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RE: Hi Steemit! Grandma Meinecke checking in!

This is indeed my mom... I can confirm she is a real person. Please be nice and respectful! She really knows her stuff when it comes to healthy living/eating, and essential oils!


Very cool. And yet my Mum refuses to read my Facebook let alone my blog lol.

I doubt she finds my Steemit blog very interesting as it is somewhat geeky/technical, but I think she is planning on blogging about stuff she likes.

I think if we can all get our family and friends blogging on here then Steem will grow exponentially faster and with much more diverse content. It helps that she is already pretty into social media as it is though. ☺

She also forgot to mention that she owns some Bitcoins and Litecoins as per my advice... she is definately not your average grandma!! Unfortunately she bought in around the Mt. Gox bubble, but I have taught her the ancient art of how to hodl!

Awesome. Very awesome :)