Hello, I'm Dean C Clifford, a political activist and until recently a notorious Political Prisoner of CANADA.

in #introduceyourself8 years ago (edited)

Hello, everyone, I am the Dean Clifford man, also known as Wolverdean and the Canadian Freeman, I am an Irishman by heredity. I am learning to use steemit right now and this is my learning curve. So, I will using this opportunity to introduce myself as best I can so that new people who may wish to follow me will know what I am all about. This may come as a disappointment, but I am not a Clone of the recently deceased Dean Clifford as has been claimed, I am not a mind controlled Illuminati Monarch Mind Control victim as also claimed, or any other of a myriad of a number of other internet myths, which I encourage I might add, that are propagated by both my supporters and my critics alike. This may come as a disappointment to some who were hoping maybe that I would turn out to be a Nephilim, or Emissary from the Galactic Federation of Light come to save humanity, or possibly a reptilian overlord in disguise. I do apologize.

The reality of the situation is that I am a contractor and home builder from Manitoba, Canada, despite what internet myths to the contrary may allude to. Having said that, a little factual information about myself. I was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba, and we will skip the rest of the irrelevant story until I started my Construction career in my early twenties. Shortly after that event was when my awakening began. By this, I mean that prior to events that were about to happen I believed that Canada was a great and free place, that all "citizens" should do their part, that people should contribute "some" of what they make so that society could function, and all the rest of the statist mind controlled vomit that comes out of regular everyday Shitizens (my new word for a "citizen") and/or "muggle" being just as acceptable and appropriate. "Sheeple" is also another common and beloved term.

So, I will be posting stories and Blogs about these "Events" and what it did to my life and the road it has led me down, but this is a place for introductions, and to inform others of what we are all about. So here it is, this is what I am most known for:

That is me. That is the picture I am most known for as it is used as the moniker for almost every radio interview I have ever done, and I use it myself almost everywhere, which was what caused me to become knows as the Wolverdean. So, what is the Wolverdean? Well, he is a man that got very tired of the political dogma of our age, and the slavery of citizenship and went on a personal quest to expose the criminal racket called the B.A.R. association and everything associated with the British Crown and the nasty whore that heads up the criminal cabal called the "Crown".  I have spent the past fifteen years researching, coordinating with people around the world on law matters, and fighting the beast with everything that I had available and at my disposal. I made a name for myself, and a target of myself as a result. Now, we have made a whole lot of progress with the freedom movement, which could also be called the Truth movement, but that has not come without a cost. One of those costs being some lengthy jail time as a hostage of the British Whore in one of her many concentration camps for people that don't like being her slaves. Here is the most recent picture of me the day I got out of my most recent 14 months of torture, part of a 31 month attempt at re-educating me as to the benefits of being a good slave of the British Whore:

That picture was March 7th, 2017, at Milner Ridge Concentration Camp in Manitoba, CANADA, where I was being re-edumacated as to why you don't dare question Her Majesty. Unfortunately, much like my formative years, brainwashing and torture simply do not work on me. I'm not sure the exact reason and have heard every theory from being in touch with source, being a Wayseer, being "awake", being "aware", my DNA is re-aligning, I am an old soul, or maybe the fact that I just scored really high on my IQ test and am resistant to bullshit, or it could be that I am just an asshole who refuses to be ruled. Either way, here we are, and as an asshole who believes in choice and the freedom to make choices, I continue with the battle unabated and undeterred. What I, and my colleagues, have accomplished in our struggle and the journey I have been on will be Blogs for future posts. I have a lot to share. However, for introduction purposes, again I will keep to the simple stuff. As expressed previously I am a Builder and very much enjoy building, even in -46 Celcius:

Building and construction are my main career that I pursue and has funded all my efforts and endeavors to bring awareness to people. However, aside from being a crusader for truth and freedom of choice, I really like to grow things of all sorts. Ever since I was a kid I loved having a garden (clearly I was one of the cool kids), and that has carried with me my entire life. Interestingly enough, it has also become one of the key elements in my master plan to save the world as it becomes more and more evident that our food sources cannot be trusted and we must start to produce our own healthy food that is not designed to make us sick and kill us. So I have been doing all sorts of little experiments in my own home to refine ways to make every home a potential self-sufficient contained ecosystem. This was my sunroom at one point:

However, after my first forced relocation to Brandon Concentration Camp for re-edumacation, everything was dead when I returned home and I started over. I also began worm composting while I was growing food in my sunroom.  Again, I was forcibly relocated to another Concentration Camp for more re-edumacation, and everything was again dead when I returned home and I have, again, started over from scratch with the notable exception that my little worms survived and thrived over the 14 months of complete neglect and are now happily munching away on fresh rotting leftovers from my kitchen. However, the sunroom was decimated, and I now have many little seedlings going under an LED and it will be bigger and better than ever before with many LED panels and I will achieve self-sufficient home gardening year round very soon to share with the world. My present sad little garden, and my worm bins:

All of that aside, I am happy to be back home and getting back to what is really important. That being my wood stove:

And not to forget, popcorn and Beer (or red wine):

So, this was my very brief introduction to most of you as to the fact of my existence. I exist, Hello. For the people who read this, yes, I am sorry, you will never get that time back, but I promise it will get more entertaining as I learn to use this platform and grow with it. 

I will be staying current with Blogs on Equity and the Law of Trusts, our Rights and Freedoms, as well as my indoor garden, building projects and the larger greenhouse and growing project planned for this next coming winter. I will be concentrating on realistic and achievable solutions to the problems plaguing our little home, the Earth. Things that every man, woman, and child can do that can effect change in our lifetime. Until then, I hope this posts when I hit POST. 

Please Follow this profile and vote me up, and I promise to not use Medium type size for my regularly scheduled Postings. Hello!

Dean C Clifford


Welcome to Steemit @deanclifford!

And thank you as well! :) Always nice being welcomed somewhere instead of hearing... "Oh shit......."

I had to reply here, due to the recent 7-day posting changes and limits.

I am glad to see you here. We have a lot of common interests and friends and let's just say I have been targeted for truth speak in the police state of Canadastan.

I was run over 15 mths by a car, my file is being buried by all accounts and people politically in all levels of AGENCY --- I am not dead yet but the statists would love that!

Have a nice week, I say again, nice to see you here.

All ativists should read my short reads research posted to steemit here is start link if interested: https://steemit.com/news/@greenman/the-economic-world-you-live-in-as-i-see-it or this one: https://steemit.com/money/@greenman/rats-and-cockroaches-get-scared-when-you-shine-light-on-them

Hello Dean, I have goosebumps concerning this new platform, but the information they asked for is no more than facebook so what the hell! YOLO

I never thought it was going to end lol Hi and welcome to Steemit, my hubby is a bricklayer to, he's just been promoted to foreman, using a brick was easy now he has to use technology its a lot harder as he hasnt a clue. Look forward to reading more about you :)

Thanks! I have a LOT to share with people. Experience is the best educator after all.

That is true. Steemit Is having a changes so don't concentrate on the money at the moment it should be sorted soon :)

Yes, I don't need money, I need people to get involved. I just edited the post to clarify a few things and fix a few typos. I didn't proofread. :D

Get your name around read peoples posts leave messages, you will soon have a following

good to see you out of the kennel, ime sure peeps will be coming for a read, but before you get rammed out with all kinds of replies that you wont end up reading, i thought i would personally congratulate you on your survival techniques in the nick, much as i did myself whilst being skullfucked by the psychosystemics, and for much the same reasons i would imagine, well done Dean, great to see you home :). Anyways, i, and a friend whom has spoken to you a few times on the skype, are in the midst of something and ime just asking permission from you to personally send you the links to our work once the first presentation is finished, it will be going on youtube at some point, but i think you would be very pleasantly surprised at what we have to offer the world, its actually right up your street metaphorically speaking and i am 100 percent sure you would agree, as would rob menard and larken rose, and i strongly believe many others once you have had a run or two through the presentation. no need to reply right away, i will just post you a link for now that you could check out, its only a very quick brief laying out the general concept. and we are not asking for donations, just your thoughts. take very great care of your self, you have done more than your share, and i do understand your drives and motivations. very warm regards.
bernard mcmahon (bearnard Mathuna ) http://www.newhorizonsstannes.com/this_year.htm

Believe it or not, I will be trying to read all and reply. However, if it comes to the point where I cannot do that, it will be because things have just grown FAR too much for that to be feasible. I will certainly check it out, devoting a few hours a day to this, you know, normally my Jerry Springer watching time, so I will get done what I can get done. Have a LOT of new information coming out ourselves, my people were BUSY while I was gone. Made INCREDIBLE advances. Thanks for the welcome, we'll all be seeing more of each other. Have a great week!

Good stuff, we are doing a few intro vids that will be very interesting and i will post them on to your steemit page here in the introduction post. thanks for your time replying Dean, and i hope things work out for you, and i look forward to the future in anticipation. warm regards.

Welcome to Steemit Dean. Followed and Upvoted.

Hey, You,
I hope this place is easy to work with...I am not the best at new sites/programs:)
Quantum Goddess S.

If I can do this, anyone can do this. Welcome aboard! I believe this is going to be really interesting.

Damn dude.only on here to hear you.From the US and curious if all you have spoken on applies here.im thinking so,just not sure how to claim it.I know we have natural rights I just don't know how they can Trump all of "their " bullshit. Going through a lot and just trying to educate myself to better my life.you are an inspiration.thanks j Howard.

Sure as hell does. Get yourself a copy of Gibsons Suits in Chancery and start reading. He's a Chancellor from Tennessee, 1907, this stuff is the same EVERYWHERE, equity has no borders. :D

Omgosh, Dean, if you only knew how beyond help I really am with this....no matter what I do I can't even figure out how to upload a profile picture! My page keeps telling me I am not following anybody yet and that I haven't made any posts/replies. I have been checking out this page ever since I signed up (3 hours) and I just now saw your post. FYI....these things are my absolute weakness! I guess my spirit embraces wisdom before computer smarts.....lol....bummer, I'm so screwed!

You will figure it out. lol I am no computer rocket genius either, it's just a little different from FB is all.

Welcome aboard! Love your work!

Not enough popcorn! Great stuff! Glad you decided on steemit.

Is there ever enough, Popcorn?

Dean, re: propagating myths about you, if you really wanted to fuck with people, do a video with a really realistic prosthetic finger but don't say anything about it and just wave your hands about a little bit so it flashes into view... :D

That.......is........fucking.........genius! :D

Hello Dean,
Welcome to SteemIt. Sounds like you may have some interesting ideas. I have followed you.

Thank you!

Hi dean. I'm with you on Facebook. Any time I try and add your websites or look for further info you have shared it seems to have been removed. Hopefully we can connect on this. I'm from Belfast and am also really interested in removing the monkey (queen Elizabeth) off my back. Best wishes

We'll do our best to help you accomplish this goal, my word. Cheers! :D

Use ONLY this Platform if you can, IMHO.
I connected with Dean on FaceBook as well but once I have a few more
connections HERE, I will be leaving Sh!tBook behind for good.
To OPEN Platforms Gentleman. The FIRST of many volleys that Blockchain
provides against Illegal Fictions of StateHood!
Crowd funding is a MUST here Dean. As well as building a strong presence
in Steem Power. Don't think of it as money and it won't corrupt the situations
like the damn dirty death rags bestowed by the Crown. Cryptocurrency is just
a smarter way to transact amongst PEERS, and this place keeps it ALL IN ORDER!

Welcome to steemit @deanclifford

Thank you! Looking forward to getting some good posts and updates on here.

Hi Dean i am trying this but still i can not get my story yet on it...it says a stop sign. Your story is as i learn to see you trough times..nice seeing you here...Donna Carolina..

Thanks Dean looking forward to what you have to share.

Welcome @deanclifford I'm sure you'll find some like minded people here, or at least open minded, not too many trolls yet. So many topics. Just Post, vote, comment, follow resteem...whatever you want to do, just have fun with it. Oh you should power up at least some of the rewards for the future too.👍

Yes, I'm all about building. What I build here can stay here. Divest from them, invest in Us.

Hi from down under mate. I'm happy they finally let you out! I'm privileged enough to be one of your facebook friends for a while.....although the conversation has been a little one sided of late haahaha.
Read your post about this place, cheers.

Sorry, I get BOMBARDED there, dozens of messages in two accounts per day. And all that equity going to NOTHING. Little different around here. :)

Welcome back Dean and yes, I too have just joined this site through your recommendation on FB and getting accustomed to it's ways. Love to hear your thoughts on how they got away with incarcerating you, apart from force of weapons and force in general .....

Hey mate! Welcome!

Hi Dean , it's been hard to keep track of your living arrangements. Glad to know you're out and free range again. Thanks for introducing Steemit. :-)

Yeah, been forcibly relocated a couple times now, but I am back in my house now and happy to be home. Thanks for coming over! Clearly new myself, but this could be VERY good.

Eesh.. Evening Dean it's Mika from facebook. I havent gotten through reading this all yet because I'm occupied at the moment, but ya some of the thinking that has resulted with people.. We have issues which have developed to be more broad and more complex than the systems we operate under, and the system is just a result of people failing to adapt correctly to face challenges. If anything Dean your an individual on and working an expanding frontier, and every frontier had all this nonsense and bulllshit. We're not out of some fking caves apparently.

We have really left the rest of them behind, and they can stay there until they are ready to advance like the rest of us, real world as well. That society and everything associated with it is Death. Glad to see you over here, Mika. I'm pretty good at remembering a lot of people, however, that is getting harder every day. :)

I've just immigrated from 'face(ache)'. But don't hold it against me. This is really interesting. Love your work Dean! Onward and upward :-)..

Hold it against you? Good GOD man, I commend you for making the leap. ;)

I upvoted. I'm following you now and I'll be reading later.

I'm a new user and you're the first person I'm following. Very impressed by your intro and looking forward to future posts!

Just joined! Seems like a fun platform. Looking forward to more updates, Dean.
Much love!
Renée <3

Hey Renée!

Kobie!! Awesome!! <3 I hope you will post some of your writing here on this platform.

Already did! making friends and taking names. ;)

haha!! Go girl! I'm following you now. ;)

I am following you too!

If kurt Cobain and Hugh Jackman were genetically fused the result would most likely look something like you. Anyways, quite the different type of person here and that's pretty great to see. It shows that the platform is healthy and diverse

Now THAT was a compliment. Hahaha, awesome, and thank you!

Discovered your material with your Anarchast Jeff Berwick interview.. since then have come up to speed... keep up the good work brother... you tell it like no other...!

Hey Dean. Glad to see you here. I've been following you for years. You've got balls brother. I know Menard well, he lived with me for a while, and it's great to see someone take it to the next level. I've made some films on Rick Simpson and others around him regarding the healing power of cannabis oil, and saw the sickening injustices done to these people through the legal system. Here's a link to one of those films. I'm sure you can relate. Maybe we'll make a film together some day. Cheers!

Well I'm not sure what happened, because I wrote a great big reply and the only thing that posted was the video link. So I'll repeat:
Glad to see you here Dean. I've been following you for years. I know Menard well and he even lived with me for a bit. It was great to see someone take it all to the next level and dispel a lot of myths regarding the movement and some of the false beliefs that were holding things back. I made some films about Rick Simpson and the healing power of cannabis, where I got to see and hear the disgusting stories of persecution of these people by the legal system for their belief in this natural medicines. You're an inspiration Dean. Keep up the great work in awakening people to the truth of their reality in this system. Maybe we'll make a movie some day. Cheers!

Hey Dean!

My name is Brandon and I just recently came across you. What you are doing is amazing and as a 23 year genY I see the huge need to seek information to help empower myself and others. Im from Mississauga, Ontario so youre totally close to home - makes it easy to apply and dive deeper into your teachings as a canadian.

Your info is great and very respectable (for the most part haha) but I totally love what youre doing and its made me want to truly become free in this life and be able to have the same for friends and family.

To kinda sum everything up I really want to connect in regards to your "Land Stewardship Program" because ive been thinking of many ways to do this and how it could work. Theres different projects but I totally see your way as being a great foundation which I would like to be apart of and work towards the greater good.

Please contact me as I would love to connect more and talk about progress!


More power to you up there in Canada, my man! Give the bastards hell! :-)

Not really here for the money anyways, although that's not a bad thing, clearly. Yes, I believe I will fit right in very quickly. Thanks!