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RE: IntroduceYourself , My name is Adam and I call myself a Natural Doctor

in #introduceyourself7 years ago

A rabbit hole you have just dug. One that leads to nowhere. There are multiple regions across the world where the disruption in air currents which provided a flow of warm air will lead to regional cooling. Cooling will happen in northern europe too. Simply because it snows and that the glaciers of new zealand are growing doesn't change that greenland a place supposed to be covered in permafrost is now a river. That the arctic has had record breaking heat and icemelt. That globally the past 10 years have been the hottest years on record. Planes can't even take off, runways are melting. I've looked for said rabbit hole and found the opposite, that the conspiracy is the denial of climate change which will allow the oil companies and frackers to continue making money as the world is devastated. Manufacturing will see a boost as seawalls and massive infrastructure are built to block the rising tides. Decrease in economies of scale by not demanding a faster shift towards renewable energies. Various regions stricken with tropical diseases, increased asthma and neurological issues from an increase in c02 and fine particulates, fracking and ruining water supplies so that one must purchase water filters which increase one's exposure to aluminum. I could go on


Got to admit I'm curious now - was that a mistake or did you really mean to flag my comment?

And do you realise you are politely replying to spammers? That is what flagging is usually used for..

alt facts are spam :P, new zealand glacial growth is because of cooler air flow coming off the tasman sea.

There is an expression "three strikes and you're out"

One - believing global warming propaganda.

Two - spreading cannabis is harmful propaganda. (and contradicting yourself in your own comments)

Three - flagging my post because you disagree with it (you are not a whale yet you know...)

I hoped this would go better, but sorry, that's it, all the best, I have no further interest in following you

"Alt facts are spam" What the FUCK???? - my question about your future learning has been answered already!

It speaks to relevance, if you say climate change is a hoax and then site glacial growth you are being irrelevant and misleading. The underlying principle being that some areas will get colder yet the majority of places will get much much hotter. Marijuana "propaganda", that's the reality of the issues which can occur from consistant thc without balanced cbd use. It's not disagreement, it's me telling you your post is untruthful/irrelevant and therefor spam(atleast the part about glacier growth, not the "coverups" or possibly laetrile)