From Russia with love Steemit

Greetings to all #Steemit users. I Chuprunov Pavel, Russian man 23 years old, a native of the Volga region. Live, work and study in the cultural capital of Russia - St. Petersburg. I study ecology, working realtor and marketer.

Why is love, and why Russia?

Today's world - a world of ideas. It is unstable, difficult and ambiguous. We are very fortunate to live here and now.

When I started to communicate with foreigners he was surprised by the attitude to Russian. Typical portrait of Russian in the eyes of a foreigner - a savage warrior, drunk and Hamley. But it is not so! Those Soviet strategy and education who worked in the 20th century, today is not effective.

The new Russian generation of Russian energetic and full of hope to change the world for the better. And it can do it! I notice that we are very similar to Europeans. And our total generation is one big problem - most of us do not know what to do with my life.


We do not need to build communism, fight, explore new ground, open space, and so on. Why? ... We just did not say what to do in this life ... and you dispose of it himself.


Many of us do the same script: iPhone take a loan, buy alcoholic energy to sit for hours for "Farm Frenzy", eat burgers, play in the "relationship" with no plans to start a family, will reach another new level in the "Indy cat" play DotA 2, etc.

Why we can make a breakthrough?

But it is worth considering - we have the most advanced technology in human history, but right now most of our time merges into the void, instead, to become a great man and to achieve outstanding results. We are intoxicated by the easy availability of all our desires and mired in sloth as in honey.

Why us?

We have a virtual, ideological generation. Our weapon is Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, Telegram, Twitter ... and much more. Mistaken are those who believe that these tools can not change the world. Perhaps he can change in just a few hours. It all depends on our thoughts and the direction of our attention.

Self-doubt and lack of imagination - it is an old husk that has not flown away from us.

Where to begin?

After reading you can stop communicating with the 1 \ 3 of your friends.

I've caught insight. (Though for some it may seem like a truism, but it was something big for me). To begin with, that some of the people I have limited communication for many reasons: accused of manipulation, procrastination, cheating, greed, etc. but it's not the main thing, I know and believe that the person changes whether it at least for 90 years, it's only in himself, if he wants it?

The main reason - a change in the environment - a change within yourself. Let me explain through your actions as ... a pen and paper next to you? Go...

  • Step 1.
    Write down at least 50 people with whom you interact (communicate at least once a week or a month) who are able to raise or lower your mood. Now do a "slice" of their qualities, morals, ideas, thoughts and opinions about the world. So you as a person standing somewhere in the middle. Your environment is yourself.

  • Step 2.
    Divide these 50 people conditional on the right and left the camp? Right - those who support you and charge a smile, energy, cheerfulness. Left camp - those who discourages and pulls in any Mutko, govnische, ever ship, and you sometimes feel that they have a "vampire" in terms of strength and vitality.

  • Section? Now step 3.
    (I hope most of all is left in the first camp) Take the first camp and divide into white and red. White you not only support, but also provide specific advice, if you want to run in the morning and tell them about it, they will run with you if you have suffered a setback - they will support and help to find a way out. These are your friends, congratulations, if you have them. What about red? These guys, who just smile and support you are not serious, they are always assent and go with a forced smile. Good guys, but it seems to me your separate ways in the future.

Congratulations if you were White people in the right camp, but there is also a fourth step, it is not all needed, but it is perhaps the most juice) if one is needed - write a personal message. Dame answer.

#introduceyourself #ru-introduceyourself


Я старше в два раза и у меня другие взгляды но я тоже с Поволжья.Ставлю лайк ! Расти земляк и стань дельфином!!

Другие взгляды это какие? :)

Надо менять не внутри себя а вокруг - брать в руки метлу и лопату чтобы чистить и строить . На белых и красных тоже уже делились ни чего хорошего из этого не вышло. Это вкратце .

Деление это условное, политические взгляды я не думал затронуть. Суть этого деления в сортировки и сегментации своего окружения на положительное и отрицательое влияние. Этот мир дуален, тут монжо всё разделить на + и -, на хорошо и плохо, на позитив и негатив.

Welcome, you are at least 10 user from Spb)

Excellent! How to find other St. #Petersburg in the #steemit?