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RE: Practically an Introduction

is right, it's a great community.Well, @practicallyapro, I'm already friends with your friend @kubbyelizabeth and she is awesome. I would be honored to welcome you to Steemit! She

Btw, LOVE Steampunk so that's an AWESOME cosplay mask; and if you can't tell by my teeny-tiny avatar picture, I'M A YETI!!!! I think we'll all be quick friends... and make sure to say Jubby Wubby Kubby-Kub as often as you can to your friend, that's the name that I have dubbed her.

I can't wait to read your work... you can read mine anytime you want.


Thank you! I'm really excited to be friends, we can be steampunk yetis together! That is a mouth full of a nickname, I'll memorize it first, then I'll say it to her ;)

You're quite welcome! Can't wait to see you in Discord! I actually have a story that I started last year about Yetis that are trying to take back their homeland after the Humans and (I think) the Phoenixes stole it. It has a slight Steampunk/futuristic vibe to it.

That's really awesome! I'd love to read that story. I'll be on discord soon :)