Why are you so sad & desperate? like this makes no sense. I clearly told you what happened. I did not introduce myself but one time and I accidentally posted the content on Dtube and Steem the first time ever as i didnt know how they integrate and they were uploaded at different times. ( just facts)
I know it's complicated but maybe some of the other members will have to walk you through this complicated process. For now, you can keep throwing a fit like and you are, and it's just going to look dumber every time you post this garbage to try an distract people as im exposing you. I have valid reasons behind my first ever post on steem and you still just look like a spammer with a bug up his ass. @cheetah this is an internet troll.
So now that you failed at making your lies a point you attack my financial situation. wow. You truly are the scum of steemit. You won't last for long as the community will soon enough silence you for all the problems you try an start and I think I can safely say you are my first #steemstalker 😆