
I may in the future. I am more of a promoter type guy. All you need to know about me @shadowspub and @artemisnorth can fill you in. I heard about you early on from both of them and that you were joining.

I will get your name to the Welcome Wagon folks if it has not been done already.

grumpy old mantad older than me. Aggravates her. TI consider both @artemisnorth and @shadowspub to be dear friends, as they put up with this . Don't tell @shadowspub I used the term old man. She is just a

Those that know her know that it is not a good idea to get under her skin.

Gotcha! And i appreciate it, i followed the welcome wagon and watch a couple of dreemsteems videos

Momma schedule.@dreemsteem is a great gal. She will help you as time permits in her busy

I can understand a busy Momma schedule!