course Splinterlands! So glad to have met you and looking forward to seeing you in person. Thank you for all the help you've given me in terms of blogging advice and streaming bro. You seem like such a natural at it, and you have all of our support moving forward. Road to 1k Twitch followers! I can't wait :)
Thank you bro you are awesome I love that you are into classical music it really is lost nowadays, Can't wait to meet you someday, always happy to help bro anytime you need it.
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Welcome to Hive, I'm glad you found this wonderful corner of the world :)
I'm so sorry to hear about Ruca :( There are so many of that breed which need a second chance. Have you ever thought about fostering? It would definitely be a great tribute to her ❤️
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It really inspires me a lot, speciall just recovered from covid. I have also done my first blog. Thank you Bro