Introducing Myself to Steemit Community

in #introduceyourself7 years ago

Introduce Myself

အားလံုးပဲ မဂၤလာပါခင္​ဗ်
က်​ေနာ္​က​ေတာ့ Steemit အဖြဲ ့ဝင္​သစ္​
တစ္​ဦးျဖစ္​ပါတယ္​။ခုလို steemit အဖြဲ ့ဝင္​အျဖစ္​လက္​ခံ​ေပးတဲ့အတြက္​ Steemit Community ကို​အထူးပဲေက်းဇူးတင္​႐ွိပါတယ္​ခင္​ဗ်ာ။
အရမ္​းလည္​းဝမ္​းသာ​မိပါတယ္​ ။

Hi ! Everyone (Mingalarpar) I am a
new member in steemit community. I amso glad to accept entry in steemit

ပထမဦးစြာ က်​ေနာ္​့ကို က်​ေနာ္​ မိတ္​ဆက္​​ေပးပါရ​ေစ .. က်​ေနာ္​့နာမည္​ က​ေတာ့ ေဝျဖိဳးေသာ္ ပါ ။ အသက္​က​ေတာ့ (32) န်စ္​႐ွိပါၿပီ steemit name အျဖစ္​

Firstly ! I am introduce by myself.
My name is Wai Phyo Thaw. I am 32, live
in myanmar . My steemit name

IMG-PHOTO-ART-2012439075.jpg @cestial လို ့ေပးထားပါတယ္​။ @cestial . This is my photo

မိသားစု ​ေလး​ေယာက္​႐ွိပါတယ္​။
​ေမြးခ်င္​းႏွစ္​​ေယာက္​မွာ က်​ေနာ္​က အႀကီး
(​ေယာက္​ဖ​ေတာ့လာမ​ေခၚနဲ ့​ေနာ္​ ကေလးတေယာက္အေမ
က်​န္​တာက ​ေဖ​ေဖနဲ႔​ေမ​ေမ​ေပါ့ ။
​ေမ​ေမက​ေတာ့ အိမ္မွာ ကေလးထိမ္း
။ ပညာ​ေရးနဲ႔
ပတ္​သက္​လို ့ ​ေျပာရမွာ သိပ္​စိတ္​
ဝင္​စားစရာမ​ေကာင္​းလို ့မ​ေျပာ​ေတာ့ပါဘူး။

I have a four family . Father , Mother , Sister and me. My mother is take care on her grand daughter .I love my mother. . I am not a graduate.i have second Years Physics.I am so weak education. So i don't
want to talk about this.


​ဇာတိက​ေတာ့ ရန္ကုန္ကပါပဲ
ရန္ကုန္မွာေမြး ရန္ကုန္မွာပဲ ၾကီးတာပါ...အသက္ၾကီးလာတာ...
ျမန္​မာျပည္​ရဲ ့အထင္ကရ ေရႊတိဂံုဘုရားကို လူ​ေတာ္​​ေတာ္မ်ားမ်ားသိၾကလိမ္​့မယ္​လို ့ထင္​ပါတယ္​။
(ျမန္မာနိုင္ငံနဲ႔ ျမန္မာလူမ်ိဳးကို အမွတ္​ရ​ေစမဲ ့ေရႊေရာင္ႏွလံုသားၾကီးပါ


Steemit ကို က်​ေနာ္​စတင္​သိ႐ွိခဲ့
ရတာက​ေတာ့ အြန္​လိုင္​းမန္​းနီး ႐ွာ​ေဖြရင္​း facebook fri တစ္​​ေယာက္​
အဲ့ဒီအခ်ိန္​မွာ က်​ေနာ္​အရမ္​းပဲစိတ္​ဝင္​စားသြားခဲ့ပါတယ္​။​ေနာက္​​ေတာ့ steemitTeam ကိုဝင္​မယ္​ ဆံုးျဖတ္​ၿပီးအဲ့ဒီသူငယ္​ခ်င္​းကိုပဲ အစစအရာရာအကူညီ​ေတာင္​းခဲ့ပါတယ္​။

တျခား ပတ္​သက္​ရာသိထားသင္​့သည္​မ်ားကိုလည္​း စိတ္​႐ွည္​႐ွည္​ ​နဲ ့​႐ွင္​းျပ​ေပးခဲ့ပါတယ္​။
​ေက်းဇူးတင္​ပါတယ္​ ညီ​ေလး

ဆရာ ဟင္​နရီ​ေအာင္​ကိုပါ​ေက်းဇူး​အထူးတင္​႐ွိပါတယ္​ ။ ခုလို သိ႐ွိခြင္​့ရ ၊ဝင္​​ေရာက္​ခြင္​့ရတာသူတို ့​ေက်းဇူး​ေတြပါ။
Before , I know steemit about from
my facebook friend . That time
so interest Steemit community . I think
this is actually work. At the time,
he explain to Steemit team about.

Same with my name 😃 Thank alot


And steemit community brother and sister! သူကလည္​း Steemit နဲ ့ပတ္​သက္​တာ အစစအရာရာကို ၫႊန္​ျပ​ေပး ပံပိုး ေပးခဲ့ၿပီး steemit ဆိုတာဘယ္​လိုမ်ိဳးလည္​း အ​ေသးစိတ္​​ေလ့လာႏိုင္​​ေအာင္​ ဆရာဟင္​နရီ​ေအာင္​@kachinhenry​ေရးသားထားတဲ ့အပိုင္​း (1 to 10)ကို သူပဲ ႐ွာ​ေဖြ​​ေပးပို ့ခဲ့ပါတယ္​ ။ (@ahkhayar) ေပးပို ့သူ​ေရာ ​ေရးသားသူ Gave to me Steemit pdf(1to10) writting by @kachinhenery . He everything help for me. I want to just introduce that friend.His name is @ahkhayar . @ahkhayar . Also writer @kachinhery. I special thank to @kachinhenry, @ahkhayar

This is my facebook link

Fri အျဖစ္​ add ႏိုင္​သလို လမ္​းၾကံဳရင္​လည္​း ဝင္​မိတ္​ဆက္​ႏိုင္​ပါတယ္​။
(မိန္​း​ေခး​ေတြ ရည္​းစားစကား​ေတာ့လာမ​ေျပာၾကနဲ႔ ​ေနာ္​ 😃)

You can add me fri and talk to with me. ( but don't propose to me 😉)

Steemit အဖြဲ ့ဝင္​မ်ားအားလံုးလည္​း
မိတ္​​ေဆြအျဖစ္​ က်​ေနာ္​့ကို ခင္​မင္​ႏိုင္​
သလို က်​ေနာ္​့ကိုလည္​း ျပန္​ခင္​မင္​ခြင္​့ျပဳပါ
All steemit member frindely to me.
Also me to all .

လိုအပ္ခ်က္​​မ်ားကို လည္​း​ေဝဖန္​​ေထာက္​ျပ ​ေပးၿပီး ၊နားမလည္​တာ​ေတြကို ကူညီ​႐ွင္​းျပေပးၾကပါလို ့ ​ေမတၱာရပ္​ခံ
လည္​းအထူးပဲ​ေတာင္​းပန္​ပါတယ္​။ vote
​ေတြလည္​း​ေပးၾကပါလိုစ္​့ 😃

Tell me the way, what i need . Please help me what i no understand. Thank you all !
I apologise to all because of i am not skill writing English and speaking . So i am very
afari to all. Please forgive to me.
Sorry my language skill 😑😑
Thank you all..!

က်​ေနာ္​့နာမည္​ ေဝျဖိဳးေသာ္ ပါ။​
(​ေမ့သြားမွာစိုးလို ့ 😃)

(Don't forget to me , Remember😃)My steemit name is @cestial

Please many vote to me , i am not
angry to all 😉

Thank you ! Steemit Community Brother and Sister


welcome to the steemit platform

Hello cestial

Hello cestial! Welcome to Steemit! Hope you'll like the community here. As a start, here are 5 tips that we believe will be helpful to you:

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For a detailed writeup, check our post Getting Started: 5 Essential Tips for New Users.

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Welcome to steem.... Have fun and a lot of voteups, resteems and followers…

Saludos es un placer ver personas nuevas por aquí, éxitos te desea @ydavgonzalez.

@cestial, A warm welcome to Steemit. This is a great community and I know you will have a great time here.

I want to invite you to join the discord channel #steemschools and we will teach and support you to grow up in Steemit, to choose the right topic to attract readers, to use the right tags to get more visibility, how to make quality posts and comments on Steemit and gain more followers.

images (22).jpeg

Hi, cestial! Wish you a very joyful journey here in this wonderful community :) Cheers!

By the way, there are several groups you as a newcomer can join. They will stay with you for your journey, helping and mentoring along the way.

@greetersguild invite link @newbieresteemday invite link



I cant understad whats u type ...

Welcome to Steem, @cestial!

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Welcome to Steemit. It's really a good platform for the nurturing authors and for the people who want to share their good work with the world. You'll surely have a nice time here. Lots of good wishes and good luck to you!! :):)


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