I am not American, I am in Florida; I am on the 'dark' "side" of fifty...
My home country wins a higher place in every international survey of nations taken.
Out of these surveys the USA often polls well and gets good results; but getting good results on these lifestyle surveys does not mean average people can afford to live there...
My home country gets even better results which means I cannot afford to live there even less than to live nor retire in America.
Thus we have two big players; Asia and South America, Asia has a hugely different cultural divide for people from first world nations. So while i might be able to afford to live there i feel almost everything else will be a distraction or annoyance...
So; South America, now I cannot speak any other language than English. So its a crap shoot to work out a plan of action...
Anyways at least i am shopping for some plan of action into the future...
c u on the BC :)
/hugz ;)
There's no time like the present to learn a new language. I would expect Spanish to be easier for English speakers than any of the Asian languages. Generally, you can find someone who speaks English in Chile cities. Once you get out into the country, it gets harder. But it's being taught in schools more now than before. As a rule, if you can't find someone to speak English, ask children and police. If a bank is nearby, you might check in there.