Journal of a Lifetime #3


This is one I'm writing for the day before yesterday I forgot! No I want to do this everyday.

Hi, my name is Dylan Dean I am currently living in Port Alberni Bc with my partner Kait and our Cat Chester. He is quite the little guy.

We've been living here since November in my moms basement. Actually starting upstairs in the guest room next to her bedroom because my uncle was living in the basement. After traveling across Canada during the fall. It has been a year of moving.

We went to paint night the 3 of us me my mom and kait. My mom bought the tickets for us which was really nice I think she is thinking we spend to much time in the basement. We do. Anyways it was a grand night. Started off with us all hoping in my moms Passat and drive exactly one block down the road. If I had know this we would have walked. It was at a Italian Restaurant the top flow was like a little Hall/Venue that could maybe fit a couple hundred people. It was perfect for a paintnite. We walked in we should them the code from the online purchase and told them our names and found a place to sit.

I was pretty nervous, having never really painted since grade 8 so I guess like 10 years ago wow. We walked up to the front of the room where they had a bar. Kait got 2 cooler style drinks for her and my mom and I got some Merlot. It ended up being a damn full glass which was really nice.

The teacher started out the night by introducing herself (I forget her name) and getting us to repeat after her, it was like a little paintnite mantra thing. We basically said we were there to have fun and not to judge our self or other people. I mean they tell you that everyone's paintings really do turn out and I was like oh OK I have no idea how am I going to paint that. Then ya it did turn out all of ours did!

It was a great night and I would recommend it to everyone and even Men! I was the only male there out of like 40 women!


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