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RE: I'm torn

Hello...I just love your name...kinda Holly Golightly...esque. Welcome to sorry about the delay in my reply...see responses just above as to possible excuses...two's plenty...three's pure b.s. ;-)

I'm sure by now you've managed to spread those wings and catch some air...I'll come by and see what you're up to. Thanks for the kind words...and the verbal upvote for my favorite rebel.

~may all hatred cease...let there be peace~


Ahh, never thought of the name being Holly Golightly-esq but I do love Breakfast at Tiffanys! I love all old films! Just seen your reply now. Think my replies section was playing up :)

yes I love the old B&W movies too...just read on Steemit they've got an AI that can colourize movies tout suite...not my thing but if it gets more people watching and falling in love with them and the actors...then I'm all for it!

~smiles fer miles~~

Ooh interesting. Clever technology hey! :)

Yes technology can be pretty clever...too clever sometimes. ; - )

Still...some things are better the old whistling, sex...and vinyl...just to name a few.

~smiles~ talk'n music here...git'cher mind outta the gutter there grrrl. :P