You are just a troll. Dont worry. I will make sure people point out your little spam techniques to leech off other users instead of build credible content. It's okay though cause you gave me more content to talk about. Have a great day. 😉 @cheetah please deal with this clown for harassing new users. Im actually delivering more content telling people what to do if they are new and how to avoid users like you. @cheetah this dude is not much better than a bot maybe even worse cause he is just a troll and should be promptly removed before he populates his garbage spam comments and negative trolling other innocent newbies.
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You credible content consists of 6 posts... 3 of which are exactly the same...
I am an active Investor in Steem and the Steemit community, I evidently try my hardest to push my content but I do not spam or copy + paste content over and over.
"My lonely crusade" is my way of helping curate the feeds and dissuade spammers, plagiarists and tag wranglers from doing what they do, as to make room for the new comers that actually produce quality content but are drowned out by the spam.
You fit perfectly in the spam and tag-wrangler category hence why I addressed you in the first place
But do as you wish, happy Steeming and good luck with your little quest!
One more thing... Even your 3 titles
Are inaccurate...
Devonreal's wallet...
I don't see much "putting my LAST penny into Steemit." happening...
Why are you so sad & desperate? like this makes no sense. I clearly told you what happened. I did not introduce myself but one time and I accidentally posted the content on Dtube and Steem the first time ever as i didnt know how they integrate and they were uploaded at different times. ( just facts)
I know it's complicated but maybe some of the other members will have to walk you through this complicated process. For now, you can keep throwing a fit like and you are, and it's just going to look dumber every time you post this garbage to try an distract people as im exposing you. I have valid reasons behind my first ever post on steem and you still just look like a spammer with a bug up his ass. @cheetah this is an internet troll.
So now that you failed at making your lies a point you attack my financial situation. wow. You truly are the scum of steemit. You won't last for long as the community will soon enough silence you for all the problems you try an start and I think I can safely say you are my first #steemstalker 😆
oh and i know you look really stupid and judgemental already but if you actually watch my videos i talk about why i am only able to engage on steem and grow organically because of wallet issues.
hahahhahahaah okay okay okay.... 😂 i cant.... hahahhahahahahahah You are giving me so much content while you are my little monkey for this show. 🐵
It didnt have to be this way but you kept running your mouth. Now people see how stupid you look and you did it all on your own. 🤦 🤡
I'll leave it for the community to decide... 😏
haha you are seriously a joke. They will decide and i put ou the TRUTH about you. Youre done son.!/v/devonreal/1na6ywsi
Very well @libSh, your opinion is noted...
Are you by any chance Devon in desguise?
Desperately calling me names for showing that you are abusing Steemit will not get you anywhere...
You misuse tags, have misleading titles and copy+paste your "credible content".
All you have managed to do was to look like a childish idiot by going ballistic and resorting to name calling.
I will not stay here while you call me names for exposing your crap spam content...
Good day.
you are done son. You've been served. YOU ARE EXPOSED. Good day spammer.!/v/devonreal/1na6ywsi
Dude... You are insane...