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RE: Practically an Introduction

in #introduceyourself8 years ago (edited)

Kubby Kubby KUBBY! Who is this Kubby person trying to block your entrance. };-)>

I don't have love to's a learned thing ya know...but I do have a seemingly unending bounty of pennies for your thoughts...and all my adoration while I listen.

Come see me sometime. Find the bronzed cowboy and then head south from there. You'll find me behind the other doctors...I'm always running behind. The view is much better from there. I'm not completely without practicality.

Bring your plague gear along but snatch all the smores and wine you can from the Yeti before you do. My space is a dead zone so don't forget to place a lavender nose gay in your Steempunked proboscis.

Then again, you don't gotta do nuth'n ya don't wanna. Practically speaking.

Welcome to Steemit...a wonderful entrance. Next time you are in close proximity to Kubby...giver a big old bear hug for me will you?'s what Steemians do...ask anyone...they'll tell you.

...oh...almost forgot...where are my manners?!

                              ~smiles fer miles~

I am on my way, I'm bringing the yeti along, I need someone to hold the wine and s'mores for me. thank you for stopping by!

Hahaha...sure bring the Yeti along.

I'll see if I can find a Sasquatch that's open to showing your friend around.