I'm putting my LAST penny on Steemit.

last penny on steemit.jpg

Man... Where to start. Those days where you just have to pull through. Its been one of those days. I'm not going to just rant to about the hard parts of my day and end it there. I'm sure like of TON of you guys and girls have just had a day so epically painful that you just want to give up.😞 SO you know what I’m just up to my eyeballs in stress and it seems like anyone i talk to doesn’t get me. I’m STEEMing lol.

A little bit of backstory to me. I was a successful marketer and seo company blah blah blah. We've all heard this. I guarantee it because most of the users on this platform are early cause we see the value and the power of steemit. So anyways I lost it all. When I say I lost it all i mean my home and my cars and the roof over my head. I slept in my car for 4 months. It was the most miserable part of my life. Sometimes i would go 2-3 days no food. I spent hours every day at Starbucks. Like more than the homeless people. I joke about it because of where I’m at now. (no I’m not gonna say I have made millions so follow me 😂)

I got on my Gary Vee thrift shopper hustle.
Grabbing every small opportunity that I saw.🐙

FAST FORWARD 3 months.

I was able to pay rent in a little place at $400 a month from living in my car. (but I was still on the couch) Not only that but I had been able to start catching up on the basic bills. The phone bill that was 2 months behind for the first time in months it was all caught up.

I managed to save $1500. Which in the past 3 months is an enormous amount when you couldn’t buy a .76 cent bagel for 3 days not that long ago.

I have been avidly tracking the success of Bitcoin which brought me to the Blockchain.
HOLY SHIT… We found Utopia… So I was converted and lets just say I am a skeptic. There are so many fly by night ponsi schemes. I even looked and paid for Futurenet.club if anyone has heard of it but it didn’t feel right. I still had to pay money to make money. That’s when I found steemit.

I’m literally LOL’ing super loud thinking how much of a spokes person I sound like. But here is the catch. I’m putting out this monologue/blog/vlog before ive made money on steemit and that $1500 I saved was for this decision. I believe that steemit has the power to change the entire social media market. It doesn’t feel like some unorganized BILLIONS OF FEATURES crammed into a website. It feels like early facebook and early youtube. I cant explain the feeling!

But HERE ARE THE REASONS steemit.io is a fucking 🦄

You DO NOT have to pay to get an account.
You get paid for any interaction you make that drive views and Like (upvotes)
The quality of content on steemit is decided by the users based on the like and comments of other users.
NO MLM or affiliate signup system
It runs on the Blockchain which guarantees I get paid 75 for the quality of the content I put on steem and on DTube which is where I uploaded a video RECAP of my day. (its not pretty)🤑
I CANT BE CENSORED for my posts. I can say what I want when I want. We’ve all had a facebook, Instagram, or twitter post removed. Maybe it was just me haha 🤐

Remember that business I told you about? Ya well I put my money in my bank account to invest in steem coin but Paypal had a transaction they “decided” was unable to reverse so they charged my account $700. MOTHER FU*#^%$&^%(&


I live right next to the Puyallup fair ground and it is the biggest yearly fair. I park my car at the 7eleven across the street. I live close enough that I was able to run back and grab my cellphone faster than waiting in the lineup of cars. 🚌🚜🚓 🚕🚗 🚓🚕 🚗

10 mins later I come back to the 7eleven to find my car missing…aka towed by the rude owner of the 7eleven.

THIS COST ME ANOTHER $400 to get it out of the impound.

So I lost a total of $1100 of my $1500 to spend on steemit which was also all of my remaining money.

This is when I thought how could it get any worse… I take my last little bits keeping in mind that is today for me right now as I'm writing this. I’m not gonna lie it's really hard to put my life out there like this not know what people are gonna think but I can't be the only one that has struggled this much lately. I go to buy bitcoin and my Coinbase account is under review since I have not been active on it since setting it up.

I'm really at the end of my ropes with this system of things and I only have one choice that I can see and that is to steemit UP 😤 to get my life back on track. If anyone wants to talk about the power of the Blockchain and what it can be used for outside of Steemit and Bitcoin like the applications that will change the world leave me a comment and follow me. However, this works I want to hear from someone one out there that gets me.

So everyday maybe even multiple times a day I'm gonna write about what I'm doing and what I'm thinking and I promise I will never be anyone but me to you.

Devon aka Devonreal

(by the way, im not a blogger but I cheat and use grammarly and that's not a plug that's a fact ahhahahahah)!


Welcome to steemit

Welcome to steem

Welcome to Steem @devonreal I have upvoted and sent you a tip

thank you so much! i don't get how the tip works but i'm figuring out the platform little by little.

Hello, Devonreal, Let me welcome you to Steemit. Hope you gonna have fun with our community. Feel free to follow me @rightuppercorner Have a great time @rightuppercorner

i went to follow you and realized i was already doing that! haha thanks for the love! 💗

Nice to meet you, @devonreal! Welcome to the Steemit Community, wish you good luck and a good start, ive send you a small tip and followed you, hope you have an amazing day! :)

Nice to meet you too! how did you get started on steem? like how did you hear about it?

Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.

- Albert Einstein

one of my favoirte old dudes. "creativity is intelligence having fun" albert einstein

Did albert even really say that or did a quick google search tell you that... You know he wasn't big on quotes and liked to live out of the limelight...

Yes he really said that. I know all of that also. Go ahead and do your quick google search buddy. Atleast he said what i posted. i dont vet other users comments. @wise-old-man mr. @domcrypto wants to know if you are a liar. Its okay. You can see the other garbage he says to me so dont take it personally.

Blast me if you want, but a source is more powerfull...

bahahha you blasted yourself when you decided your little brain was a source thinking it pieced together something that's not there. sweet crystal ball bro 🔮

i think its time you stop harassing @wise-old-man and other users in the community before they start downvoting all your ReSteems. LOL

Welcome to Steemit! :)

thank you sir. How has steemit been treating you?

Flagged... This is a repeat post, infact it's a repeat of a repeat...




Changing the image won't help you... Also spamming the introduceyourself tag in search of small tips is frowned upon by the community.

For more info: ►My lonely crusade...◄

😆 wow, I just got done telling you that I am on your side and trying to fight spam and you are just plain rude.

  1. I just started on steemit and read the welcome page. Of which I did a whole video that i cant upload to Dtube right now.

  2. I upload the post and the video seperately thinking thats how it is done because they seemed totally seperate and you have to go through multiple steps to setup the Dtube account.

  3. What i think the community will frown on is you bashing new real users. So take your negativity and leave it at the door or go be rude to someone else. I reposted because i didn't see a delete option and i didn't know i was supposed to introduce myself (till i read the welcome page) oh and just to make you look a little more arrogant. I have only used the "introducemyself" tag 1 time. All in all i think people can tell you are just being rude and bitter and i dont need to feed your bad aura. If you do this to any new users also i will make sure everyone who sees you being a bully flags this shit outta your comments.

"My lonley crusade" is just spam you are putting on peoples pages that are doing well. 😉

You see im gonna put out content while you spam more and more posts.

I'm sorry if you found my post rude...

You got burnt because you have spammed the introduceyourself tag and all three posts are nearly exactly the same, if you think my curating is spam, that's up to you...

I just flagged, spam bots won't be as kind. If you end up black-listed by @cheetah for example you might as well just quit right now.

Keep spamming the introduceyoutself tag if you wish, your only doing it fot the tiny 0.001 SDB that the bots tip new users.

Steemit is decentralized and so "oficial" rules don't exist. But don't complain when people point out your spam...

If anyone wants to decide for themselves just follow the links...

You are just a troll. Dont worry. I will make sure people point out your little spam techniques to leech off other users instead of build credible content. It's okay though cause you gave me more content to talk about. Have a great day. 😉 @cheetah please deal with this clown for harassing new users. Im actually delivering more content telling people what to do if they are new and how to avoid users like you. @cheetah this dude is not much better than a bot maybe even worse cause he is just a troll and should be promptly removed before he populates his garbage spam comments and negative trolling other innocent newbies.

You credible content consists of 6 posts... 3 of which are exactly the same...

I am an active Investor in Steem and the Steemit community, I evidently try my hardest to push my content but I do not spam or copy + paste content over and over.
"My lonely crusade" is my way of helping curate the feeds and dissuade spammers, plagiarists and tag wranglers from doing what they do, as to make room for the new comers that actually produce quality content but are drowned out by the spam.

You fit perfectly in the spam and tag-wrangler category hence why I addressed you in the first place

But do as you wish, happy Steeming and good luck with your little quest!

One more thing... Even your 3 titles

  • "I'm putting my LAST penny on Steemit."
  • "I'm putting my LAST penny into Steemit"
  • "I'm putting my LAST penny into Steemit."

Are inaccurate...

Devonreal's wallet...

I don't see much "putting my LAST penny into Steemit." happening...

Why are you so sad & desperate? like this makes no sense. I clearly told you what happened. I did not introduce myself but one time and I accidentally posted the content on Dtube and Steem the first time ever as i didnt know how they integrate and they were uploaded at different times. ( just facts)

I know it's complicated but maybe some of the other members will have to walk you through this complicated process. For now, you can keep throwing a fit like and you are, and it's just going to look dumber every time you post this garbage to try an distract people as im exposing you. I have valid reasons behind my first ever post on steem and you still just look like a spammer with a bug up his ass. @cheetah this is an internet troll.

So now that you failed at making your lies a point you attack my financial situation. wow. You truly are the scum of steemit. You won't last for long as the community will soon enough silence you for all the problems you try an start and I think I can safely say you are my first #steemstalker 😆

oh and i know you look really stupid and judgemental already but if you actually watch my videos i talk about why i am only able to engage on steem and grow organically because of wallet issues.

hahahhahahaah okay okay okay.... 😂 i cant.... hahahhahahahahahah You are giving me so much content while you are my little monkey for this show. 🐵

It didnt have to be this way but you kept running your mouth. Now people see how stupid you look and you did it all on your own. 🤦 🤡

I'll leave it for the community to decide... 😏

Desperately calling me names for showing that you are abusing Steemit will not get you anywhere...
You misuse tags, have misleading titles and copy+paste your "credible content".
All you have managed to do was to look like a childish idiot by going ballistic and resorting to name calling.


I will not stay here while you call me names for exposing your crap spam content...

Good day.