Hello steemit, salam kenal dari saya. Ini adalah post perkenalan pertama saya.
Teman saya, @alhasan , @elsistrisetiawan dan @fadli79 yang telah mengenalkan tentang kebaikan steemit kepada saya. Hingga akhirnya saya ikut bergabung di steemit ini.
Kenal kan nama saya Dani Soemarno asal Bogor. Saya bekerja di salah satu anak perusahaan BUMN di Indonesia.
Saya sudah mempunyai istri dan anak, yang sangat saya sayangi.
Hobi saya sehari-hari adalah memelihara burung-burung untuk kontes. Burung dengan suara yang indah.
Saat ini profesi saya sebagai security. Yang bertugas menjaga keamanan lingkungan kantor.
Mungkin sampai di sini dulu perkenalan pertama saya. Semoga ke depannya saya bisa ikut memajukan steemit di kota saya.
Bogor, 7 Desember 2017
Dani Soemarsono
Terima kasih.
Hello steemit, best regards me. This is my first introductory post.
My friend, @alhasan, @elsistrisetiawan and @fadli79 who have introduced about the goodness of steemit to me. Until finally I joined in this steemit.
Get to know my name Dani Soemarno from Bogor.
I work in one of the SOE subsidiaries in Indonesia.
I already have a wife and child, which I love so much.
My everyday hobby is to keep the birds for the contest. Birds with a beautiful voice.
Currently my profession as security. The one in charge of maintaining the security of the office environment.
Probably got here my first introduction. Hopefully in the future I can join steemit in my city.
Bogor, December 7, 2017
Dani Soemarsono
@ dani74
Thank you
Wellcome to family :)
Welcome to the community!
Nice to meet you
Thank you.
hello, good luck
welcome to steemit comunity i hope you enjoy here :-)
Selamat datang teman ku,,, pasukan baru.
welcome to steemit world . Always Remember 5 points..
1)Never copy paste content from any where ..
2)It can take some time but if you work hard , God will definitely give you success..
3)Never abuse anyone or post haterade content on steemit..
4)Daily post will increase your REPUTATION SCORE (number by the side of your name)
Reputation score is mainly based on upvotes and comments .
No matter what you post ,if it gets upvotes and comments then reputation score will increase
Don't let anyone flag you or downvote you..
5)Your first post should be your introduction..
You can follow me @be4u
selamat datang bro..selamat bergabung di steemit.
Lapor salam kenal aye si pitung
Diupvote yah..