So here is the plan:

I would be posting Angela’s tales pretty soon, starting with her cute self-introduction. I hope you would enjoy it; but of course you must bear in mind it’s a ten year-old child’s tales and pardon their amateurish nature.
Let me end this with a note of solicitation: dear steemians, I need your kind support.The ultimate goal here is to train and motivate this child to develop her talents to the fullest. I know what lack of motivation can do and this is it: it kills destinies. I have almost been a victim, and it would be grievous and unpardonable to watch another young soul fall in the same ditch when I could readily help in my little way. So I will be running @angelas-world on Angela’s behalf and the little proceeds accruing will be channeled towards her educational needs. I had since gotten her two notebooks to use for her stories – she’ll write in one while I type out the stories in the other.
Let’s build this genius together.
I have never had cause so far to solicit assistance on the platform, but now I do, and I whole-heartedly implore your generosity. We all do need help at one point or the other in our lives. Thank you in advance for your support.