~ Hi Steem community!~ CarlosCastro Introduction

~ Hi Steem community!~

Im very thankful of being here with you.. Do you want to come with me in my artistic travels? I invite you to continue reading my introduction.

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My name is Carlos Castro. I was born in Vigo (Galicia, North of Spain) in 1985. I do illustration for a living, and my passion is travelling and illustrating what I see around the world..

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Steem attracts me because its very different to other social networks. Here there isnt a limit of words for post, neither an specific image format, or censorship in the themes, etc. Its free, from the people and for the people. Furthermore your work can be rewarded as a monetary value .

In my life I ve done different travels around Spain, Europe and part of the world. I always carry with me my drawing pads and my artistic tools and paints.

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To me, drawing is the best way to record in your memory the places you visit. During the hour , or hours, that I draw a place time stops and your thinking mind too. Its kind of a meditation through observation. And its a continuous learning of the culture, arquitecture, people, food, etc, that I see or taste to each place I go. A visual library that I am filling in my notebook pages.


Drawing on location also its good to socialize, you meet people that stop to see your art and talk to you.



Its a philosophy of life of taking things more slowly. Drawing forces you to stop for a while, and really make an union , a special conexion with the place you visit. Sounds, tastes, smells,, 5 senses vibrates in harmony and meanwhile you relax, and observe the real movie in front of you, which you interpret in the paper.

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My travels are in conclusion a collection of memories and experiences that I capture with the pen.
I would like through this social network to share my illustrations with you. My travelling stories , people I know around the world,

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incredible landscapes in the nature, etc


I hope you like it and you want to continue to see it.

My other passion is caricature people . I love to portray my friends, family or famous people, like actors, sports man/woman, etc.


I also like the animal world, very diverse in their species. I do illustrations of them and sometimes I do digital sculptures in 3D and then I print them.


In the end, I would like to thank you for reading my post and if you want you can follow me and I will upload my illustrated stories in the next days.
Thank you and see you soon!!


Facebook https://www.facebook.com/CCP85
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/carloscastroilustracion/

Spanish Version.

Hola comunidad Steem it! estoy muy agradecido de estar aqui con ustedes.
Me quieren acompañar en mis viajes artisticos? Si es asi, os invito a continuar leyendo mi introduccion.

Me llamo Carlos Castro. Naci en Vigo (Galicia, Norte de España) en 1985.
Me dedico a la ilustracion, y mi pasion es viajar e ilustrar lo que voy viendo a lo largo del camino.

Llego a esta red social a traves de un articulo que lei en Internet. Inmediatamente me atrajo y me di de alta. Afortunadamente me aceptaron y aqui estoy.

Steem me atrae porque al contrario de otras redes sociales aqui no hay limite de caracteres o formatos de imagen, censura, etc. Es libre, de la gente y para la gente.
Y aun encima tu trabajo se valora economicamente.

A lo largo de mi vida he realizado diferentes viajes por España, Europa y parte del mundo.
Siempre llevo conmigo mis blocs de dibujo e instrumental artistico. Para mi , el dibujar es la mejor manera de grabar en la memoria el lugar que visitas. Durante la hora u horas! Que dibujo un lugar el tiempo se detiene y tu mente tambien.
Es una meditacion a traves de la observacion. Y es un continuo aprendizaje de la cultura , la arquitectura, las gentes, la comida, etc de cada lugar al que voy.
Una libreria visual que voy llenando a medida que lleno las paginas del cuaderno.

El dibujo al natural ademas te sirve para socializar, conocer gente que se para a ver tu arte y asi se entablan conversaciones que de otra manera no surgirian.
Es una filosofia de vida de tomarse las cosas mas despacio, el dibujar te obliga a parar un buen rato, y realmente fusionarte con ese sitio que visitas.
Los sonidos, los olores, sabores, los 5 sentidos se ensalzan a medida que te relajas mas y disfrutas la pelicula real que observas delante tuya, y que interpretas o sobre el papel.

Mis viajes por tanto son una coleccion de vivencias y de recuerdos que capto con el boligrafo.

A mi me gustaria a traves de esta red social compartir con ustedes mis ilustraciones. Mis historias de mis viajes y vivencias , gente que conozco por el mundo, paisajes increibles que disfrutas en la naturaleza, etc.

Y espero que os gusten y querais seguir viendolos.

Mi otra faceta como dije es ilustrador de personas. Me encanta hacer caricaturas de gente que conozco , amigos, familia o famosos d peliculas, series, deportes..
Tambien me apasiona el mundo animal, tan diverso en su multitud de especies. Hago ilustraciones de ellos y a veces hago esculturas digitales en 3d para despues imprimirlas.

Por tanto, me gustaria ya para despedirme daros las gracias por leer mi post y si quieren pueden seguirme e ire subiendo mis historias ilustradas a lo largo de los proximos dias.
Gracias y nos vemos pronto!!


Facebook https://www.facebook.com/CCP85
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/carloscastroilustracion/


Wow! You are very talented! I like the fact that you have got your own style! Keep on steeming even if it looks like there is no light on the other side of the tunnel!

rimicane thanks! glad you like my art! its about practice everyday,, when you have a passion you want to be better each day,, and drawing and painting is very fun for me. Thanks for your advice! I will do for sure! its about sharing!! :D

Welcome, @carloscastro! I really liked your work! I'll be following you and your adventures, jaja.

Thankyou Edgar🙏! Im glad that you like my work! Im very happy to finally be here with all of you.. i hope to create interesting things for the community.

Im currently writing my second blog, talking about how taking photos can take you out of the moment and ruin memories - and then I came across your blog, and a lightbulb went off. What a clever idea it is to draw the things around you.
I know this isn't a new concept, and you didnt invent it, but youve made me realise other ways of recording memories, so thank you :)

Hello nospigenilasor! yeah, thats right,, drawing is similar but different to photography, its like a experience more than a thing you know.. I like take photos too, but drawing allow you to connect and enjoy the moment and the place more I think..
Thanks for your comment!

Love your work. Happy to connect with one more talent author.
Don't stop uploading and see you in next posts :-)

and Welcome!!!!

Thank you for the welcome Dianomaya!! happy you like my work ;D, i wont! see you here ,, and thanks!

Great introduction and welcome to Steemit, @carloscastro. Your artwork is amazing! Looking forward to see more. Upvoted and following.

I found your post thanks to @rimicane's resteem.

Thanks ! Glad you like my artwork, thanks for your upvote too! Hope to share frequently here!
