
Hey, thanks a lot! <3 I see you are based in Canada too! High five! Following you too now!

I used live in Canada. Born and raised not so far from Toronto. But I now live in Nicaragua.

Wow, how cool! I've been in Toronto for only 6 months now but would like to live in a smaller town in the future. How did you end up in Nicaragua if I may ask?

It's a long story but I will try to make it short. We won a trip to Costa Rica back in 1999. It took us a year to get there as my husband had a heart attack and we couldn't go right away. We ended up loving it there...warm weather, beautiful beaches. We ended up settling in the Central valley on cafetel. Later things became prohibitively expensive and the government wasn't friendly to foreigners living there. We then moved to Nicaragua to the Pacific Coast and started our homestead. We have had lots of adventures here. We are happily here for the past 11 years.

Oh, sorry for your husband's heart attack. It must have been a stressful time for you. But how amazing to win a trip and it having kick started a new life for you! Good for you, glad you are enjoying it! Hope you have a lot more adventures over there! And warm weather definitely sounds good!