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RE: Hello Steemit! I am Megan Holstein, an American Writer and Entrepreneur.

Welcome to steemit, megan! Very nice intro you have, went straight to the point to write more about what you want to offer to the community rather than yourself so its good to see that! I really hope you become successful in this platform!

I see you make eBooks too! I am looking to make my own eBook later on in the future. I used to write a lot of stories when I was younger but kind of stopped cause I became more passionate with making YouTube video but steemit is getting me back slowly to write :) Bringing one of my talents back. I feel I can learn a lot from you, Megan! Feel free to check out my blog posts incase you find something there that interests you. :)

And you can come join my Discord group where we help new members like you get more exposure on Steemit:

If you do not have a Discord, making one is very easy! If you need help setting it up, I will be glad to do so. Great Intro post! Upvoted and followed!


Thanks for the reply! I have a discord but don't use it so much. I'm interested in getting exposure, but I'm not focusing on it - I know the long game is just to keep producing content. If you could point me to something that will help me understand tags and categories on Steemit, that would be helpful, because they are a total mystery to me!

I think I can help a bit with that, have you checked the list of trending tags on the left side when you check your steemit feed and trending? Either ways, it is an idea to analyze this and then make a blog on it so it can help you and anyone else understand more. Is that ok with you?